raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
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<Althego> yay, calli is cooking
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<raptop> normal cooking or haachima style cooking?
<Althego> only haachama does haachama cooking
<raptop> looks normal
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<Althego> yay 16:10 screen
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<Izaya> upgraded from a 1680x1050 to a 1920x1200 recently
<Izaya> very surreal to be able to watch 1080p video at native resolution
<Althego> 1050 wasa a disgrace
<Althego> i am on 1600 now
<Althego> maybe moving to 4k, but there is no 16:10 in that size
<Izaya> 1680x1050 is weird but fine
<Izaya> they were cheap, it has to be said
<Althego> this monitor is something like 6 years old already
<Izaya> I got mine for free after all /o/
<Izaya> now I have two 1680x1050s and a 1920x1200, where I previously had two 1440x900s and a 1680x1050
<Izaya> oh, and re: "why can't I attach this" I still don't know but I kept trying and it worked eventually
<Mat2ch> Is that an old iMAC?
<Izaya> an eMac, the education version
<Mat2ch> ah
<Izaya> runs a dedicated OpenComputers emulator
<Mat2ch> Althego: since 4k on 30" or so doesn't have any real advantage over 2k at that size just go for a bigger screen. Say 55" or so. Then you wont miss 16:10 at all, because of that huge space :D
<Althego> i can still see the pixels in 1600, so 4k sounds ok to mee
<Althego> in 30
<Althego> 55 is too big
<Mat2ch> How close are you sitting to your monitor then? I've got a 27" here and sit away 80 cm from it. Yes I can see straight edges, but not individual pixels...
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<Althego> darsie: we missed it
<darsie> it?
<Althego> the leet
<darsie> The AI singularity?
<darsie> oh
<darsie> ok
<darsie> :)
<darsie> I'm busy fixing the dishwasher.
<flayer> what happened to her?
<UmbralRaptop> Look, it's important to spay and neuter your appliances
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<Mat2ch> But I like to breed mini dish washers. They can be sold for high prices!
<Mat2ch> Purebred Miele appliances!
<flayer> *Heinz appliances
<Mat2ch> Don't whois me :P
<darsie> The discharge hose leaks.
<flayer> Ah, that happens from time to time. Just plug it up.
<darsie> in the 'middle' of the hose.
<flayer> Indeed.
<Mat2ch> I once flooded my neighbours kitchen downstairs due to a broken seal in the dishwasher inlet...
<Mat2ch> I had almost no water under it, every went down...
<Mat2ch> This apparment block was built ~10 years ago. With concrete ceilings.
<darsie> That's what double hoses are for, that lead leaking water into the dishwasher where there's a leak sensor.
<Mat2ch> so you have to replace the whole hose?
<Mat2ch> Or is there a way to patch the hole?
<darsie> I'm replacing it.
<darsie> Not much sense fixing a hole in a brittle hose.
<Mat2ch> true that
<Mat2ch> how old is it?
<darsie> 20 y?
<Mat2ch> deserves being replaced then
<Mat2ch> I need to replace my shower hose soon. They always start to fall apart at the shower head
<Mat2ch> Could last much much longer if there was some kind of bend protection
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<Althego> guh
<raptop> meep
<darsie> The pipist didn't have a suitable hose.
<darsie> plumber*
<Althego> hehe pipist
<Althego> sounded like somebody playing an instrument
<darsie> :)
<raptop> pip install dishwasher
<Althego> pip could be an acronym for pip isnt packagemanager
<Althego> every time i assumed it worked it failed me. have no expectation and it will not ley you down
<raptop> I guess there are also venv and anaconda
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<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You attempt to mutate some neutrinos. It sets a new record for the Island Express.
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<Althego> i dont see how
<raptop> mostly via [REDACTED]
<bees> raptop: You attempt to make a small edit to one of the parts. You lose the contract and demand a recount.
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<raptop> oops
<raptop> ;outcome add The oceans undergo a BLEVE.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: The oceans undergo a BLEVE.
<bees> raptop: You give the flight computer a departure angle measured in degrees, forgetting that it's in radians mode. You wait patiently for an outcome, but none occurs. Finally, in a fit of pique, you do it again.
<flayer> sigh
* raptop blinks at bees
* raptop sets bees' flight computer to gradians
* bees explode, emitting all kinds of deadly radiation
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You catch egg and make him into a fairing. A burning wheel bounces out of the wreckage and rolls away, due to the effects of general narrativity.
<raptop> Guess we're not getting any more Principia updates after that
<bees> Mat2ch: You charge your Friendship drive. You are cited in the next XKCD what-if.
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<raptop> ;outcome del The crystal sphere holdiing up the Mun shatters. You're gonna have to pay for that, buddy.
<LunchBot> raptop: Deleted outcome: "The crystal sphere holdiing up the Mun shatters. You're gonna have to pay for that, buddy."
<raptop> reason: typo removal and deduplication
<raptop> ;outcome del You set a new record for minimizing ?v use.
<LunchBot> raptop: Deleted outcome: "You set a new record for minimizing ?v use."
<raptop> ;outcome add You set a new record for minimizing Δv use.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You set a new record for minimizing Δv use.
<packbart> a fairy-ring is a cruel way to protect the payload
<raptop> hah
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<FLHerne> raptop: btw, it also responds to PMs
<FLHerne> !outcome add This physical principle is not simulated in KSP.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: This physical principle is not simulated in KSP.
<bees> FLHerne: You repeatedly press the big red button. Had it been possible for anything to survive this event, there would have been a clear detection of gravioli.
* packbart watches a KSP streamer trying to launch a complete hangar to Duna
<packbart> wild ideas. it works in KSP
<Az> !mission
<LunchBot> Az: You try to add mods for 0.25. The only sign of your demise is a brief neutrino burst.
<packbart> oh, so that's how to generate neutrinos
* darsie generates antineutrinos with a beta light.
<bees> Az: You swap the canteen coffee with mystery goo. You return 5 minutes later to find out you missed everything.
<packbart> decaf goo
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