Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<Mat2ch> These storms are slowly killing me by not letting me sleep
<flayer> i saw numerous trees lying next to the highway
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<darsie> 1338
<NGC3982> usa?
<darsie> Austria
<flayer> lol
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<Mat2ch> oh, Juicero died very quietly though
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<UmbralRaptop> finally
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<Mat2ch> Well, it died in 2017
<Mat2ch> which makes me think
<SnoopJ> hey what's that blog that did a really good write-up of the FRBs that turned out to be someone opening a microwave oven door while the unit was running? (and many other astro posts)
<SnoopJ> kinda like Résonaances, but for space, I guess?
<SnoopJ> ah, Centauri Dreams.
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<redshield5> Guys I'm having an issue I can't get to the bottom of
<redshield5> I'm working on building a communications satellite network
<redshield5> but when I try to launch my probe, it says it has no operational SAS modules or pilots aboard
<redshield5> yet I have an ASAS module and the Stayputnik as the command vessels
<redshield5> so i don't get it....
<raptop> Out of comm range or charge?
<kubi> because the stayputnic cannot control the SAS
<SporkWitch> ^
<raptop> Oh, SAS specifically. Yeah, that
<redshield5> ohhhh
<raptop> Stayputnik is about as skilled as a scientist or engineer
<redshield5> thank you guys. I used a diff probe command vessel and it works
<kubi> you should use a proper probe core
<SporkWitch> stayputnik doesn't even have basic SAS, which is ironic, since you'd think "staying put" would include maintaining current attitude lol
<redshield5> I guess that's why they call it Stayputnik
<redshield5> lol
<redshield5> never again!
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<raptop> beep beep mk2
<SporkWitch> octo hecs is my usual early-game go-to
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> sometiems i use it, with fine controls on (caps lock), you can do what the sas does, so it is more like a convenience
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<Althego> kikkweikii
<raptop> cursed board game
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<redshield5> Does anybody know how to edit the skybox so that I can make it completely pitch black to reflect IRL space images?
<SporkWitch> IRL space images aren't completely black...
<redshield5> Well you know what I mean
<redshield5> I want my skybox to look like Apollo images etc
<SporkWitch> i don't; have you ever gone dozens of miles from any city? look up: you'll see the entire milky way.
<SporkWitch> It would only appear that way in apollo photographs due to the low-quality black-and-white
<raptop> I would assume that this exists and, and would be found by doing some searching of mods
<redshield5> Yeah in the desert. I just personally love the appearance of space images with a black backdrop
<raptop> Something something shooting 100 ISO film
<redshield5> No, Apollo images are beautiful resolution color in many of the film magazines but it's an exposure thing
<redshield5> the surfaces visible in the photos are so bright that they wash the background out
<redshield5> not to engage in all the "can you see stars" nonsense, I just want my skybox black for personal nerd reasons lol
<redshield5> SporkWitch: That's a highly over exposed night side photograph
<SporkWitch> yes it is, because cameras suck compared to eyes lol
<redshield5> lol
<SporkWitch> as someone that's been outside of a city before, i actually do know what the sky looks like without massive light pollution, and it's very much not black. now take that, and remove the interference of the atmosphere lol
<SporkWitch> now that said, KSP actually does a fairly good job of blanking out the skybox when the sun is on-camera, as it would
<redshield5> Yeah the desert has a beautiful celestial visual for example
<redshield5> I just like space photos with black skies
<redshield5> it may not be totally accurate, but it more closely resembles the Apollo photos, which I grew up nerding out heavily upon
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<redshield5> sicckkk found a mod that I think will replace the skybox
<redshield5> just need to download to open the files for modification because they are DDS files
<redshield5> which ms paint does not support
<raptop> woot, but also whelp
<redshield5> lol
<SporkWitch> bet you GIMP would work
<redshield5> true. I used to have GIMP and for whatever reason uninstalled i
<redshield5> it*
<redshield5> I'll try this paint net thing and once I black these files out I'll uninstall it lol
<redshield5> my HDD is only like 150GB on my laptop
<redshield5> which can be a pain
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<raptop> ow
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<Mat2ch> Oh great, now I have to watch two sites. :D
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