Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<SporkWitch> this counts as a safe landing if no parts were damaged, right? lol
<raptop> Yes
<SporkWitch> i bounced and lost control, and that's how it came down, but nothing exploded, somehow lol
<raptop> At least the kerbals have a great story to tell at the bar now
<SporkWitch> true lol
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<SporkWitch> though i'm not sure if anyone can top Thomas Fitzpatrick lol
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<raptop> Mathias Rust is up there for silly stories
<XXCoder> SporkWitch: lol reminds me of that time i landed on mun and hit just barrrely harder, and engine fell off
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<KSPguy1229> Hello!
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<XXCoder> hey guy who left in seconds
<raptop> grr
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<SporkWitch> well that's totally random: Dark Matter is apparently trending on Netflix lol
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<SporkWitch> i may have figured out part of my problem building spaceplanes: the TWR LIES. Says i've only got 0.02, spin the engines up on the runway, almost instantly at 0.6
<Althego> jet twr depends on pressure and speed
<SporkWitch> nm, i'm an idiot, i had it left at 20km ASL lol
<SporkWitch> it's actually reporting 1.17 on the runway lol
<Mat2ch> yesterday I wanted to fire up KSP again, but first get a mod that shows me the wet and dry CoM, but, uhm...
<Althego> then it has too high thrust
<Mat2ch> there's no such mod available with ckan
<Althego> yes, it is annoying
<Althego> you always have to drain fuel and put it back
<Althego> and actually not only the two positions matter, but how it moves during draining
<Mat2ch> umaxtu said there's a mod
<Mat2ch> a slider which empties all fuel tanks for a given fuel and takes the priority into account
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<SporkWitch> would 7km be a viable rendesvous?
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<umaxtu> thats a bit at the distant side
<flayer> you can probably retrograde burn towards the target as you slow down for the encounter
<flayer> or retrograde burn away from it depending on how you want to phrase it
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<SporkWitch> yeah, didn't have enough deltav to get a really high orbit and come back, and didn't want to take a month for a rendesvous lol
<SporkWitch> still using that first successful spaceplane from yesterday, tried some new designs, and i'm getting better, but definitely still struggling, heh
<SporkWitch> looking at others' designs and playing off of those and it's helping me get away from what seems like it should be better, but in KSP isn't heh
<SporkWitch> it's really looking like for larger stuff aerodynamics really stop mattering and it's just about fuel and thrust lol
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<packbart> at high speeds, the fuselage body lift alone probably keeps the plane flying
<packbart> control authority was more a problem in my experiments
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<SporkWitch> i'd kill for better feedback on lift in the SPH. knowing the center of lift is all well and good, but not being able to see relative amounts makes things really difficult
<Althego> the rnd building has a wind tunnel
<Althego> and you cant use it
<Althego> for example different aoa and speeds
<Althego> to see how it behaves
<SporkWitch> see, that would be super helpful! lol\
<Mat2ch> Maybe for KSP2.
<Mat2ch> But I doubt it.
<Althego> there should be also a simulator
<Althego> there isnt, so revert and stuff is my simulator
<Mat2ch> if it weren't for Unity that wouldn't be that bad...
<Mat2ch> but every single revert makes the whole game load slower
<Althego> yes, annoying
<Althego> by the afternoon i have to restart it, because that is faster than waiting for the revert
<Althego> cant imagine how that happens without actual programming error
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<umaxtu> wow, spinlaunch is actually making progress
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<SporkWitch> does the MPL only need a scientist to do research? can it reset experiments on its own? (trying to make an unmanned probe)
<darsie> yes
<darsie> no, you have to trigger that
<SporkWitch> i understand you have to trigger it, i just mean does the functionality work without a scientist in it? Can I just strap a lab to my probe and it can reset goo and such to run again?
<darsie> Well, you need to collect science and process the data.
<SporkWitch> again, that's just the research mechanic. I'm talking PURELY about its ability to reset experiments
<SporkWitch> i'm being silly though, i can just tell my scientist to get out of one of the ones i already have placed and test it >_<
<darsie> I think it can do that.
<darsie> reset
<darsie> Easy to test on the pad, though.
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<SporkWitch> and the answer is no, it does require a scientist. that's annoying, rather makes it a silly feature, given that it takes an absurd amount of power, and you could just step outside and reset them instead lol
<SporkWitch> bright side: keeps my payload lighter heh
<FLHerne> Eh, lab research takes loads of power anyway
<SporkWitch> granted, but it's still silly that it takes that much power to reset experiments and it can't even do it on its own. it's a high cost for a trivial convenience
<darsie> Time to clean out experiments doesn't change with time warp.
<darsie> Or ... gets longer.
<SporkWitch> see? really bad non-feature! lol
<SporkWitch> now the question is: 5 oscar tanks and an ant, or can i do fewer with a larger engine... lol
<SporkWitch> hmmm, spark gives 2050m/s in a much shorter burn; should be plenty to get to gilly
<darsie> .mission
<LunchBot> darsie: You install Kerbulator. Supernovy zaps you with a soft gamma repeater.
<darsie> .mission add You build a craft with all the parts.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added mission: You build a craft with all the parts.
<FLHerne> .outcome add It sets a new record for the Island Express.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: It sets a new record for the Island Express.
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