Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: Happy Birthday!
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<darsie> .
<darsie> 1337
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<sandbox> 1337
<Althego> we should be able to get a rolling leet through the day
<darsie> I doubt we have ppl from all 27 time zones.
<darsie> 38*
<Althego> i just envisiont one leet per hour
<Althego> that is only 24
<Mat2ch> Sooo, B4 is getting cryo tested. Interesting
<Mat2ch> well, there are :30 timezones...
<Althego> the bunch of weirdos
<Mat2ch> USA behauptet, dass 190k Truppen in der Nähe der Ukraine gerade sind. Das dürfte so ziemlich die komplette Armee sein
<packbart> the :30 timezones are not the weird ones
<Althego> no politics
<Mat2ch> oh, wait, wrong channel
<Mat2ch> even the wrong language for here :P
<darsie> Mat2ch: There are even :45 time zones.
<Mat2ch> and +13... which absolutely makes no sense.
<Mat2ch> Chatham Islands +12 3/4
<Althego> no doubt humanity still exists, because the aliens find our stupidity amusing
<Mat2ch> Or they haven't found us yet, because there is no interstellar travel
<Mat2ch> Which would be very sad.
<Althego> there is interstellar travel, it just takes long
<Mat2ch> when is spring break in the US?
<Althego> is that unified across the states?
<Mat2ch> I don't know, that's why I'm asking
<Mat2ch> somebody in the Boca Chica live stream said they can't close the beach during spring break
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<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You deploy a squad of black helicopters. The KIA arrest you for your crimes against kerbalkind.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You use tweakscale. Surprisingly, no one died and there is even a beautiful rainbow over KSC.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You attempt to re-create the Orion mission and synchronise it with the real-world livestream. Rocks fall from space, everyone dies.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You decide to throw a party at the KSC. Your outcome has been stolen by a Horrible Goose.
* flayer hands transhohmann a piece of fruit
<Althego> adafruit
<transhohmann> run-by fruiting
<flayer> ^
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<YashieGuy> hi
<Althego> hi
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<raptop> Mat2ch, Althego: spring break is set on a per-district (or depending on how things are organized per-school) basis
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<packbart> Closing the beach during spring break would be counterproductive, I'd say
<packbart> Cancel the party just because some tech-bros got a rocket toy, I don't think so ;)
<packbart> 100k people watching someone yell at clouds (and planes)
<sandbox> I thought it would be that
<sandbox> there was a hairy one earlier
<packbart> yeah, I was linked to and then looked for the stream
<sandbox> I think the one I saw was worse than that
<packbart> well, the standard was LH 044 dropping a wing. (old: )
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<packbart> ah, famous he is :)
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<Mat2ch> raptop: and around what date are those holidays?
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<raptop> Mat2ch: 1-2 weeks, typically in march
<raptop> But you might get some weird place that schedules it in april or something
<raptop> when in march? varies wildly
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<packbart> apparently they did close the beach for spring brake last year.
<packbart> I hope they don't get away with it again ;)
<Mat2ch> raptop: so it's not that close as the person in the live stream chat made it appear
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<Mat2ch> and that's why I'd like to have storms in KSP :D
<Mat2ch> Does this count as stol now?
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<packbart> well, there's a mod for that.
<Mat2ch> Aaaaaaand now I want to play with it for hours
<Mat2ch> and hours
<Mat2ch> I wonder if it's possible to build a glider there and get updrafts
<Mat2ch> probably yes
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