Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<transhohmann> yaay tzatziki\
<transhohmann> I need to make some gyros soon
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<Althego> ohayollie
<Althego> hirys
<raptop> huh, not a collab
<Althego> heh i was looking forward to ookami
* raptop wonders if 大神 ミオ played ookami at some point
<Althego> if they have just recently got permission, i dont think so
<raptop> ah
* raptop is very in favor of vtubers playing games that are relevant to their characters/lore
<SporkWitch> Althego: raptop: WEEBS! :P
<raptop> hm
<SporkWitch> raptop: i feel like you'll dig this track:
<raptop> ooh, perturbator
<SporkWitch> ^^ :)
<raptop> Well that was a fun video
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<Althego> "we will lube your stabilizers" (in your keyboard)
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<Mat2ch> Today we could see S20 being lifted by the chopsticks onto B4! \o/
<darsie> .
<darsie> Would it take off later, then?
<Althego> Mat2ch: and 40 new starlink satellites were destroyed by increased drag
<darsie> Or just testing the mating?
<Althego> i still think it is mostly for show for the thursday presentation
<Mat2ch> probably just showing off for the presentation tomorrow.
<Althego> just like as they assembled the first prototype for the first presentation
<Mat2ch> Althego: uh, how so? Sure it wasn't intentional?
<Mat2ch> Talking about starlink now.
<Althego> cant influence space weather
<Mat2ch> true
<darsie> Would it be pressurized to prevent buckling?
<Althego> would be logical
<Althego> but i dont remember that design detail
<darsie> They didn't plan launching the booster alone, right?
<Mat2ch> S20 and B4 are currently always pressurized.
<Mat2ch> And monitored, I guess
<Mat2ch> you can disconnect that, when the booster or ship is on the crane. No buckling if you are pulling it
<Mat2ch> but it will be pressurized again, when it sits on top of the booster
<Mat2ch> The booster will not fly alone, much too powerful, would destroy itself
<darsie> I guess it could fly with fewer engines lit, but that wouldn't be a good test.
<Althego> can they actually have a static fire test with all engines?
<Mat2ch> Probably yes, but need water
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<darsie> .
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<Althego> guh
<Mat2ch> Yes?
<Althego> (reaper is making chocolate)
<Mat2ch> Today we will find out if the chopstick can be used to lift a Starship even if the stack stabilizer is attached to the booster.
<Althego> and the presentation will be on friday, about 3 in cet, yes just after midnight
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<Mat2ch> that's sad. I wont stay up that long :|
<Althego> the worst
<Althego> if it was 1 hour later i could watch it live
<SporkWitch> at this point, just send me to mars; earth is effed
<Althego> always been
<SporkWitch> it's hitting new heights. a local university prof is advocating for naughty things with minors...
<SporkWitch> he still has a job...
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<SporkWitch> and my government is using 30 million dollars to give out crack pipes and needles...
<Althego> lol
<SporkWitch> seriously, stop the planet, i want to get off lol
<Althego> luckily we dont need to wait for that
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<Althego> you can just get off any time you want :)
<SporkWitch> Hotel California, you can check out any time you want but you can never leave? heh
<Althego> if you stop earth it falls into the sun with everybody on it
<Althego> also outside of our capabilities
<SporkWitch> for now...
<SporkWitch> and now i'm just remembering the episode of futurama where all the robots lit their farts to push the earth into a higher orbit to deal with global warming lol
<Mat2ch> tbh, and it might be offtopic, it is cheaper to give junkies clean equipment than to deal with all the sickness they get from dirty ones...
<Mat2ch> (well, this IS offtopic. Very much ;)
<Althego> for the needles, but the pipes?
<Althego> also drugs are banned as a topic
<SporkWitch> i wouldn't have a problem if they were spending it on rehab programs
<Mat2ch> how's the rule exactly. Does it ban only drugs or also equipment? :D
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: i keep forgetting, do you use MKS?
<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: nope
<SporkWitch> MKS and KSPI need their own channels... lol
<SporkWitch> it's baffling to me how difficult it is to find details about them lol
<SporkWitch> i timewarped to morning on the runway, and it teleported me 1km into the sky... i'm in a car, not a plane... lol
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> still no stack
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<SporkWitch> so the mk4 spaceplane was about to bring about 25t or so to dock with my station. supplies and construction materials are officially covered :)
<SporkWitch> derp, crew cabin is internally unreachable... might have to redesign with external fuel tanks, which kind of works out, since it'll let me replace the mk4 intakes with the adv shock cone intakes, and use two more of the mk4 shoulder RCS instead of the asymmetric setup i have now that made docking a bit slow
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<Mat2ch> Well, guess who got a MK4 spacebus into space...
<SporkWitch> grats!
<Mat2ch> took only 12 RAPIERS and two nervas
<SporkWitch> sounds about right lol
<Mat2ch> But needs a much much bigger tail fin
<Mat2ch> spun out of control on reentry
<Mat2ch> also needs more balancing. CoM gets too far behind, had to pump fuel forwards. Not good.
<Mat2ch> Not sure when I will tackle this. Probably next year or so. :D
<SporkWitch> are you using the tanks built into the mk4 parts? i've found that does an amazing job of keeping the CoM from shifting about
<SporkWitch> duna, on the far side of the sun, as seen from kerbin orbit ^^
<XXCoder> nice
<Mat2ch> oh, that is a real nice shot
<Mat2ch> and I'm using the MK4 tanks
<Mat2ch> but CoM and CoL are near together and all the heavy stuff is in the back
<SporkWitch> ah
<Mat2ch> so CoM shifts to the back slightly when all the fuel is depleted.
<SporkWitch> move the wings further back?
<Mat2ch> will probably be the solution.
<Mat2ch> I need a mod that lets me simulate the fuel usage
<Mat2ch> I don't like having to adjust everything myself.
<SporkWitch> there's definitely some out there to either show both or quickly fill/empty
<SporkWitch> i need to add that, and the RCS placement helper
<SporkWitch> easy enough to eyeball, but hey, convenience
<darsie> ;mission
<LunchBot> darsie: In effort to increase cost-efficiency, you experiment with solid fuel-powered RCS thrusters. ...but staging is locked.
<darsie> You could pressurize a container with APCP exhaust and use that for RCS. When the pressure drops, repeat.
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<darsie> s/exhaust/combustion products
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<SporkWitch> they're multiplying...
<Althego> hehe
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<darsie> Should react to N2, H2O, HCl, CO2 or so.
<darsie> HCl is corrosive, though.
<darsie> Might get some NOx, too. Aqua regia :).
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<darsie> ;mission
<LunchBot> darsie: You build a craft to cover the KSC in debris. Nobody dies. While this is technically a success, you're somehow disappointed.
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<darsie> Is there an action group to make Kerbals go on EVA?
<raptop> AFAIK no, at least not in stock
<raptop> Also, wow, that would be a good thing to assign to abort
<darsie> mhm
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<SporkWitch> bail and deploy chutes, yeah lol
<SporkWitch> noice, 2613 science from my most recent minmus trip ^^
<raptop> \o/
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<SporkWitch> mmmnn, california reaper cheesey poofs
<SporkWitch> *carolina
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