raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Now hiring: Probodobodyne, Kerlington Paper Products, Sienar Fleet Systems
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<XXCoder> 30 minutes and not couning down?
<Althego> some companies do that, built-in hold
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<Althego> countdown is going
<Althego> (countdown is not doing, a**ah is doing :))
<raptop> but will rocket be doing?
<bees> rocket is not doing, exhaust is doing
<Izaya> rocket is exhausted
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> hah
<raptop> also nice
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<Althego> 30 sec
<raptop> Seems to be working
<Althego> oncethey almost made it into orbit
<Althego> it seemed to be working then too
<bees> was that something almost 10g-silly at the end?
* raptop eyes Mercury-Atlas and Titan-GLV uneasily
<Althego> they have 5 engines, so at least they could shut down one
<Althego> they made it
<Althego> is 7.6 km/s dine for 500 km?
<Althego> hmm looks like they nailed it
<raptop> 01:24:30 <@raptop> !wa sqrt(5.98e24*6.67408e-11/(6.38e6+500e3))
<Althego> got 7612 on 498 by some calculator
<raptop> 01:24:33 < WolframBot> sqrt(5.98×10^24×(6.67408×10^(-11))/(6.38×10^6 + 500×10^3)): 7616.44...
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<Althego> !calc 46*80/(16*65)
<Kerbot> Althego => ~3.53846153846153846154
<Althego> !calc 46^2*80/(16^2*65)
<Kerbot> Althego => ~10.17307692307692307692
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* a_flayer rescues "Verry Kerman"
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> what a name
<Althego> did you find verry orbiting around minmus before you ever got there?
<a_flayer> they were stranded in an orbit intersecting the mun's orbit
<Althego> verry kerman indeed
<a_flayer> exactly
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<a_flayer> sigh
<a_flayer> why is it always such a bother to cancel a subscription
<a_flayer> "you can only do it through contacting our customer service"
<a_flayer> why not just let me press a button myself
<Althego> because they want your money
<Althego> my bank started to spam me with some silly emails, like if you get this service you get a free thermos flask. i was like, what, and hit the unsubscribe. i never even subscribed to such spam. and this is my bank, they already have most of my money
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<Mat2ch> The Astra launch was nice
<Mat2ch> but did they launch something important, too?
* a_flayer slaps darsie
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* darsie leaves a_flayer in a research lab on Minmus.
<darsie> after exhausting the local research.
<Althego> no, it was a test payload
<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> hehe i forgot the store account again. since they came up with this private division account i cant remember it. what is the current version of the two dlcs?
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Althego> heh
<Althego> !time
<Kerbot> Althego => 13:38:15 CET on 2021-11-20 Saturday CW 46
<Althego> i barely made it
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<sandbox> just had a couple of jedi flying by https://www.flightradar24.com/JEDI0012/29ecb9f8
* a_flayer giggles
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<Mat2ch> oh, 1 1/2 weeks until the next tests in Boca Chica. Sad :|
<Mat2ch> and the Spacex 3D Creation Eccentric is doing blender animations now full-time! https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxaHLenjD9dnu4jq4765vYKypnp79l2Vk-
<Mat2ch> Less real thinks, moar virtual
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<Althego> they cant fly until january anyway
<Althego> and i think probably later
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<trace> why could or would mankind need a greater sized space station ?
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<packbart> because bigger space stations are better
<Mat2ch> trace: to pack more people on it.
<Mat2ch> Making it bigger could also mean you can spin it slow enough so you don't experience the coriolis force
<trace> searching his channel there are tons of videos with the word "station"
<Mat2ch> who is "his"?
<raptop> Isaac Arthur, I think
<Mat2ch> How do you know?
<trace> yes, I am searching his channel with youtube
<raptop> conversion on ##physics on libera
<Mat2ch> ah
<Mat2ch> uh, then, uhm, why are we discussing this here then?
<raptop> it's complicated
<Mat2ch> And how many Starship Boosters will fly to build that station?
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<a_flayer> trace, eventually, it might be a good place to build large spaceships?
<trace> I found 3 videos targeting my topic
<trace> a_flayer, yes
<trace> a_flayer, on other planets they could be good for recharge whatsoever
<a_flayer> place to dock for repairs, maybe, yeah
<trace> tourism
<a_flayer> a place for your mom to visit
<a_flayer> gottem!
<trace> I do not know if it makes sense to build a greater telescope on a space station
<trace> lol :D
<Althego> a place to grow stun seeds?
<raptop> telescopes and space stations don't get along that well
<trace> why
<raptop> vibrations as I understand it make precise pointing a hassle
<a_flayer> it could potentially be a separate structure within wifi range XD
<trace> it could speed up ships
<trace> it could be used for low gravitation science with greater objects as great fishes
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<packbart> growing monster krakens on space stations. what could possibly go wrong ;)
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You start charging your lasers. For all the resultant horror, grief, and pain, you put your differences behind you and try again. For science. You monster.
<XXCoder> lol
<raptop> It's fine, or something
<XXCoder> certainly is something lol
<trace> we could build a death star
<trace> with a giagantic laser to destroy earth
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