Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
_whitelogger has joined #KSPOfficial
<X> What is the ETA on ksp2?
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<transhohmann> ;mission add You bolster your snacks' nutritional value by adding nitrogen triiodide.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added mission: You bolster your snacks' nutritional value by adding nitrogen triiodide.
<raptop> Jebediah would like to remind you that he is not an SRB
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* raptop preemptively fills flayer with stimulants
<flayer> i mean really the solution is just to sleep more on a regular basis
<raptop> sounds fake
<transhohmann> hehehe
<transhohmann> adhd for the win
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<transhohmann> I'm tired all day but then I'm suddenly alert an night
<transhohmann> 1600 "I need a nap" 2000 "Let's go do something, go somewhere"
<raptop> Maybe you're a cat?
<bees> cat: "open a door, human"
<bees> cat: "i forgot why"
* bees blames FLHerne for everything
<bees> raptop: not an eldritch horror 14
<SporkWitch> sleepiness is weakness of character, ask anyone
<raptop> yay
<SporkWitch> lyft wants 30 dollars for a 5 minute drive to the pub... uber wants 50... both can do things that are anatomically impossible to themselves at those rates
<raptop> bees: oh, hey. They made the rad joke
<SporkWitch> what about radiators?
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<bees> SporkWitch: that link would cost you ~1-2 hours of your life depending on reading speed
<SporkWitch> or you could just click it...
<transhohmann> lmao
<transhohmann> they ask for that much and their drivers still go to bedhungry
<transhohmann> Unless they're doing it as a side-job or hobby
<transhohmann> oh sweet mother teresa on the hood of a mercedes-benz
<transhohmann> can I type anything without tagging someone
<SporkWitch> can someone explain to me how spacex could not have coverage for the starlink deployment? They're literally adding to their orbital internet platform, and starlink satellites are supposed to form a mesh network. How can they NOT have a connection to show video of the deployment? lol
<transhohmann> uuuhm
<transhohmann> I detect a goof or a lie
<transhohmann> either they said they set something up before they finished or../?
<SporkWitch> they said it on the stream of today's launch. They shut down the stream right around SECO saying they didn't have ground station coverage. But it was a starlink launch, so by deifnition they must have a path to significant bandwidth, more than enough for the video stream lol
<transhohmann> I'm disappointed
<SporkWitch> moth loves lamp
<raptop> laamp
<flayer> sometimes i'm really scared the direction the internet is going
<umaxtu> just sometimes?
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<transhohmann> Alsi Thyme
<transhohmann> aldi thyme*
<SporkWitch> *time
<transhohmann> I am clearly being obnoxious let me have this
<SporkWitch> rosemary > thyme
<transhohmann> agreed
<transhohmann> oregano.\> thyme
<transhohmann> hmm
<transhohmann> cumin, rosemary, cilantro, thyme, oregano, lime, garlic, cayenne, sage
<SporkWitch> can't do cilantro; i have the gene that makes it taste like soap
<raptop> ick, soaplantro
<raptop> Can we just have ancho chile around instead?
<raptop> anyway, tumeric, basil, cinnamon, ginger, paprika, and pepper would be worth adding to that spice listing
<raptop> hrm, I should see about getting some sumac at some point
Althego has joined #KSPOfficial
<flayer> umaxtu, other times just mildly scared
<umaxtu> i was hoping it would resemble a spork
<SporkWitch> i'm running heavily modded, but not THAT modded lol
<SporkWitch> hab time is about 9 kerbin months for 3 kerbals, with supplies for about twice that
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<transhohmann> yes yes yes and yes
<transhohmann> I miss sumac and I miss fresh juniper berries I can't find them anywhere anymore
<transhohmann> SporkWitch that is a quite a nice station
<Althego> does google search on juniper give you a moth instead? :)
<transhohmann> lmaaaaoooo
<transhohmann> does a google search on bears leave you wanting more
<transhohmann> huehuehue
<Althego> it seems not, still some plant
<transhohmann> plant bears
<transhohmann> sounds like a MAgic card
<transhohmann> Magic
<Althego> no, juniper plant, instead of streamer
<transhohmann> I know
<transhohmann> I'm being obnoxious
<transhohmann> one of my friends used to call themselves a moth so I started calling them moff tarkin
<transhohmann> now all moths are peter Cushing to my mind
<transhohmann> my shift key only seems to work half of the time
<Althego> hehe
<transhohmann> :outcome add Your progress is hindered by the arrival of a cat on your lap.
<Izaya> all too common a fate
<SporkWitch> a wonderful fate!
<SporkWitch> i miss having kitties :'(
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: thanks :) It was a pain in the ass to put together lol. Moving around really heavy stuff. No longer needed, though. The longer arm includes an orbital assembly line and workshop, so now I can just ferry up materials, and build it in-place
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<transhohmann> whaaat that's some schmancy modding
Ezriilc has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
<transhohmann> ;mission add France is jealous of your ability to be courageous and attempts to steal all your science.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added mission: France is jealous of your ability to be courageous and attempts to steal all your science.
<transhohmann> I forgot "of"
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<transhohmann> :outcome add Jeb hands you a tupper ware container labeled "snacks." It's full of bees.
<transhohmann> oh, come now
<raptop> bees: stop eating jeb's snacks
<transhohmann> :del outcome Jeb hands you a tupper ware container labeled "snacks" It's fullof bees.
<transhohmann> dang
<transhohmann> I intended to fix tupper-ware
<transhohmann> 750km sound alright for a station circularisation
<transhohmann> ?
<SporkWitch> i put mine at about 250km
<SporkWitch> 750km is pretty distant, not as easily reachable from kerbin
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<transhohmann> fair
Izaya has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 -]
<transhohmann> Is a science jr, a magnetometer, 2 habitation cores, an airlock, some 1x6 solar panels, and an HG-55 enough for a beginner station?
<transhohmann> and a docking port of course
<SporkWitch> depends what you plan to use it for
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<transhohmann> science, leveleling kerbals without returning to the surface, adding to continuously, fuel and better habitation next
<transhohmann> oh and a couple of redaction wheels
<transhohmann> ;outcome add You are now an unperson, removed by Big Bobny's Redaction Wheels.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: You are now an unperson, removed by Big Bobny's Redaction Wheels.
<SporkWitch> if it's around kerbin you can use any antenna, so pick the one that looks pretty (though better ones will transmit science faster)
<transhohmann> I like the HG-55 for its lovely combination of aesthetics and power
<transhohmann> I assume I can beam to duna with this
<SporkWitch> hg-55 isn't a relay antenna, so it won't be able to talk to duna in a meaningful way
<transhohmann> sweet nothings, then
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<transhohmann> lol ok
<Izaya> hmmm yes I have a splitting headache that evidently means it's time to fire up KSP and try a new mod
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You head to the Mun for a round of golf. The mission is aborted when the official mission cat jumps on the primary console.
<transhohmann> aw
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<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You mutter something about "chargin mah lazer" and stand with an open mouth. Unbeknownst to the employees at the KSP centre, Gus Kerman secretly runs a restaurant chain that serves Fried Chicken.
<Althego> parts are unrelated. or maybe the chickens are fried by the laser
<transhohmann> Kerbal Fresnel Chicken
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You must not misrepresent reality, you must be obedient, and you must protect your pilot. The United Nations confiscates your SCRAM cannon.
<transhohmann> I disagree
<transhohmann> I refuse to be obedient and my pilot has a parachute for a reason
<transhohmann> ;outcome fire
<LunchBot> transhohmann: A sand fire rages out of control.
<transhohmann> ;outcome pirate
<LunchBot> transhohmann: No outcome found matching "pirate".
<transhohmann> ;outcome Bob is caught launching illegal vessels for his satellite pirate radio station
<LunchBot> transhohmann: No outcome found matching "Bob is caught launching illegal vessels for his satellite pirate radio station".
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Bob is caught launching illegal vessels for his satellite pirate radio station
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Bob is caught launching illegal vessels for his satellite pirate radio station
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Nuclear wessels? mm, yes, wessels.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Nuclear wessels? mm, yes, wessels.
<Althego> ;outcome help
<LunchBot> Althego: Commands are: help, list, add <outcome>, del[ete] <search>, fixup s/<old>/<new>/, [get] [<search>]. I am operated by FLHerne.
<Althego> ;outcome fixup s/wessels/vessels/
<LunchBot> Althego: New text is: Nuclear vessels? mm, yes, wessels.
<Althego> hmm maybe it doesnt work
<Althego> or maybe it prints out the old
<Althego> ;outcome wessels
<LunchBot> Althego: Nuclear vessels? mm, yes, wessels.
<Althego> didnt do anything
<Althego> so it is broken
<transhohmann> I rather liked a double wessels
<transhohmann> this is why
<SporkWitch> anything to be done or gained from anomalies, or just the world first for being near it?
<transhohmann> ;outcome fixup s/vessels/wessels/
<LunchBot> transhohmann: New text is: Nuclear wessels? mm, yes, wessels.
<transhohmann> ;outcome del Nuclear wessels? mm, yes, wessels.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Deleted outcome: "Nuclear wessels? mm, yes, wessels."
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Nuclear Wessels. Mm, Wessels
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Nuclear Wessels. Mm, Wessels
<UmbralRaptor> please do not anger the nuclear weasels
<transhohmann> :outcome add You have angered the nuclear weasles.
<transhohmann> ;outcome add You have angered the nuclear weasels
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: You have angered the nuclear weasels
<transhohmann> ;mission add Please do not anger the nuclear weasles.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added mission: Please do not anger the nuclear weasles.
<transhohmann> I'm still dumping about 3000dv of fuel out the window
<transhohmann> which is better, spark or terrier
<transhohmann> or two twitches
<SporkWitch> depends on the situation
<SporkWitch> compare TWR, ISP, and dV
<transhohmann> trying to get the smallest two-kerbal launch vehicle possible to kerbin from minmus
<transhohmann> why did I type launch
<transhohmann> lmao
<Althego> with command seats it can be really small
<transhohmann> I wish
<transhohmann> a pea is the best I havegot
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<transhohmann> I'm under the impression that for small craft one should most always use radially attached engines
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<Mat2ch> y'all are creating too much traffic at night. :D
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<Althego> i almost never use radial engines
<Althego> they typically underperform if you compare them to the normal variants
<Althego> the only exception may be for a large booster, that still uses skipper, and doesnt have enough twr after solid burnout
<Althego> then i might attach a few radial engines
<Althego> still cheaper than mainsail
<transhohmann> true
<transhohmann> warping 45 days when I could just launch other craft in the meantime is inadvisable, right?
<Althego> you can finish the stock career tree in matter of days with parallel missions
<Althego> but that also means you are committed to the things you launched, because you cant revert back without discarding the other missions too
<transhohmann> yeah I'm at 2 years 30 days due to all my warping
<transhohmann> I suppose I should have said, "If I have to wait 45 days to be able to get a capture at minmus, should I dock another wessel or two to my station
<transhohmann> forgot my other quotation mark.
<transhohmann> ;(
<Althego> why does it t ake 45 days?
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<transhohmann> because I just missed the best spot to be at
<transhohmann> and of all things I'm terrible at minmus
<transhohmann> in sandbox I considered it harder than duna
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<transhohmann> yay somehow that didn't tag sandbox when I said sandbox
<transhohmann> w h a t
<sandbox> because I wasn't online
<Althego> or it did, but it was ignored
<transhohmann> oh
<transhohmann> I was like yay I somehow did something right here
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<darsie> .
<darsie> 1445
<packbart> LAAS?
<Althego> must mean something
<packbart> 1445 is Leet as a Service
<Althego> loool
darsie has quit [Quit: Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Avoid fossil fuels and animal products. Don't have children.]
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<sheeep> Anyone know how i adjust the athmosphere glow in "astronomers visual pack"?
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<Izaya> cooking up CLS configs for mods B)
<Izaya> Speaking of, anyone use Universal Storage II and Connected Living Space and notice the crew transfer tubes in the service bays are flaky?
<SporkWitch> don't have US2; haven't noticed any issues with CLS with KSPI or MKS, though
<SporkWitch> correction, one minor issue: transferring crew between modules doesn't seem to get Ground Construction to realize the worker is in the factory. going EVA and reboarding solves that, though
<SporkWitch> lol, that microwave ding when you thaw a kerbal from deep freeze lol
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