Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
<transhohmann> How in the Kraken do I collect a mun stone?
<transhohmann> Is a surface sample not enough?
<transhohmann> The same goes for limestone from Minmus]
<darsie> No. Go to one of the suggested biomes and find one, e.g. wiht a rover.
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: i find a lot of people these days mistake their opinions for facts, and facts for opinions. (don't take this as targeted, it's just a really good and common example in the last couple years). Take not just the conflation of gender and sex, but the outright denial that biological sex even exists. You can have opinions about gender (it IS a cultural construct, literally invented by
<transhohmann> by
<SporkWitch> that sick SOB John Money), but sex is a biological fact, we can prove it through DNA, bone structure, etc. The argument when pointing it out though is usually claiming that saying sex exists is an opinion, when it IS a fact
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: mun stones are a SPECIAL geological feature
<SporkWitch> unlike the ground clutter, they're collidable and you'll get a special interaction when right clicking your kerbal to collect it
<transhohmann> ah
<transhohmann> I'm not sure if I can get a rover going
<SporkWitch> best way to find them in stock (without cheating) is to zoom out and move the camera around close to the ground to try to find something that looks different than the other clutter.
<darsie> Or you could look from a flying rocket for one, and once you found one, reload and go there more efficiently.
<transhohmann> I have tried to build them and when testing them on kerbin I cannot get the rover wheels to move
<SporkWitch> cheating, there's a toggle to put giant flashing red arrows over all the ones in the loaded area (think beacon waypoints in most action games)
<transhohmann> lol
<SporkWitch> and some mods ad better compromises, that give indications when you're close and a general sense of direction
<SporkWitch> (one of the ones i'm running right now has a couple things intended to be mounted to planes or rovers for this purpose)
<transhohmann> I have made upper rocket stages with wheels in order to scoot along, but rover wheels are something I have not yet figured out
<darsie> You can move through the usual rocks, but the special ones are solid.
<darsie> transhohmann: Try continous (non snap) mode when attaching rover wheels. And maybe mirror symmetry.
<transhohmann> I do have a visual mod that adds more rocks to the mun, ones that you lip through
<transhohmann> is that the circular one
<darsie> yes
<transhohmann> always mirror symmetry
<transhohmann> my problem is they will not move
<SporkWitch> note: ALWAYS use absolute snap when ROTATING wheels; any deviation from perfectly perpendicular with the ground does REALLY wonky stuff, even with strong gravity, but it goes absolutely bonkers with weak gravity
<transhohmann> this much I know
<transhohmann> lol
<transhohmann> my first lander had continuous wheels on and it bounced around like a kikkerland toy
<transhohmann> like that
<darsie> Hmm, someone said they didn't want to give us ropes becaues their physics is too hard, but we have chutes on ropes.
<SporkWitch> not really, it's just a visual effect
<SporkWitch> that's why the angle betwen the chutes and the vessel can be weird, it just applies a linear drag force, as far as i can tell, no rope-like behaviour at all, it's just some lines drawn between the module and the chute graphic
<transhohmann> thankfully
<transhohmann> I'd have entagled myself many times
<SporkWitch> actually USABLE ropes would be harder to do. haven't messed with the winch in KAS yet, but i'd suspect they use a similar trick
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<transhohmann> KSP is now making no noise at all and I find it very disconcerting
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<transhohmann> I lost audio because I kicked the power button on my speaker system
<packbart> SporkWitch: "Recyclables" are resources from MKS or Interstellar? Never had those in my game. I use the workshop's recycle option mainly to convert the MaterialKit spacedrop containers into more MaterialKts. and the inline workshop after it built the mobile one. and maybe some unused craft parts after extending a build with a redesigned Kit
<packbart> so it just makes parts go poof and MaterialKits in its containers appear
<packbart> I fire a few containers full of MaterialKits and SpecialParts at, say, Minmus and decouple it at about the right moment so the transfer stage crashes into Minmus and the container makes a low retrograde swing-by
<packbart> a spacecrane in orbit catches it and takes it safely-ish down to the build site or assembly line
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<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You attempt to create a mod to add Lagrange points to the game. Jeb doesn't let you forget about it for a month.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You place shims under the uneven legs of Rokker's chair, causing him to stop Rokking. The radioactive fallout will take decades to clean up.
<transhohmann> :D
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You attempt to use the penrose process to power an interstellar spacecraft. RandomJeb spends the next hour trying to convince everyone that he is the real Jebediah.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You violate every law of thermodynamics. You melt Kerbin's scrith shell, causing it to fall into the singularity.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You put a plane inside your plane so you can crash while you crash. When asked to explain your behavior, you can only offer a sheepish chuckle and the inexplicable craving for cream cheese.
<transhohmann> oh man that's a dunian dustwom
<transhohmann> brain parasite specifically evolved to feed on Kerbals
<transhohmann> victims show strange behavior and a craving of cream cheese
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You build a craft to cover the KSC in debris. There is a relevant xkcd made tomorrow.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Mission Control asks you to do a grand tour. Mission control bans you from KSP.
<transhohmann> mission control is a bit bipolar
<transhohmann> ;outcome add "my bottom is full of noodles"
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: "my bottom is full of noodles"
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<transhohmann> ;mission add You receive a tentacle-written note from the Kraken requesting the random detachment of 8937 control surfaces, or else.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added mission: You receive a tentacle-written note from the Kraken requesting the random detachment of 8937 control surfaces, or else.
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Valentina loses all of her snacks do to extreme overheating.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Valentina loses all of her snacks do to extreme overheating.
<transhohmann> due
<transhohmann> :mission del Valentina loses all of her snacks due to extreme overheating.
<transhohmann> ;mission del Valentina loses all of her snacks do to extreme overheating.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: No mission found matching "Valentina loses all of her snacks do to extreme overheating.".
<transhohmann> ?
<transhohmann> never use dragonspeak
<transhohmann> 50 dollars wated
<transhohmann> wasted
<transhohmann> So either I can type poorly or be misintterpreted
<transhohmann> How did I even get two t's
<transhohmann> is 3600 dv to get 4 kerbals to a mun encounter bad
<transhohmann> with 2353 left over
<transhohmann> moreover is 1400 enough to return form the mun's surface
<Althego> it should be, because about 600 to orbit, and about 300 to kerbin, the rest is aero
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<transhohmann> thanks
<transhohmann> lol the ship autosaved before I added landing legs
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<transhohmann> all is well except when I try to eva I pull the ship over with my weight
<Althego> hehe
<transhohmann> a whole craft balanced on a spark
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<transhohmann> should the same craft be able to rescue a kerbal from minmus
<transhohmann> i would hope so, but I have misjudged before
<Althego> if you dont mind the time, minmus is more easily accessible
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Capital I's, dammit!
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Capital I's, dammit!
<transhohmann> I don't mind the time lol
<transhohmann> it's the landing in the right place that concerns me
<transhohmann> I have a recue contract
<transhohmann> rescue
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<transhohmann> I still don't think i should be spending 3000 dv to get into LKO
<Althego> on earth you need closer to 10000
<Althego> so there isnt any problem with that
<transhohmann> I figured out my problem
<transhohmann> I can't turn as early as I would like because my boosters imbalance my craft, but I added small motors to the ends of the booster for stabilisation for tthe turn
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<NGC3982> im so bored
<Althego> you are just spacing out there :)
<transhohmann> returning to kerbin with 200dv
<transhohmann> I'm ecstatic, as are the kerbals
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<Althego> hehe
<transhohmann> now for this playthrough's first docking attempt
<transhohmann> IF I can get into orbit
<transhohmann> TWR
<Althego> more boosters
<transhohmann> I switched my 3rd stage to a bobcat rather than a poodle, my first two stages are pollux boosters, drop the pollux and light the bobcat that was once a poodle
<transhohmann> by switchem them I have raised my delta v in the hanger to 7250
<transhohmann> switching
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You upload SCORPION STARE to your ship's external cameras to ward off Kraken attacks. People start complaining about Kmath's mission function.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You take off your engineering hat, and put on your management hat. You are challenged to a game of drop-ball.
<XXCoder> ;mission silly
<LunchBot> XXCoder: Icefire gets fed up with silly missions and outcomes.
<transhohmann> that has to be one of mine, but I don't remember doing it
<XXCoder> lol thats not normal
<transhohmann> but that is a soldid Adventure time reference
<transhohmann> *solid
<transhohmann> what's not normal
<XXCoder> lunchbot respond to my ;mission lol
<transhohmann> oh the bot
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You ask someone what is their K/D on KSP. The last thing you see is a Blue Sky of Death.
<XXCoder> it dont have typical mission and outcome
<transhohmann> ;mission silly
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Icefire gets fed up with silly missions and outcomes.
<transhohmann> oh what
<transhohmann> ;mission silly
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Icefire gets fed up with silly missions and outcomes.
<transhohmann> only one
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You explain how the orange rocket is good. You died for failing to GET OFF MY LAWN!
<transhohmann> the orange rocket IS good
<XXCoder> icefire isnt here thankfully or we'd constantly pinging that guy
<XXCoder> ;mission orange
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You invite all four orange suits, the KSC staff, and a few dozen gray suits into an among us tournament.
<transhohmann> nooo
<transhohmann> ;mission orange'
<LunchBot> transhohmann: No mission found matching "orange'".
<transhohmann> ;mission orange
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You explain how the orange rocket is good.
<XXCoder> think if you use a word, it gets first result and doesnt add outcome
<XXCoder> or random one of that word anyway
<XXCoder> ;outcome orange
<LunchBot> XXCoder: Self-aware kmath is taken down by a mute woman in an orange jumpsuit.
<transhohmann> :mission exit
<transhohmann> ;mission beans
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You are contracted to manufacture a series of ballistic missiles for the North Kerbeans.
<transhohmann> ha
<transhohmann> ker-beans
<transhohmann> ;mission explode
<LunchBot> transhohmann: UmbralRaptor explodes, emitting all kinds of dinosaur DNA.
<transhohmann> h o t
<transhohmann> lmao
<transhohmann> ;mission green
<LunchBot> transhohmann: you listen to some music GreeningGalaxy recommended on the forums.
<transhohmann> ;mission blue
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You fix a wiring defect using nothing but blue electric tape.
<transhohmann> I have some of that on my desk
<transhohmann> ;mission purple
<LunchBot> transhohmann: No mission found matching "purple".
<transhohmann> atrocious
<transhohmann> ;mission add You are sent to eve and wonder if there will be any purple rain.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added mission: You are sent to eve and wonder if there will be any purple rain.
<XXCoder> ol years ago you'd been kicked quite a while ago when this channel had 700-800 people
<transhohmann> what
<transhohmann> oh
<transhohmann> am I overdoing it
<XXCoder> not really just dont do it while other people is chatting lol
<XXCoder> of course ops may say otherwise but doubt it
<packbart> well, it does answer to /msg iirc
<packbart> but nah, I don't feel threatened by missions, yet ;)
<transhohmann> yet lol
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You try to find a way to affect spacetime and open wormholes. Your processor irradiates you, then explodes violently.
<transhohmann> that outcome has already occurred
<transhohmann> it is why I have the new one
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You search for the Mysterious Cities of Kerbin. Fortunately, all the gray-suits were lost.
<transhohmann> lol
<transhohmann> :outcome add Not all who wander are lost, buy you certainly seem to be.
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Not all those who wander are lost, but you certainly seem to be.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Not all those who wander are lost, but you certainly seem to be.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You upgrade your shipboard computers to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The video goes viral on YouTube.
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<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You retune your ASAS' PID controller. It explains everything.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You attempt to land on top of the VAB from orbit. Asteroid B612 lands on KSC.
<transhohmann> I have managed that, moistly on accident
<transhohmann> mostly*
<transhohmann> ;outcome add Moist.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: Moist.
<transhohmann> ;outcome moist
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Now all of your pets have an external moisture content of 100%.
<transhohmann> ;outcome moist
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Now all of your pets have an external moisture content of 100%.
<transhohmann> ;outcome Moist.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Moist.
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You leave the channel right before PrefixCactus sends you a long and detailed reply. The Kraken dines on your save file.
<transhohmann> ;mission kraken
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You try to recapture all your base that are belong to the Kraken.
<transhohmann> ;mission kraken
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You receive a tentacle-written note from the Kraken requesting the random detachment of 8937 control surfaces, or else.
<transhohmann> yssy
<darsie> .
<transhohmann> /
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<transhohmann> I feel pretty bad leaving 1600dv of fuel floating around just to expose my docking port.
<transhohmann> Should I revert and rebuild lighter for my first station part
<Althego> or take the whole thing to the mun
<transhohmann> I wouldn't even leave that much behind in sandbox but in career it is a funding nightmare
<transhohmann> you've got to be kidding me
<transhohmann> too many word names
<sandbox> me again
<Althego> hehe
<transhohmann> I mean you, you're asking for it, sandbox on a sandbox loving game ;p
<sandbox> I had this name before KSP even existed
<Althego> there was somebody with the name snow too
<transhohmann> I suppose I could take it to the mun, but will still be my first time docking
<transhohmann> that's what she said
<transhohmann> and in any case I was thinking of building a fueling station
<transhohmann> I find my mun encounters arent always perfect and I'd like to just try things out at home
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You give the flight computer a departure angle measured in degrees, forgetting that it's in radians mode. You win a hundred BadS kerbals in a bet over the outcome of your mission.
<transhohmann> whoa
<transhohmann> recipe for disaster
<transhohmann> I took off 6 tons of fuel and only lost 600dv
<transhohmann> both rather perfect mathematically and also a reminder of how wasteful I'm being
<Althego> no, recipe for disaster is trying to transport chlorine trifluoride
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<transhohmann> lmao
<transhohmann> no, that's the path to destruction
<transhohmann> :outcome destruction
<transhohmann> ;outcome destruction
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Your ship dubsteps itself to destruction.
<transhohmann> lmao
<Althego> hehe
<SporkWitch> (also, morning o/)
<Althego> i think it would be possible to kill me with dubstep
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<Althego> maybe i could fight it back with some chiptune
<Mat2ch> Althego: have you ever played Saints Row IV?
<Althego> no
<SporkWitch> it has a dubstep cannon lol
<Mat2ch> jip jip
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> My favourite gun in it
<SporkWitch> i actually really liked 4, though; the Matrix-y mechanics made it a blast, and its vehicle handling is soooooo much better than GTA
<Mat2ch> but it felt so small compared to GTA...
<Mat2ch> and GTA V was released shortly after
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<SporkWitch> the series was always a less in-your-face brutal GTA knock-off. That said, I really enjoyed the comedy in it. GTA5 is really funny too, but if GTA is satire, Saints Row is overt parody. And also, the driving mechanics are SOOOOOOOOO much better in Saints Row. Neither are remotely realistic, but the drift mechanic totally makes up for it by just making things easy to control.
<Althego> i happened to play a somewhat car game last year. mad max. but i think the last car game i played before that was ignition about 25 years ago
<Althego> and now that i think back i liked that better
<Althego> i used to know each track inside out, back and forth (there was a mirror mode where you raced in the other direction)
<SporkWitch> don't remember ignition. think i was playing some dos-based car game back then, totally blanking on the name. You'd do illegal street races to make money (or could even race for pink slips) to upgrade your car or build a new one. Surprising degree of customization, especially for the time. Think it wasn't until maybe GT2 or 3 that i saw another game that went to the same level of detail
<SporkWitch> Mad Max was surprisingly not terrible, and by the standards of games based on movies or tv shows, it was outright GOOD. I wouldn't have bought it, though, I just got it free with PS+
<Althego> adaptation between film and game in both directions are usually way below average
<Althego> yes mad max was good
<Althego> but i still think i liked ignition more
<SporkWitch> i want to say there was one really good game-to-movie adaptation, but i'm totally brainfarting on what it was
<SporkWitch> and then of course there was the original Star Wars X-Wing and Star Wars TIE Fighter games (the separate ones; x-wing vs TIE was poopy)
<SporkWitch> IIRC X-Wing was the first video game to have fully polygonal graphics (no textures, but still, NO SPRITES during gameplay)
<SporkWitch> (well, i'm sure they still used sprites for eplosions and such, but all the actual models were polygonal)
<Althego> elite 2?
<Althego> ok same year but later
<Althego> i never played the original elite
<SporkWitch> i never played any of the Elites
<SporkWitch> until E:D, and it was pretty bad. Just a lot of poor design choices, and all the ships handle like crap.
<SporkWitch> LOT of issues with Star Citizen, but at least the ships handle like SHIPS, not square-wheeled refrigerators
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i handle star citizen as a scam. takes in money and never finshed
<SporkWitch> it's not a scam, there's no malice there, it's just not well-managed
<SporkWitch> In no small part due to their abysmal community management. Combine that with their ambitions being as high as the fans' hype, along with zero mutliplayer experience, and you get feature creep and balance issues.
<SporkWitch> I donated while in Europe, so I could probably get my money back if I wanted to, but I'm willing to wait it out and see what happens. Even in its current state it does have a full gameplay loop and is quite playable overall.
<SporkWitch> Worst case, my money is better off in the form of internet spaceships than USD anyway.
<SporkWitch> I already sold a couple ships when money was tight and made a profit
<SporkWitch> (and that was 5 years ago)
<Mat2ch> GTA V stopped being satire and took itself far to serious
<SporkWitch> i didn't play the single player, the online mode was just too good and fun, but it still felt like satire to me.
<Mat2ch> GTAO is just grind. Dead cold grind.
<SporkWitch> The heists and everything were semi-serious, but still over the top and cliche, which was the point. And the talk radio and tv shows are still just classic. I'd sit in my apt just watching the tv shows lol
<Mat2ch> Yes, I have the penthouse in the casino.
<Mat2ch> :D
<SporkWitch> GTAO is definitely grindy, they want you to buy money, but once you get rolling, it's pretty easy to make plenty.
<SporkWitch> I haven't played in a while, think the last addition was doomsday heists
<Mat2ch> What bothered me the most are the stealth mechanics and the lag between players
<SporkWitch> stealth mechanics were only bad if you couldn't kill people ;)
<Mat2ch> you can't do the casino heist in stealth. We've tried for hours.
<SporkWitch> as is usually the case, my main frustrations were with flying, though it was certainly playable, at least with fixed-wing aircraft. rotary wing can go eff themselves
<SporkWitch> then again, rotary wing aircraft are just weird, since they behave in multiple different ways depending on horizontal speed and altitude. also, VRS is a [female dog]
<Mat2ch> helicopters in GTA V are great. But you need a controller...
<SporkWitch> back to kerbals: Mat2ch, you played with MKS at all?
<Mat2ch> MKS?
<SporkWitch> that answers that lol
<Mat2ch> don't be like that :P
<Mat2ch> What is MKS?
<SporkWitch> Modular Kolonization System
<Mat2ch> I really can't tell. I tried a few mods here and there, but if I used it it didn't stick
<SporkWitch> you'd know if you had lol
<Mat2ch> I'm not touching KSP anymore. The performance is too bad
<Mat2ch> And I'm on a Ryzen 2700X...
<Mat2ch> and since they're developing KSP2 on Unity as well, I have few hopes it'll have good performance.
<Althego> hehe
<SporkWitch> My load times are pretty crummy at around 3-4 minutes, but i'm running a boatload of ultra-complex mods right now
<Mat2ch> I'm talking about vehicles with 100+ parts that are just unplayable.
<Mat2ch> Not fun :/
<Althego> with the complete rwrite they should have swwitched engines
<SporkWitch> Overall game performance is acceptable for what it is. Unmodded, performance is perfectly fine for me and always was, even on my old Phenom IIx4 with 16GB RAM and GTX1060
<SporkWitch> that's more of a RAM limitation, no?
<SporkWitch> I've only had a couple with 100+ parts, but hadn't really noticed any issues that weren't GPU-related
<Mat2ch> I had only a few mods, KER, MechJeb, DockingAlignmentIndicator for me last huge Jool mission.
<SporkWitch> and those i solved by switching back to realplume instead of waterfall
<Mat2ch> ok, the ship had 1000+ parts, but I can explain!
<Althego> heh
<Althego> e
<Mat2ch> (and 1000 parts should not be a problem at all. I bet they tried to solve some NP hard problem there
<SporkWitch> i'm in the process of rebuilding my station, since apparently i used some deprecated parts that just haven't been removed yet. I'm just building it fully in the VAB and gonna cheat it up then deorbit the old one (i lose some money, but save some time; it's not like it's my fault the parts weren't clearly labeled)
<Althego> do you think they they will eb removed?
<Althego> no development
<SporkWitch> so it should scale at O(logN), if i'm not mistaken, since ships are just a tree from the root part. One of the big problems, though, is that the game uses a single thread PER SHIP, so having one ginormous ship means lots more work for a single thread.
<SporkWitch> That's one of the reasons and benefits for MKS's logistics system letting structures "magically" move resources between each other within a short range: it allows lots of small structures, each running on its own thread, instead of needing your city-size colony to be one, connected structure running on a single thread.
<SporkWitch> Althego: whether they remove them or not is largely immaterial, since they aren't WORKING right lol, or at least not quite right lol. Their inventories aren't being recognized correctly when dismantling parts, and i feel like they're the wrong ones since they're missing certain abilities that the documentation says they SHOULD have
<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: O(log n) on 1000 parts is nothing for a modern computer...
<SporkWitch> that assumes they're storing it as a btree, and not something else. But yes, no matter how they're storing it, 1000 elements is not a large number for a dataset, even 30 years ago. Heck, the dataset they had us using when we were implementing search algorithms was a few HUNDRED thousand entries, and it NEEDED to be that big just so we COULD notice a difference between our implementations and the
<SporkWitch> built-ins
<Mat2ch> exactly
<Kalpa> Stop talking computer sciences :(
<Mat2ch> How much are you paying?
<Mat2ch> Would be a tragedy if somebody mentioned quicksort
<Kalpa> But... bubble sort?
<SporkWitch> ahah! the cause of my confusion is that CKAN only has 1.4.1, while the documentation includes parts added in the pre-release version
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<Mat2ch> Kalpa: bubble sort is inefficient. Use rand sort instead.
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<SporkWitch> bogosort!
<Mat2ch> That one looks suspicious
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<darsie> .
<sheeep> Is it possible to rebirth killed kerbals?
<Althego> if they are missing in action normally they respawn. but i think you can actually kill them, then they dont
<darsie> I think you can create them with shift-F12.
<darsie> You can load saved games.
<darsie> You can copy them out of saved games, if you figure out how.
<darsie> They have stats where they were, etc.
<sheeep> got it... ty
<darsie> yw. Which way did you go?
<sheeep> persistent.sfs
<sheeep> state = Missing >> state = Available
<flayer> he's one upped ya, darsie !
<darsie> :)
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<sheeep> nice
<Althego> 90 sec
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<sheeep> nice graphics.. which mod is that?
<sheeep> :)
<Althego> rss, ro, camera tool
<Althego> s
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<sheeep> ty for sharing
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<Mat2ch> I missed it, but they do not show the deploy anymore :(
<darsie> Maybe they had LOS.
<Mat2ch> it is possible that they already know they can't show the deploy, so they stop the stream early
<darsie> ye
<darsie> s
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<sheeep> does EVE make kerbin glowing that much? seems a bit much
<darsie> It's Kerbol.
<sheeep> the mod "EVE"
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