raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
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<Althego> lol, kiara is still up, watching mumei
<Izaya> today I added a swap file because KSP kept running out of memory and getting killed
<Althego> jnever happened to me not even the 32 bit era
<Althego> just what did you do to achieve this
<Izaya> 102 mods, mostly parts
<Izaya> I'm not sure if it applies for KSP but other games use more memory in OpenGL mode so that might be something to do with it, too.
<Izaya> I can run full-res textures though because I have copious amounts of VRAM, at least.
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<packbart> !nela
<Kerbot> packbart => Soyuz-2 - Soyuz MS-20 / SpaceAdventures - Wed Dec 08, 2021 07:38:00 UTC (L-01:00:51) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/soyuz-ms-20-spaceadv for info/stream
<packbart> ah, that's probably what he's building there
<Althego> it is just like any other soyuz
<Althego> or maybe this has the one pilot mods too
<Althego> but externally it is still the same
<packbart> yeah, I was mistaken. Scott's just slapping large parts together in KSP and calls it "Nexus" ;)
<Izaya> Realising I should've used inflatable fuel tanks for the fuel module on my other station now. >.>
<Althego> nexus the jupiter incident
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<Mat2ch> oh, hubble is operational again. Nice!
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<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> (now witness the cutness of this fully armed and operational zombie)
<Izaya> So the Poodle on the refinery module was way too weak for what I wanted to do with it >.>
<Izaya> Burn time of "no"
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<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Izaya> Ended up having to launch an engine module to attach to the end of my station.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Looks like you put a dock there for that.
<Izaya> I design my station modules to not reduce the number of docking ports.
<darsie> Ok. Just ... having fixed mounted tank+engine allows you to put a new propulsion module in a central position.
<darsie> umm
<darsie> not
<Izaya> The plan is to ferry the tank module back and forth between Minmus and LKO; thankfully the whole thing is assembled along one axis right now.
<darsie> My space station doesn't use much fuel.
<Izaya> Mine are fuel stations :p
<darsie> ahh :)
<Izaya> I've gotten borederline competent at this whole rendevous thing, Might as well make proper use of it.
<darsie> I once achieved rendezvous during ascent.
<Izaya> ... As in a launch to rendevous, or actually docking with a craft that is also ascending?
<darsie> the former
<darsie> Launch from KSC to rendezvous with something already in orbit.
<Izaya> Oh, okay. I feel like there's probably some way I could make that easy with kOS but I haven't figured out how I'd want to do that.
<darsie> Get a rendezvous solution with a suborbital trajectory.
<darsie> I calculated teh formula for when to start a rendezvous burn so I stop right next to my target. Neglecting mass loss during that burn.
<darsie> s=v^2/(2a)
<darsie> Pretty nice for asteroid rendezvous, where there's often a large delta-v.
<darsie> s/calculated/derived
<darsie> from v=a*t, s=0.5a*t^2
<darsie> I take a from KER.
<darsie> Hmm, could be derived from a planned maneuver, a=v/t.
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<darsie> 4.1 M/C
<Althego> now if they could just dock in the time they are in the sunny side, we can even see something
<Althego> but if the law of kerbal docking applies, it will be in the dark
<taniwha_> darsie: Mole/Coulomb? (though I think it's Mol, not just M)
<Mat2ch> you not talkin russian!
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> ah i see now, that must have been meter per sec
<Mat2ch> jup
<Mat2ch> the c is spoken like the latin s
<Althego> that is fairly obvious since cccp is sssr
<Mat2ch> For you obvious :)
<Althego> i grew up in that era. but i have never learned russian
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<Mat2ch> B5 is on the run... not very fast though.
<Althego> babylon 5?
<UmbralRaptor> c, σ, close enough
<umaxtu> such an underrated show
<sandbox> is it?
<umaxtu> compared to star trek, yeah
<umaxtu> oh wow, they finally remastered it
<Althego> digital downloads
<Althego> probably drm
<packbart> KRM. You need to answer a questionnaire in Klingon to get the download key
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> klingons manage their rights with weapons
<umaxtu> qapla'
<umaxtu> wheres my link?
<Althego> close to zelda
<sandbox> hey
<umaxtu> lol
<raptop> Hm, apparently available on several different streaming services
<Althego> prepare for bird
<packbart> humanity still has a need for money
<Althego> maybe i need to get the older disk set then before it completely disappears
<raptop> oh, hey, tako will be playing black mesa
<Althego> constantly too late for me
<raptop> ah
<Althego> so the "spaceflight participants" can now eat in space
<Althego> didnt get a hug as real astronauts
<Althego> kikkerikii
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