Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<transhohmann> wow
<transhohmann> that is gorgeous, what vm's
<transhohmann> additionally, I fogrot parachutes on my station's escape pods
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<Izaya> uhhhh I sampled one of everything on CKAN basically
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<transhohmann> apparently my computer can be shut of by being kicked
<transhohmann> *off
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* raptop recommends against that
<transhohmann> I did not mean to, I was getting out of the chair at speed because the front door opened.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You try to jetpack from the surface of the Mun to orbit for the 13th time. Christmas comes the form of a runaway neutron cascade.
<transhohmann> if need be, I can probably just take my escape pods through the hottest parts of reentry and then EVA and parachute down, right?
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<transhohmann> :outcome Donna Summer's "Hot Stuff" starts playing as you begin reentry.
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<transhohmann> rescuing a kerbal off of minmus is proving far harder than it should be
<transhohmann> I am sitting next to the stranded kerbal, but since he's a contract kerbal I have no idea how to pick him up
<transhohmann> I've gotten in and out of the vessel and there is no evident way to interact with the contract kerbal
<transhohmann> I found UmbralRaptor on a ksp reddit postlol
<transhohmann> he's practically in my wheel and yet i cannot retrieve him
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You tire of rockets, and decide to launch things into orbit with a giant gun. This results in you creating a new OS, KUNIX, which becomes insanely popular and shapes the history of computing.
<Althego> should be able to take control of the kerbal once closeenough
<transhohmann> he is under the front wheel of my cockpit'
<transhohmann> I am 1.6m away
<Althego> so switch to him
<Althego> (square brakcet)
<transhohmann> how./
<transhohmann> I click him in every way
<transhohmann> the best i have done is set him as target
<Althego> use sqyare bracket on the keyboard
<Althego> you can switch among bodies that are near
<Althego> including spacecraft, debris, and kerbals
<transhohmann> yayy
<transhohmann> thanks
<Althego> the two brackets cycle in different direction
<JVFoxy> oof..
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<JVFoxy> accidentally switching to another craft just as it gets out of physics range.. whoops
<JVFoxy> anyways..
<JVFoxy> good to see people still alive here. Was getting worried things were starting to wind down or something
Dalewyn_Lancaster is now known as King_Arthur
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<transhohmann> I am alive x3 for how much longer I do not know
<Althego> still alive
<JVFoxy> worry about the later... when it rolls up I guess
<JVFoxy> start thinking about your end all the time, is not a good way to spend the time while you are around
<JVFoxy> welp... till next time, gotta go. Fly safe, as the saying goes
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<Althego> heh i missed a lot from irys unarchived. but still caught mamma mia
<Althego> guerilla unarchived karaoke should be a crime
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<transhohmann> I can't make an SSTO without rapiers for crap
<Althego> you can with turbojets
<Althego> you lose possibblt 100-200 m/s max speed on them
<Althego> butthey take of way easier
<transhohmann> I can't get above 18km to get the readings for that contract still, either
<transhohmann> and so far all attempts with suborbital rockets have been thwarted by my high altitude
<Althego> those are annoying early careeer contracts
<Althego> you can only do them with the panthers
<transhohmann> my best jet engine is a wheesley
<transhohmann> that's obnoxious
<Althego> or alternatively fly a plane with a rocket there on slower jets and use the rocket to hop up
<transhohmann> also have been trying that
<Althego> i you do it right you can have maybe 4 jumps before the fuel runs out
<Althego> but it is easier to way for the pantehr
<transhohmann> Also, geostationary orbit over hte cannery?
<Althego> contracts specify the orbit. so you just need to reach it when you are above the target
<Althego> and you dont even need to be exactly above
<Althego> so possible to eyeball it
<transhohmann> oh nice
<transhohmann> it says specific meters
<Althego> but normally they also show the orbit you need to reach
<transhohmann> how do I collect the seismic data on the mun, I have tried 3 times and gotten data but apparently not the right data?
<Althego> and that specific altitude should be the keostationary altitude anyway
<Althego> seizmic with the yellow small cylinder? that needs to be at the points the mission specifies. you get a notification when you enter the zone of a waypoint
<Althego> there is an other instrument
<Althego> possibly in dlc
<transhohmann> it doesn't ask for a location
<Althego> that you can install anywhere, then bombard the mun wiht things, and it collects seizmic data
<Althego> the closer to the install location and faster, the better
<transhohmann> I have the cylinder and it wants bombaardment
<transhohmann> what things
<Althego> that is not the correct insturment. you need to install a deployable instrument
<Althego> i usually use burned out stages or similar
<transhohmann> I lonly have one deployable intrument and it is the magnetometer
<Althego> there are others, maybe you havent enabled them yet
<Althego> so for t he deployable science, you need to install a control station, power, possibly solar panels early on, then install the instrument. and panels like to be installed by engineers, while science instruments by scientists
<Althego> you get bonuses for the correct job
<Althego> on the mun the solar panels are kind of annoying because of the long night
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You attempt to make a rocket using sausage for propellant. Your skill at breaking KSP gets you invited to the Experimental team.
<XXCoder> yay!
<darsie> .
<Althego> the mythbusters gubrod rocket
<Althego> hybrid
* darsie is positive.
<XXCoder> covid?
<darsie> +
<darsie> all 6 in our shared flat
<XXCoder> that sucks. hope none serious
<Althego> and millions in our shared globe
<darsie> Very mild so far.
<Althego> for most people omicron is similar to a cold
<darsie> 3xvaxed
<Althego> last tuesday i was about 1.5m away from somebody who got it (and realized it in the evening)
<XXCoder> my bro got postive, but thankfylly didnt spread to any of us, he isolated well
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<transhohmann> dang
<transhohmann> my mother and her boyfriends are staying at opposite ends of their house because he got it at work
<SporkWitch> Althego: added bonus, omicron conveys immunity to the other strains
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<Guest61064> sus
<Guest61064> baka
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<Althego> lol
<transhohmann> hahhahaha
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Guest61064 has declared you Sus Baka
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Guest61064 has declared you Sus Baka
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<transhohmann> how does one deal with eve
<transhohmann> just a flyby with a probe
<SporkWitch> don't try to aerobrake, that atmosphere is stupid thick
<Althego> you can, with the absolutely op inflatable heat shield
<Althego> otherwise that astmosphere is quite deadly in multiple ways
<SporkWitch> ... my rescue mission spawned the kerbal in a module with no hatch... lol
<Althego> lol
<Althego> what kind of module is that?
<Althego> a mod?
<SporkWitch> one of the MKS modules
<SporkWitch> yeah
<SporkWitch> apparently the Tundra Multihub has a single crew slot, but it has no hatch unless you attach one lol
<Althego> then just take the module home
<SporkWitch> mildly annoying since it means i can't get the EVA and flag planting XP while i'm here, but not a huge deal since it's a pilot anyway, and i don't really need pilots right now.
<SporkWitch> no way to with the rescue craft, but yeah, i'm just going to teleport it to the kerbin surface
<SporkWitch> for all intents and purposes i already completed the mission, since i made rendesvous and have plenty of dV left to land and then return to kerbin
<transhohmann> will antennae work when attached to girders
<SporkWitch> and this will give me enough science for some new nuclear engines, including a nuclear equivalent of the rapier; no fuel consumption in stmosphere (and it doesn't care what the atmosphere is), and then can toggle it to various liquid fuels once the air's too thin
<transhohmann> nice
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: yes, antennae only care that they're not stowed (inside a closed cargo bay or a fairing) and are deployed
<SporkWitch> fixed antennae will work even when in a fairing, since they don't need to deploy
<darsie> I deployed a Communotron-16 in a fairing in the VAB.
<SporkWitch> i think the 16 is physicsless so it doesn't count; the ones that are affected by physics stop you when inside a fairing, at least when i've tried
<darsie> It pierced the reflector of the Resource Survey Scanner when it deployed.
<SporkWitch> clipping is still allowed to occur unless you have same vessel interaction enabled, but most deployable stuff will give an error message if you try to deploy it while stowed
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<SporkWitch> my wings burned up on the way to orbit :'(
<Althego> there was some movie, maybe in the 80s, when some passenger space plane was stuck in orbit, and they moved some guy out in a coffin. also an other plane was flying in front of it to act as a heat shield when landing. anybody remember this?
<SporkWitch> doesn't sound familiar
<SporkWitch> that is a very 80s name lol
<Althego> hehe only 4.8 on imdb
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<Mat2ch> Althego: weirdly I remember this somehow
<Mat2ch> But it could work
<Mat2ch> Has someone made windtunnel tests? :D
<SporkWitch> my spaceplane does NOT want to slow down during reentry
<SporkWitch> i'm only bleeding speed at like 0.1m/s^2
<Mat2ch> uh, B4 is back on the OLT
<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: you are not pancaking enough!
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: i'm using FAR, 45° is about the most i can risk at this altitude or i'd likely lose control
<SporkWitch> as it is it's warning me about the crazy angle of attack lol
<Mat2ch> you need to go in flat bottom first :D
<Mat2ch> So you might have to redesign
<SporkWitch> my non-FAR spaceplanes have always come in at around 45 without issue
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<SporkWitch> in fairness, it's a mk4 hull
<SporkWitch> gonna need to add airbrakes... lol
<SporkWitch> down to 24km and still doing 1272m/s lol
<Mat2ch> Uh, I played with the MK4 parts very very long ago
<Mat2ch> they look really great
<SporkWitch> the engines i'm using lose a lot of efficiency when i scaled them down to mk2 size, and they're really built for mk4 size heh
<Mat2ch> So scifi. Needs a warp drive now. :D
<SporkWitch> 2.5m nuclear engines that use the atmosphere as propellant, then toggle over to liquid fuel when needed
<SporkWitch> amusingly, the radiators i used to keep the reactor from overheating are ALSO keeping the airplane wings from melting lol
<SporkWitch> still get warning bars, but they stay under control
<Mat2ch> You can park another space plane in that cargo bay...
<Mat2ch> Even bigger stock parts would've been great to have in KSP.
<Mat2ch> I'm really looking forward to KSP2. I hope crafts with thousands of parts are possible now.
<Mat2ch> uhh, interesting design.
<SporkWitch> simple design, heh
<SporkWitch> just a cockpit, the shoulder intakes, pair of engines, fat-455 wings and tailfins
<Mat2ch> Imho the wings are not designed for this and should be much smaller
<SporkWitch> two of the short cargo segments
<Mat2ch> or even this design (screenshot from the parts gallery)
<SporkWitch> may try that when i get those parts; i don't have the Big-S parts on this career yet lol
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<Mat2ch> ah, that explains the choice
<Mat2ch> but airliner parts are not made for reentry!
<SporkWitch> i know lol
<SporkWitch> but i wanted to test the new engines lol
<SporkWitch> massive overshoot, but i've turned around and trying to line up with the runway, heh
<SporkWitch> well, i landed, but i couldn't slow down lol
<SporkWitch> lost the wings and tailfins, but everything else was fine lol
<Mat2ch> Well, a landing you can walk away from...
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<SporkWitch> sadly the mk4 doesn't support tweakscale, so i can't make it truly ginormous to build a space carrier lol
<SporkWitch> should still be able to make it really long and fit a good number of small ships in it
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<Mat2ch> But will need a lot of power then to go to orbit
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<SporkWitch> those engines pump out over 1400kN lol
<Mat2ch> Oh, how I wish that there will be a part-builder mode in KSP, where you can design your own parts and maybe even share it. Like having a huge database of parts from other people. With votes and such things
<Mat2ch> Or being able to tweak every aspect of an engine. (with the problem that they can just explode if you turn the chamber pressure up too high)
<SporkWitch> that could be fun heh
<Mat2ch> oh yes
<Mat2ch> I had an idea for KSP2 where you get a fully programmable controller. And you can take programming lessons in game where you learn how to program the controller, but also how to calculate orbits, transfers, etc.
<Mat2ch> and then you can use those small programs to create whole flight plans
<Mat2ch> launching, gravity turn, orbit insertion, transfer burns, etc.
<Izaya> kOS as a stock feature?
<Mat2ch> maybe even barge landing
<Mat2ch> yes, but please not kOS itself. The programming style is horrible...
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<Izaya> yeah the kOS programming language pains me
<Izaya> it's a stack machine though so I ALMOST want to write a forth for it
<Mat2ch> well, you can use external scripts... but a programmable computer integrated into KSP would make things so much easier
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<SporkWitch> i wish the ventral cargo bay had a variant that lowered the floor to the ground. I can make one using pistons, but it doesn't look good since you can't properly attach multiple pistons to the single panel piece
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<Mat2ch> See, that's what I mean by parts builder... You could go in there, build it and use it right away. :D
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