raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You cite Project Rho as your only source for your research paper about rocket propulsion. You celebrate by crashing an asteroid into the Mun.
<raptop> The first step is a bad idea because Project Rho is not a primary source, but apparently it worked!
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<bees> raptop: You clear away the junk parts nobody touched in 3 years. Gray Goo consumes KSC.
<Izaya> so that's what's in those science containers huh
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<UmbralRaptop> The "grass" on Kerbin is green goo. Also compare with Jool
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You are contracted to remove all asteroids from the Kerbol system. Even the water is on fire.
<XXCoder> cluster... of failures it sounds like.
<Althego> wata in da faiya, wai
<bees> XXCoder: Kerbol is dimming, so you decide to drop a really big bomb into it. You scare a cat in a box half to death.
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<Althego> reaper jazz commencing
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<Althego> phoenix rising
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<HobGoblin> I extracted about 5k science from experiments on Minmus by returning them to Kerbin. If I land a Mobile Processing Lab on Minmus, can I put the same kinds of experiments inside to get 5x their value over time (when processed by scientists)?
<HobGoblin> meaning potentially additional 25k?
<Althego> i never used it (since it was turned into this operation) because it is too op. but you can just pump out science with it like there is no tomorrow
<HobGoblin> I mean does having the experiments already delivered to Kerbin prevent them from being processed again by the lab?
<Althego> "any experiment that has already been recovered at KSC for full value can still be run again, stored in the lab, and converted to the full amount of lab data in each new lab"
<HobGoblin> ah here, thanks!
<HobGoblin> I think Minmus is OP, landing and lifting off there is sooo easy
<Althego> yes
<Althego> you can just hop through all the biomes
<Althego> and collect everything
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<Mat2ch> aaaaaaand process them in the lab
<darsie> That's too much science.
<darsie> Can airplanes in KSP land and take off in water?
<Althego> yes
<darsie> What's the temperature and pressure of Eve's ocean surfaces?
<Althego> i think 5 atm and 160 deg
<darsie> 5 bar or so, IIRC.
<Althego> 150
<darsie> C
<darsie> Temperaturemin -113.13 °C 160.02 K
<darsie> Temperaturemax 146.85 °C 420 K
<darsie> I guess that depends on latitude. Time of day?
<darsie> 5 atm
<darsie> Air temperatures vary with latitude and time of day. At the equator, sea level temperatures vary between a nighttime low of 147 °C and a daytime high of 156 °C. At the poles, the temperature varies between 87 °C and 95 °C. Since Eve has no axial tilt, there are no seasonal temperature variations.
<darsie> Vapor pressure of water at 156 C is 5.58
<Althego> so it would still boil?
<Althego> but supposedly it is not water
<Althego> but explodium
<darsie> Vapor pressure of water at 156 C is 5.58 bar (5.51 atm)
<darsie> Salt water has lower vapor pressure.
<Althego> oceans now have explicit density values: Eve's oceans now have a density of 1.5 tonnes/m3 while water has a density of 1.0 tonnes/m3.
<Althego> i think whatever you do with water you cant get it to 1.5
<Althego> A large portion of Eve is covered in oceans of "Explodium",[1] a liquid with a density of 1.5 tonnes per cubic metre[2] that is heavily implied to be a form of rocket fuel. A real-world liquid that closely fits the properties of explodium is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which has a density of 1.450 tonnes per cubic metre and can be used as a monopropellant.
<Althego> Eve is one of only three celestial bodies with oceans, alongside Kerbin and Laythe.
<darsie> You can make neutron stars with it. Well, kinda. It would first go to a star sequence.
<darsie> through
<darsie> No axial tilt ... relative to Eve's or Kerbin's orbit?
<darsie> It's orbit is tited.
<darsie> tilted*
<Althego> i think it is shown rotating horizontally like kerbin
<darsie> Then it should have seasons.
<Althego> so it should have some small variations, caused by the inclination
<darsie> If it had no tilt relative to it's orbit, the temperature at the poles should be constant.
<darsie> its*
<darsie> I was very luck that my probe sank in Eves ocean, then.
<Althego> why
<darsie> Because that one contract asked to land on ocean and land.
<darsie> So I landed in the ocean and sank to land.
<raptop> nice
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i didnt know you could land under wayer
<packbart> it's the ground contact that counts
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
<raptop> Apparently 1.12.3 is out
<Althego> wow new patch
<Althego> now i have to recover the password again
<sandbox> I still haven't done that
<raptop> the whole private division thing means that they didn't like my old password/had to change it to ne that requires a "special character" if firefox guesses wrong about the generation rules
<raptop> Good news: they accept spaces
<Althego> i remembered it for years until the password change was forced upon us
<darsie> hey :)
<raptop> Is Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun good?
* raptop ends up with even more free gog games
<darsie> I guess my bugs will prevail.
<raptop> *sad trombone*
<Mat2ch> oh no, I missed the booster lifting :(
<Mat2ch> raptop: the short-url in the topic is still wrong
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 https://bit.ly/3DTHsbH | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
* raptop wonders, has the tutorial engine bug been fixed?
<Althego> release notes soemwhere?
<raptop> Probably it's just robotic parts
<Althego> hehe that is the ae-35 communication unit on the discovery https://i.imgur.com/6PygtnB.jpeg
<Althego> and a repair pod
<raptop> oh no
<darsie> Takes 10-12 MMB up drags to zoom from full out to full in. 4.5 right to left drags for 360 deg.
<Althego> at least they moved the altimeter to the navball
<Althego> finally
<Althego> but moved it to the side
<Althego> no i dont want to watch the time controls constantly but i do want to navigate constantly
<Mat2ch> well, the navball at the side is not the best idea. Screens are getting bigger and bigger.
<Althego> exactly
<Mat2ch> It has to be movable.
<Althego> that is why i hate the altitude on top
<Althego> they are really far away
<Althego> more than 30 deg
<Mat2ch> That as well.
<Althego> and sideways is even worse since the screens are usually wider than tall
<Mat2ch> All necessary information for a manouver should be together and made in a way you can see them easily.
<Althego> i dont know why they need to invent this
<Althego> just make it a usual hud
<raptop> Trying to be fancy plus sorta cargo-culting the circa 2011-2012 ideas of Harv, where information wasn't that important would would pop-out as needed I think?
<Althego> there are such idead now. for example dozens of engine paramteres not displayed as long as there is no prolem with them
<raptop> yeah, temperature gauges come to mind
<Althego> so they didnt even bump the dlc version again
<raptop> They didn't so I'm assuming that nothing was changed
<raptop> also, as an amusing reminder, the resources for the linux and osx dlc are the same as the windows one. they're just in zip files and have install scripts instead of being a self-extracting executable
<raptop> Althego: given your comment about screen-size, I'm half imaginging a staging bar that runs along the top of the screen, with parts in an individual stage going down
<raptop> Not sure how I feel about the pressure sensor still being qualitative, and the lack of a mach number
<Mat2ch> The DLCs are just Mods...
* Mat2ch is still mad about the robotic parts.
<raptop> yay, cross-platform mods
<packbart> yay, Unity
<raptop> Do you feel that DYJ was metaphorically robbed or something?
* packbart ducks
* raptop sets an anatid on packbart
<bees> packbart: You arrive on the Mun, only to discover that Scott Manley has beaten you there. Dubstep ensues.
<sandbox> Scott Manley is the Mun
<Althego> how
<packbart> there's a mod for that
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> Scott Manley has a Fandom wiki...
<sandbox> "Guys you’re doing this all wrong, I need to 3D scan my head for my Halloween costume, wait until I get that data first."
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<HobGoblin> is there a way to do resource transfer using EVA construction mode? I'm trying to connect 2 vessels with a fuel line but it doesn't seem to be allowed
<HobGoblin> docking to ships that have landed on the surface is tricky, difficult to get the height right
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<packbart> HobGoblin: no, the stock fuel line doesn't work that way, as far as I know.
<packbart> I use the KIS/KAS resource transfer station and port
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<packbart> old video, same method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LpVFIxZrDE
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<HobGoblin> packbart, OK thanks
<raptop> ;mission add In a misunderstanding of "science yield", you replace the mystery goo with explodium.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: In a misunderstanding of "science yield", you replace the mystery goo with explodium.
<packbart> A megaton of science
<HobGoblin> how can I make a "booster" (actually a liquid fuel tank + engine) attach via 2 hydraulic detachment manifolds? Using just 1 in the middle makes it very wobbly, I'd prefer to have one on the top, one on the bottom of the booster...
<HobGoblin> but editing that in the VAB seems impossible
<raptop> The game engine doesn't support it, so the standard approach is struts
<HobGoblin> oh.
<HobGoblin> ok, space glue to the rescue. Thanks.
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<packbart> well, there's a mod for that, too. ReCoupler detects parts that are "close enough" and creates a joint between them. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/157131-17x-recoupler-monocouple-your-bicouplers/
<goblin> ah, nice
<packbart> it does have some quirks. sometimes a part under an interstage-node fairing gets connected to the fairing base if it's too close
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<packbart> and by the description, it only connects nodes and doesn't glue surfaces together. I rarely used it, tbh
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* raptop stabs spelling
<packbart> who's that bad boi?
<packbart> oh my. large banlist on this channel :) I never looked at it before
<raptop> As best I can tell someone who's forgotten that he has a proxy with a bad connection to multiple IRC servers
<raptop> The banlist has, uh, accretted things over the 9 years this channel has existed
<packbart> so TwistenX got banned. I wondered where he went
<FLHerne> I thought he just instantly ban-evaded?
<raptop> IIRC, he did, albeit accidentally
<packbart> possibly. as I said, I never looked at the channel banlist before. well, anyway... *shrug*
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<transit> Ahoy.
<transit> Rip ksp irc
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<darsie> .
<darsie> almost ...
* darsie found a real rock on Ike: https://i.postimg.cc/8TMbLpbm/screenshot459.png
<darsie> It was a transient chatter.
<darsie> packbart: Betelgeuse was join/quit "flooding" for a long time.
<packbart> ah, ok. I ignore those in here, anyway
<packbart> darsie: nice landing. does the antenna help with balancing the probe? :)
<darsie> No, but it helped align the direction where to go for the landing from next to the rock.
<darsie> I landed "near" the rock (actually on that high ridge), then rolled to the rock, then flew on it.
<darsie> Now that I'm on a high point, I can fly back to orbit with prograde horizontal :).
<raptop> darsie: I swear, your probe is impersonating one of those robots JAXA dropped on Ryugu
<darsie> :)
<darsie> And by "real" I mean tangible. Not those virtual ghost rocks you can pass through.
<packbart> I turned those "off"
<packbart> (and well, I seem to remember a mod that would add colliders to those ghost rocks, roo)
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<darsie> The delta-v map says 390 m/s to 10 km Orbit from Ike. I did it in 357 m/s :).
<raptop> \o/
<flayer> from a mountain?
<darsie> Going vertical from a high point without danger of collinging into something feels great :).
<darsie> yeah
<darsie> Takes less to land and less to get away.
<darsie> I calculated I needed to start the burn 32 s before reaching the peak. Turned out to be 31 s.
<darsie> For landing.
<darsie> Hmm, actually no ...
<darsie> 32 s was how long it took me to burn from orbital velocity to 0 m/s. s=0.5at^2 was the distance during that burn. s/orbital velocity was the time before reaching the landing site to start the burn.
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