Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<FLHerne> !nextlunch add carolina reaper cheesey poofs
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added lunch: Carolina reaper cheesey poofs
<raptop> Cursed and/or novelty flavor
<SporkWitch> they were yummy
<raptop> Anyway, lunchbot knows about 4 kinds of lunches: serious, joke, jokes that look serious, and serious foods that look like jokes
<Tank2333> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Tank2333: Armor-Piercing Spin-stabilized Discarding-Foil Burrito (APSDFB)
<Tank2333> Exactly what i need right now
<raptop> That is of course, a serious answer that looks like a joke
<raptop> And obviously the correct sort of burrito for a tank!
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<Tank2333> a Döner Kebab would be even more appropriate
<raptop> Those are in there
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<Tank2333> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Tank2333: A surprise!
<Tank2333> -.-
<Tank2333> i guess that is the joke lunch
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<raptop> If you want to see a list of all of them currently:
<raptop> Note: please do not request a colloid in this channel, as at least one of them will cause the ops headaches as a possible rule violation
<Tank2333> okay
<Tank2333> i cant find Gagh in there
<raptop> Unfortunately, klingon characters are not a formal part of the Unicode standard
<Tank2333> what a shame
<raptop> Probably need to poke Paramount about the copyright stuff
<Tank2333> klingon should be a puplic good
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<Althego> Mat2ch: why are you not up yet, the chopsticks are lifting starship
<Izaya> we 6700k now
<Izaya> (and also, more importantly, 32GB of RAM)
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I'm up 4 hours later. And they are flexing!
<Althego> if you mean "angle grinder" (as i would), then that is horrible
<Mat2ch> as in "showing off" ;)
<Althego> spacex?
<Althego> there area few elon tweets, and the usual coverage from nsf and labpadre
<Mat2ch> There's a drone video of it!
<Althego> there are videos of the drone too :)
<Mat2ch> is it just me or does the booster have landing legs here
<Althego> the bottom is not even visible
<Mat2ch> I'm talking about the drawing of B8 on the paper sign taped to the ring
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: It also has folded gridfins
<FLHerne> so I suspect it's just an old render
<Mat2ch> Maybe. But between B4 and B8 is lots of time for development
<Mat2ch> they will test landing without catching
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<Mat2ch> Starlink sat falling down...
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<SporkWitch> Article headline: "A giant, doughnut-shaped machine delivers a major climate-change breakthrough -- sustained nuclear fusion" Article content: "five seconds is the limit...before its magnets overheat." Sooo... isn't NOT sustainable. I should really just ignore any article about fusion, it's always this same clickbait. Fusion is 10 years away and will always be 10 years away.
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<Althego> fusion is faaaar away
<a_flayer> it seems like an improvement at least
<SporkWitch> Althego: no, it's 10 years away. Just like it was 10 years ago, and 10 years before that, and... lol
<Althego> usually the number cited is 20 or 30
<a_flayer> at least SLS will launch this year!
<Althego> yes, like it is the year of the linux desktop
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<SporkWitch> a_flayer: sure, it's just infuriating. It's always the same news, manipulated numbers, and at the end of the day it's not actually any closer to being practical
<Althego> there is some progress
<a_flayer> it's best to just ignore it altogether
<a_flayer> and just be amazed when you see a little box for sale at a nearby hardware store that says "power your home with nuclear fusion!"
<Althego> but still a long way to go
<a_flayer> ...probably two weeks before you die
<SporkWitch> my favourite are the false claims about net power output. They literally IGNORE the power cost of ignition, they only count the power used to keep it running, never mind that they can't keep it running long enough to cover the cost of ignition
<sandbox> 1437
<Althego> she explains it clearly, how far we are
<Althego> i slept through leet time today, the best way
<SporkWitch> as long as i'm not the only one that finds strange amusement by patterns in times...
<a_flayer> that's why we're all here
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<a_flayer> to mark the occasion when the clock turns to 13:37
<a_flayer> that is the actual purpose of this channel
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<FLHerne> Althego: To be fair, this month a major company is launching a Linux-desktop device :p
<SporkWitch> dells had them for a while, but they're dells... :P
<Althego> the valve steamdeck?
<FLHerne> Yeah
<FLHerne> For a couple of years it's been possible to buy Thinkpads with Linux by default too
<Althego> ok correctly it is steam deck
<FLHerne> [in NA/Europe, they had a few with Ubuntu in China for ages]
<Althego> kind of bad name, since there is already a stream deck
<SporkWitch> gotta go for the Cyberpunk reference calling it a deck
<Althego> that is older
<Althego> gibson already named stuff like that
<SporkWitch> so are the employees at steam
<SporkWitch> *valve
<Mat2ch> and Fornite will not run on the Steam Deck, because Tim Sweeney is a <censored>ck
<SporkWitch> keeping fortnite away is just quality control :P
<Althego> remember the joke that elon bought fortnite and deleted it?
<SporkWitch> that would be glorious lol
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<Mat2ch> also many devs still think they have to replace EAC in their games, but afaik it's just a small update...
<Mat2ch> I wonder why steam still has this bad communication with the outside. No pressure, because they have enough money?
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<SporkWitch> partly that they're big and know people will stick with them, partly that people can't go after them for overpromising or being late if they keep things vague until it's all on lock
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<XXCoder> nice
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<SporkWitch> 0/10, bill nye the braindead guy
<packbart> Ahh, to be young again. And also Bill Nye
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<Mat2ch> You should install one of those telescopes on Minmus
<SporkWitch> i'll probably put one in orbit when i build a minmus station; they're great for feeding the science lab
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<SporkWitch> hmmm, having trouble spotting bop. got tylo, vall, laythe, and pol
<Althego> mmmbop
<Mat2ch> Althego: don't go there.
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<SporkWitch> found it!
<Althego> so one launch down
<Althego> an other to go
<Althego> maybe 3rd time is the charm and now astra can launch
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<Althego> f for the second stage
<Althego> out od control
* darsie tries to build the starship:
<darsie> 9+3 RS-25; 4 Wolfhound + 2 RS-25
<darsie> Wanna do the belly entry with flaps. Hmm, might not work without heat shield.
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<SporkWitch> hauling something like 30 tonnes of parts to orbit with my spaceplane; this is a SLOW launch lol