raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 https://bit.ly/3DTHsbH | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
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<Izaya> Working on quickly deploying habitation modules and such. https://shadowkat.net/tmp/Q2Oo.webm
<Althego> not the cert again...
<Izaya> mine or esper's?
<Althego> esper
<Izaya> okay good that's not my problem :^)
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<Izaya> Perfect deployment. https://shadowkat.net/tmp/9SLR.webm
<Althego> but how will those parts connect?
<Izaya> KAS resource transfer stations
<Izaya> though in theory they should be fine standalone too
<Izaya> Realistically I don't need that many at all; my existing Minmus station has more than enough seats, but if I'm going to have permanent residents, might as well give them cute little houses.
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<Althego> zombanwa
<darsie> .
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<goblin> I can't move a Mk1 Crew Cabin (contract part) in EVA construction, but I can attach other parts to it... is this normal?
<goblin> I wanted to make it part of the ship so I can use the claw on another contract part... but it looks like I need to rebuild the entire ship from scratch, piece by piece, starting from the Cabin
<goblin> is there an easier way (in stock)?
<Althego> i have never tried eva construction. but can you change the root part?
<goblin> it appears no, the re-root gizmo is replaced by "exit construction mode" button... also, you can only detach leaf-nodes, you can't grab a root part
<bees> isnt it too heavy?
<goblin> oh hm, it might be, let me see
<goblin> bees, doesn't look like it, "Max Part Mass: 1.30t", and the crew cabin weighs 0.91t
<goblin> (there's no-one inside, and I'm on Minmus)
<goblin> I even got another Kerbal to assist, it went up to 2.59t, but still can't pick the part up
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<bees> there is a size limit too
<bees> i think?
<goblin> well, the description in VAB says it's too large to be placed in inventories, but can be manipulated in EVA
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