Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: as mentioned, go for anything that gives science first, as that means more science from the biomes you already know how to reach (minimum risk, cost, and effort). Next, I'd recommend the "efficient" stuff, probe stuff, and comms (probes and comms should be on the same branch, for the most part). This will make it much esaier for you to get science from other planets and moons,
<SporkWitch> which due to distance is worth much more, but since it's just a probe, you don't have to add the complexity and cost of getting it physically BACK like you would with a kerbal aboard.
<transhohmann> if I can make my antenna draw power from a capacitor
<SporkWitch> you can set it to allow partial transmission; this will allow it to send "chunks" and continue as power recharges. keep in mind that this will basically make the probe uncontrollable (and anything that needs power won't work) until transmission completes
<transhohmann> alright
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<SporkWitch> polar orbit would be ideal for mapping the surface of a body, right? Since it would be "stationary" while the body rotated beneath it, so eventually we should have seen all of the planet
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<transhohmann> I built the same vessel as in the last wiki link posted and ended up with barely 3780dv rather than 6000
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<transhohmann> I used flow priority and dropping my boosters in staging to turn 4100dv on the launch pad into 5100dv after dropping my first to stages
<transhohmann> I feel
<transhohmann> fancy
<transhohmann> and rather stupid for not doing so before
<SporkWitch> it's not really done in the real world (and IIRC this video mentions why, in passing), but in KSP it's extremely practical
<flayer> transhohmann, now consider for a moment that, if you use too much thrust in a thick atmosphere, you are wasting fuel pushing against the air
<SporkWitch> ^ this too
<transhohmann> I did know the secondf bit
<SporkWitch> stupid high TWR makes for a fast launch, but an inefficient one
<transhohmann> I go up slow
<transhohmann> oh
<transhohmann> hmm
<transhohmann> didn'tcome out right
<SporkWitch> (though it is really fun just zooming straight up like crazy lol; launches from minmus are a blast)
<transhohmann> pun
<transhohmann> all launches are a blast
<transhohmann> minmus encounter with 2037dv remaining
<bees> in KSP stupid high TWR is the way to go, actually
<bees> if you are not glowing red hot on the way up, you are probably losing efficiency
<bees> (assuming x1 system)
<SporkWitch> should be more than enough to hit a couple biomes, transhohmann
<transhohmann> hecc yeaah
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<transhohmann> 1776dv, minus orbit 15km pe 44km ap
<transhohmann> minmus*
<transhohmann> LANDING
<transhohmann> *knocks over rocket by jumping at it*
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<umaxtu> that happens
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<transhohmann> coming back from minmus with 987 dv
<transhohmann> 68km pe,
<transhohmann> 53Mm ap
<umaxtu> that 68km is for kerbin?
<transhohmann> yes
<transhohmann> now it's 57km
<transhohmann> whoops
<umaxtu> thats going to take a long time to reenter
<transhohmann> now 1.1mm and 58km
<transhohmann> oh wow one millimeter
<transhohmann> lol
<transhohmann> 58km and 135km
<SporkWitch> make sure you're aiming your ejection parallel with your kerbin orbit, but retrograde; once on that orbit, you can burn retrograde after SOI change to more efficiently drop your Pe, or if really low on fuel, wait until Ap again and burn there
<transhohmann> 76km ap and -14km pe
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<transhohmann> 259. science!
<transhohmann> I forgot to put any science on, too, so tht was just a sample and crew report
<umaxtu> time for you to crank it up a notch
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<raptop> science for the science god?
<transhohmann> indeed
<transhohmann> I spent 300 science on the advance science parts
<umaxtu> science god is Scott Manley right?
<transhohmann> magnetometer and such
<SporkWitch> "why did my satellite randomly explode in timewarp?" *reloads, watches waste heat during time warp* ahhhh, reactor meltdown... lol
<transhohmann> oof
<transhohmann> ;outcome add David Bowie's "Space Oddity" plays from an unknown are slightly unsettled.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: David Bowie's "Space Oddity" plays from an unknown are slightly unsettled.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Your hype train exceeds 88 miles per hour. You arrive in version 13.3. You pass your finals!
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You cause Kountdown to spew a hilarious line. "The worst that could happen" does.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You buy copper from Ea-Nasir for use in the high temperature parts of your rocket. Your ship transforms into an oven with fans.
<SporkWitch> i saw similar when i was testing ISRUs for SSTOs. heating and cooling wnet a bit wonky during high time warps. Looking at the readouts, even when i'm in direct sunlight at minmus orbit, i'm losing heat at 0.02 per tic, so my passive cooling is sufficient without adding radiators. timewarp seems to break the cooling and so it heats up
<SporkWitch> since the instruments i'm running are very power hungry, i decided to go with a scaled down liquid metal cooled reactor, since it was inexpensive and will produce more than sufficient power for the next millenia (literally; and it's less money and mass than the batteries i'd need even in a high polar orbit)
<umaxtu> oh, you're pretty heavily modded
<SporkWitch> funnily enough, nuclear reactors put out a LOT of heat lol (if you ever wondered how a nuclear power plant works, radiation isn't magic energy, they're literally just boiling water to turn steam turbine generators; that's how pretty much everything in normal use except solar plants work, AFAIK)
<SporkWitch> VERY heavily modified lol
<umaxtu> Interstellar?
<SporkWitch> MKS, KSPIE, SCANsat, the real exoplanets pack (though I'm nowhere near getting to visit them lol), and a bunch of others to compliment them
<SporkWitch> aye
<SporkWitch> i'm currently fiddling with scansat, as it seemed a much more realistic, fun, and BETTER way of doing the resource and other mapping. i've barely touched kerbnet because it's just too limited (since you need a probe core to access it, and only the stuff that probe can see). This builds actual maps you can access from anything with commnet access
<SporkWitch> basically just trying to see what exactly it needs to work at optimum, before i actually launch the mission to place the satellite for real
<umaxtu> are you going to actually work out the math
<SporkWitch> i've honestly only been managing MAYBE one mission per day, just doing so much experimenting, figuring out the new toys and how they work lol
<SporkWitch> depends which maths you're referring too lol. there's a lot going on with this stuff, so maths aren't really optional, but as a long-time EVE player, it shouldn't be TOO difficult once i understand the mechanics lol
<umaxtu> I've somehow managed to not get sucked into EVE
<SporkWitch> of course some things you can just throw more stuff at (such as my just shrinking a reactor for use to power this satellite; RTGs are somehow much further along the tech tree, though i suppose it makes sense since they're free energy without refueling or worrying about meltdown lol)
<SporkWitch> i had a lot of fun for the 11 or 12 years i played; gave up when everything went blob warfare and even CCP themsevles started destroying mechanics and balance to favor carebears and the goontards
<transhohmann> I add .7 tons to my rocket and now it won't fly upright
<SporkWitch> weight distribution matters
<transhohmann> I know
<transhohmann> but there's no way to lower the CoM without making my dv drop
<transhohmann> I'm tring redistributing fuel and flow priority
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<transhohmann> is 600m/s enough to get back home from minmus flats
<SporkWitch> wellp, looks like i've got tomorrow's mission planned. got a satellite that doesn't melt itself during timewarp (though in theory it shouldn't be a risk unless i'm in physics range of it, i'd think), has all the mapping data types, and i've found the right orbit to get 100% coverage in just under 2 months; not too shabby
<SporkWitch> now to actually get it here properly lol
<transhohmann> fanceh
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<transhohmann> bouncing the lander off the kerbal's helmet: check
<SporkWitch> lol
<transhohmann> rolling tover the kerbal then falling off and watching it roll away down the slope? check
<transhohmann> still trying to get that mission back home
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<transhohmann> I managed to make a launcher for a probe with 8900m/s but lost probe control during my circularisation burn in lko
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<transhohmann> I have plenty of batteries attached
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<transhohmann> what am I doing wrong
<Althego> antenna?
<transhohmann> I hadn't even opened my fairing yet
<transhohmann> communtron dts-m1
<transhohmann> I have 4 capacitors that store 1600 each
<transhohmann> and my probe core takes 1 and a little charge each minute
<transhohmann> that should last quite a while
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<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You play Spacebase DF-9. Einstein pulls you over for exceeding c.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You order a shipment of asbestos-free snacks for your pilots. Jeb returns from Duna in a crazed state ranting about tall beings that called themselves humans.
<transhohmann> hahaha
<transhohmann> I'll feed them asbestos, thanks
<XXCoder> ouch snacks went bad. thats why you need abestos
<transhohmann> :3
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: As a prank, you sneak into the VAB after hours and put confetti in all the RCS thruster blocks. Ironic.
<transhohmann> luul
<XXCoder> how the heck is that ironic
<transhohmann> it's not in the slightest
<SporkWitch> in the Alanis Morisette sense
<transhohmann> which is hilarious
<XXCoder> irony being in lack of irony
<transhohmann> oh no lesbian music
<transhohmann> I love it
<SporkWitch> divine music; she's god, remember?
<transhohmann> ah yes
<SporkWitch> ah dogma, from before kevin smith lost his mind heh
<transhohmann> alan rickman's anti-junk got me kicked off of a discord server
<SporkWitch> pretty much anything will get you kicked off discord (or any social media, for that matter).
<Izaya> guild*
<Izaya> :)
<SporkWitch> Izaya: complain to discord for using one term in the UI and another in the API :P
<Izaya> if (my) complaining got anything done the world would be perfect
<SporkWitch> spoken like every totalitarian dictator ever to live :P
<Izaya> but anyway, to quote someone smarter than me
<Izaya> > Discord calling its guilds "servers" is a really neat marketing trick and absolutely insidious because it screws with normal peoples' already bad understanding of what a "server" is, and erases the distinction between itself and decentralised services
<SporkWitch> Izaya: relevant
<transhohmann> somebody said they thought guys poked the hole out manually when taking a girl's virginity and i said he must think it looks like this
<SporkWitch> ...
<transhohmann> sorry
<transhohmann> too sus
<transhohmann> anywho
<transhohmann> the electricity
<SporkWitch> The enter key is not a punctuation mark. Please use fewer lines, with complete sentences on them.
<transhohmann> alright.
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<transhohmann> do you have any advice on the electric charge situation?
<transhohmann> as far as I can tell, I cannot get capacitors to provide charge to anything.
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i think only fuel has flow ruels, so charges should be available even if there is a battery anywhere
<transhohmann> that's what I thought
<transhohmann> Yet with 6400EC and a probe core that requires 1.3 EC a second, I shouldn't be running out so soon, even without deploying my solar panels
<Althego> that is why i thought it could be connection, but if you have no connection that is visible in the uper left corner
<transhohmann> I will try again
<transhohmann> I made a launcher that looks like an extended y-wing bomber from the clone wars with an egg on the front and it is surprisingly powerful
<transhohmann> watching your delta v rise when you launch is encouraging
<Izaya> vacuum engine go brr
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<transhohmann> ut says no probe control
<transhohmann> hehe
<transhohmann> presumably it's the fairing, than?
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You refueled your craft with soda pop instead of liquid fuel. Someone writes a parody song about it.
<Izaya> if your root part is a fairing then very strange things start to happen
<Althego> fairings used to behave in a way that even parts just being near them were deactivated
<Althego> but they should have never disabled probe cores
<transhohmann> it isn't, the core is
<transhohmann> and I opened the fairing and the antenna, all my capacitors are full
<transhohmann> yet I lost control when I ran out of the 7.5 charge that comes with the probe
<transhohmann> it would seem someone else had this problem in 2013 and there was no good answer.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You retrofit your latest craft with a Fitbit. You come down with a bad case of Raptor Cough.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You build a microwave engine, complete with a loud 'ding!' when you reach your destination. Had it been possible for anything to survive this event, there would have been a clear detection of gravioli.
<Izaya> propulsion with radio waves does seem like a high-energy event
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<transhohmann> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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<transhohmann> lovely crash I had there
<transhohmann> I was licking some tasty data off of Minmus when a booster I thought I had said farewell to decided to drop by again, just over my head...
<Mat2ch> What a nice suprise from it!
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<bees> transhohmann: You have no idea where you're going, but you start going there really, really fast. The radioactive fallout will take decades to clean up.
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<flayer> ..
<Althego> python3-psycopg2
<flayer> that's harsh
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<SporkWitch> derp, couldn't figure out why i kept exploding seconds into launch: the extra power draw from the refrigerated fuel tanks was making the reactor heat it MUCH faster and it was melting down lol (can't deploy the radiators while it's in the fairing lol)
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<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You register on KaceBook to find fuel for the Friendshipdrive. Kaboom, and the vessel is gone!
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You find one of HarvesteR's ancient posts on a forgotten forum. As a result of a clerical error, Jebediah becomes the next pope.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You perform a Solar Oberth Maneuver. taniwha explodes, emitting all kinds of launchpads.
<transhohmann> what
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: In effort to increase cost-efficiency, you experiment with solid fuel-powered RCS thrusters. You develop a screwed opinion on computer operating systems.
<flayer> taniwha enjoys making launchpads on all orbital bodies.
<transhohmann> that does sound useful
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You throw some feces into the fan to see what happens. You fail ISO 9000 certification due to your complete lack of formal process or even any documentation of your space program.
<SporkWitch> now i'm just totally confused. i shut down the reactor, so i should have no meaningful heat buildup, but as soon as i fire the main engine (methalox) heat shoots up. turn off the engine, heat's gone almost instantly. keep the engine on for more than 5-10 seconds, reactor explodes... even though it's shutdown...
<transhohmann> when the boss hears this, shit's gonna hit the fan!
<transhohmann> (wet thunk, clang)
<transhohmann> might be a glitch
<SporkWitch> or i'm just misunderstanding something about KSPI's thermal mechanics, though i don't feel like i am...
<transhohmann> I have seen engines fail to actually cool down whilst still having no heat bar, as well as staying overheated through an entire mission
<SporkWitch> if you're in space, cooling down is very slow. radiation is extremely inefficient
<transhohmann> certainly
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<transhohmann> but most of the way into a heat bar all the way from suborbital spaceflight to duna
<transhohmann> this was on sandbox, of course
<SporkWitch> it's why environmental systems in space suits, the shuttle, etc, were more focused on cooling than heating. IIRC it also was a big problem on skylab when it first launched: problem with the cooling
<transhohmann> did not mean to tag
<sandbox> heh
<SporkWitch> no need to apologize; anyone using a standard word, by itself, as a name, has no justification for being annoyed by random pings lol
<SporkWitch> even on discord. if your name is so unoriginal that there's 10 almost the same on the server, someone pinging the wrong person is expected lol
<sandbox> I was reading this at the time anyway
<transhohmann> my friend Sock can eat monopropellant then, I suppose
<SporkWitch> i actually go through and change duplicates' names to add numbers lol. when someone complains i just point out that if they weren't so unoriginal they wouldn't have an 8 after the name lol
<transhohmann> lmao
<sandbox> ;mission
<LunchBot> sandbox: You instigate a discussion over the merits of a Robo-Human marriage. Mission Failed.
<transhohmann> I use screwed up versions of actual phrases or words, even ones that I just know
<SporkWitch> i'm up to 24 wingdings, now (have had more, but for a while it seemed an unspoken law that there couldn't be more than 22, because i've had like five Wingdings 23's that have gone on to get themselves banned before hitting 24). Granted they weren't all identical names, they were just nonsense characters that i couldn't figure out in less than 5 seconds staring at it, so they became Wingdings
<transhohmann> like Tim Honks, rather than tom hanks
<transhohmann> though that is not an example of something I have used
<SporkWitch> hehe, The Honkening :)
<transhohmann> Goots and Gilly
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<SporkWitch> interesting, so it IS the combination of the reactor on the ship, evne off, and the new engines. It makes the waste heat generation go from 10MW to 5GW lol
<transhohmann> toasty
<transhohmann> geep
<SporkWitch> i'm thinking it might be a bug. It's behaving as if it's drawing power from the reactor even though it's off. I remove the tanks and engine, it goes back to being stable idle. Strap stock tanks and engines to it? no change. So it's definitely something about how it's interacting with the KSPI tanks and engine, even though the generator is off and nothing should be heating it up except the
<SporkWitch> passive decay of the enriched uranium
<transhohmann> thought so
<transhohmann> just because there is no other explanation
<transhohmann> except...THERMIC SPACE LEECHES
<transhohmann> sucking the cold from your vehicle
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You divide by zero. Jebediah steals all your boosters.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You attempt to create a floating Joolian colony. You elect to get out and push...
<transhohmann> bad idea
<transhohmann> and hey, one of my outcomes
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: After several thousand hours of KSP, you set out to make your own space program. PrefixCactus explodes, emitting all kinds of deadly PrefixSpines.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You build a perfect Dragon V2 replica. You have read so many contract descriptions that you forget basic sentence structure, needless to say, this is where you come in.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You max out all your credit cards charging your Friendship Drive. Civilisation is destroyed by an unknown probe you hailed while it was approaching Kerbin.
<transhohmann> lol
<transhohmann> that reminds me of my first launch attempt
<transhohmann> I loaded up on fuel and boosters until I ad 18k dv, then launched NASA-style with a sharp turn at the top
<transhohmann> This resulted in me crashing into kerbin at somewhere around 5000m/s
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Your actions are in direct violation of the laws of physics. Please cease said actions or you will be apprehended and taken to infinity jail.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Your actions are in direct violation of the laws of physics. Please cease said actions or you will be apprehended and taken to infinity jail.
<transhohmann> ;mission add You successfully land an alfredo rocket on the Mun, a first for Kerbalkind.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added mission: You successfully land an alfredo rocket on the Mun, a first for Kerbalkind.
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Your attempts are thwarted by THERMIC SPACE LEECHES!
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Your attempts are thwarted by THERMIC SPACE LEECHES!
<UmbralRaptop> !outcome lunch
<LunchBot> UmbralRaptop: You lose your lunch license, and your rockets now must face a hangry kraken.
<UmbralRaptop> !outcome lunch is
<LunchBot> UmbralRaptop: No outcome found matching "lunch is".
<transhohmann> ;outcome lunch isn't
<LunchBot> transhohmann: No outcome found matching "lunch isn't".
<transhohmann> schrodinger's lunch
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<transhohmann> goooood murning
<darsie> .
<darsie> 1610
<transhohmann> 7:11
<transhohmann> afternoon, then
<transhohmann> also I wished you a good morning (whether you like it or not) when you said good night so I thought it amusing to continue the joke
<transhohmann> I am dedicated to the punchline, often to a fault
<darsie> :)
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<sheeep> heyho
<darsie> .
<darsie> Without a doubt.
<flayer> hi sheeep
<UmbralRaptop> \o
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<SporkWitch> that was far more challenging of a launch than i'd expected... payload's only about 2 tonnes, but it's long-ish, so maintaining stability while still in the atmosphere was challenging, without just going with a ridiculously overpowered lifter lol
<SporkWitch> creates actual maps, that you have to build with a satellite placed at an appropriate orbit
<SporkWitch> can do visual, biome, resources, altimetry, and even scan for anomalies, provided you have the right sensors and at the right ranges. Could map more efficiently if i split things up, but i chose a slightly slower construction of the map in favor of a combination of sensors with overlapping ideal altitudes, at the cost of fieldof view on some (hence slower to build the map)
<SporkWitch> and unlike the built-in kerbnet, you can access the data from anything with a commnet connection (kerbnet requires a probe with the appropriate kerbnet mode to access it, making it of VERY limited utility)
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<Guest04183> hi
<sandbox> hello
<SporkWitch> ahoyhoy?
Guest04183 has quit [Client Quit]
<sandbox> bye
<SporkWitch> lol
<SporkWitch> at least he didn't give the cliche "dead chat" before bailing? lol
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<sheeep> Is there a way to toggle the ship lables to always on? Every start of KSP its off...
<SporkWitch> what do you mean by ship labels?
<raptop> I assume those distant ones that are toggled with F4
<sheeep> exactly
<packbart> huh, are they off by default? I don't remember not seeing them
<packbart> otoh, I use Distant Objects Enhancement, so a large station doesn't just pop it an 2.5km
<SporkWitch> DOE is awesomesauce. i'm pretty sure that's what made it so i can see other planets in the sky, and show their names if i mouse over them
<packbart> yes, that too
<SporkWitch> packbart: any idea why attaching the methalox tanks and a deinonychus makes my OFFLINE reactor suddenly generate enough heat to cause meltdown? lol
<SporkWitch> i take the tanks and engine off, suddenly it's fine
<SporkWitch> and it only goes crazy WHILE the deino is firing
<packbart> huh. that's weird. maybe it fires into the reactor? no clue, really
<SporkWitch> yeah, i assume it's a bug, since logically the engine's heat shouldn't transfer into it. if i DON"T have a reactor on the ship, deinos don't even cause the waste heat resource to appear lol
<packbart> possibly. I never used those reactors or the advanced UI that comes with them
<SporkWitch> oh, i wonder if it's the built-in generator... i see separate toggles in flight, but not in the VAB. if it was trying to draw extra power for the tanks then it would increase the heat if that was still on and didn't depend on the reactor also being on
<SporkWitch> though i feel like that SHOULD be a bug, if so. the reactor is supposed to generate the heat, the generator (even if built into the reactor) converts that heat to power
<SporkWitch> also, interstellar without nuclear power? what?! lol. it's one of the primary mechanics and systems lol. Really useful, too. It's not truly infinite, like slapping a bunch of RTGs on something is, but it's an extremely viable way to provide significant amounts of power. In this case, powering a bunch of fairly power-hungry (for probe standards) mapping equipment. total drain of 7.08 EC/s.
<SporkWitch> but with a scaled down liquid metal cooled reactor, i have more than enough power for that and the SAS if needed, and the fuel will last about 1500 years lol
<SporkWitch> (by which time i won't care, since it only takes a couple months to get a full map of a planet)
<packbart> as I said, I don't use Interstellar. I started with JNSQ a while ago but haven't done much in recent weeks, tbh
<SporkWitch> apologies, i'd thought you said you used it as well as MKS
<SporkWitch> i wouldn't have pinged otherwise
<SporkWitch> i did find the ACTUAL mobile workshop, though lol. i unlocked the tundra one since that's what i found and i'm like "how am i supposed to make a mobile vehicle out of this thing?" lol. the actual TRUCK is very nice lol
<packbart> nah, no problem. I don't know who here uses MKS/Interstellar. /lastlog didn't find any mention
<SporkWitch> either way i'm definitely having a blast, though it's a LOT to figure out. That's fun in itself, though. I'm finding I'm doing only one mission a day, if that. Most of the rest is planning and testing lol
<packbart> yeah, my stock-ish configuration usually looks like
<packbart> I had one version packed with all the necessary converters from Kerbalism
<packbart> but I always had trouble producing fuel in Kerbalism
<SporkWitch> i'm mildly annoyed that scansat doesn't have an auto-refresh option on the big map, only the small and zoom maps
<SporkWitch> would be so cool to just timewarp and watch the big map slowly fill in lol
<packbart> indeed
<SporkWitch> the maps end up looking really cool, and you can quickly and easily export them
<SporkWitch> just one more to put up for now, get a survey sat going over minmus, possibly duna tonight, but that'll take some redesign of the transfer and lifter stages
<SporkWitch> actually, probably send two to duna at once; might even make it easier, given how light the satellite is, and the struggle has been balancing the weight with such little needed for the lifter
<SporkWitch> (one each for duna and ike, though i'm not sure i CAN get a full scan of ike, since the sats wants 350-400km altitude... i suspect that's too far for ike's SOI lol
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<SporkWitch> nm, its SOI is apparently 1Mm
<SporkWitch> gilly will be a problem with only a 126km SOI lol
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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You construct an interplanetary transit vehicle out of graphene, spin-polarized helium, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. You come back with chocolate.
<raptop> Apparently I found teh snacks
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> just what is the secret component?
<Althego> must be tar
Tank2333 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<bees> raptop: Inspired by the elegant design of the magnetorquer, you decide to try to build a magnetranslator to cut down on fuel costs. The floating point errors result in floating kerbals.
<raptop> I'll consider that a catastrophic success
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> as long as they are not spaghettifying or breaking the planet, it is ok
<SporkWitch> changing orbit around minmus is always so much fun lol
<SporkWitch> that's 34.6m/s lol
<SporkWitch> going from 170° inclination to 90°, and reducing periapsis to 366km lol
<bees> Althego: You cite Project Rho as your only source for your research paper about rocket propulsion. Curiosity of tolerance levels leads to an untimely demise.
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<raptop> shiny
Lyneira has quit [Quit: Bye]
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<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You taunt the SpaceCore. The Explodium Sea lives up to its name.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to kill every kerbal in one titanic explosion. Even Danny2462 thinks you're crazy.
<transhohmann> impossible
<raptop> coherence is of course subject to some variance
<FLHerne> transhohmann: I doubt it
<FLHerne> there must be a finite number of kerbal names
<transhohmann> FLHerne not the genocide, dannny
<sandbox> Titanic explosion
<FLHerne> oh, maybe true
* flayer sighs
<flayer> i'm tired
<transhohmann> then have a crumpe
<sandbox> I made the Titanic once
<transhohmann> crumpet
<flayer> i'm gonna have some tea
* raptop throws a can of monster at flayer
<FLHerne> That's a good idea
<FLHerne> have a crumpet with it, they're nice with tea
<transhohmann> throwing cans of monster is never a good idea
<FLHerne> Today I'm drinking rooibos tea because still trying to kick caffeine addiction
<transhohmann> add outcome Peace was never an option.
<sandbox> sadly toast along with my old hard drive
<transhohmann> rooibos is may favorite
<transhohmann> my*
<FLHerne> ;outcome add Peace was never an option.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: Peace was never an option.
<transhohmann> thanks
<FLHerne> !nextlunch add tea and crumpets
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added lunch: Tea and crumpets
<transhohmann> woooo
<transhohmann> Ain't no party like my Nana's tea party, heyyy hoooh
<raptop> !outcome add You fail catastrophically.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You fail catastrophically.
<raptop> !outcome add You succeed catastrophically.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You succeed catastrophically.
<transhohmann> :outcome add You watch the destruction of Kerbin to the sounds of Jack Stauber...
<raptop> Jack stabber?
<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You attempt to fire your rockets without advance notice, against union layoff agreements. You melt Kerbin's scrith shell, causing it to fall into the singularity.
<raptop> <_<
<raptop> >_>
<sandbox> ;mission
<LunchBot> sandbox: You implement a recursive program in kOS. Gene Kerman adds your picture to the Wall Of Shame in R&D.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You ask a model rocketeer to send a compass up in that rocket of theirs. You get caught up in an argument over units of measurement and do not go to space today.
<transhohmann> heh
<raptop> Gene Kerman is annoyed that you causd the guidance computer to run out of stack
<transhohmann> I myself am out of stack
<bees> transhohmann: You decide to go have lunch, leaving MechJeb to execute your maneuver burns unsupervised. A relevant XKCD is made shortly thereafter.
<sandbox> ;mission
<LunchBot> sandbox: You mutter something about "chargin mah lazer" and stand with an open mouth. Folks from the SCP Wiki arrive on the channel and make everyone's life hell with their immutable pedantry.
<raptop> ;outcome add MechJeb executes several dozen maneuver nodes for treason.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: MechJeb executes several dozen maneuver nodes for treason.
<sandbox> ;mission
<LunchBot> sandbox: You decide to solve your problems in Kerbal Excel Program by adding more spreadsheets. Дмитрий Рогозин offers to sell you a trampoline.
<transhohmann> bees You launch a rocket powered by kerbal emissions. You find yourself in an eccentric orbit of jool
<SporkWitch> don't trust the russian trampoline
<transhohmann> it's stuffed with cocainum
<transhohmann> :add mission You launch a rocket powered by kerbal emissions.
* raptop feels certain that DMitry Rogozin's trampoline being in the bot is my fault
<transhohmann> ;add mission You launch a rocket powered by kerbal emissions.
<transhohmann> lol
<FLHerne> transhohmann: ;mission add
<FLHerne> or !, or ., but not :
<FLHerne> raptop: yeah, you can tell by the way it's in a weird alphabet
<raptop> hrm
<raptop> ;outcome multilin
<LunchBot> raptop: You doom us all to unending toil in service of He Whose Name Cannot Be Expressed In The Basic Multilingual Plane.
<SporkWitch> there needs to be some kind of combination snoo-snoo / ST:TOS reference in one of these
<sandbox> FLHerne, I thought you turned into a Bee Gee for a moment there
<FLHerne> I what now
<sandbox> "you can tell by the way"
<transhohmann> snoo-snoo
<transhohmann> sandbox
<transhohmann> ;mission add You launch a rocket powered by Kerbal emissions.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added mission: You launch a rocket powered by Kerbal emissions.
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