Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<Althego> guh
<darsie> .
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<Althego> launch
<Mat2ch> how long until?
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<Althego> 18 min
<Mat2ch> and no countdown in the stream? :(
<Althego> there is at least 1 other nasa stream, and the nsf stream
<Althego> there may be a countdown elsewehere
<Mat2ch> now there's a countdown.
<Althego> noand now there isnt
<raptop> And no wayward boats \o/
<Althego> carry on my wayward boat
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<Mat2ch> That program looks like it's from the late 90s...
<raptop> I guess it's a bit high rez for something from the late 80s, yeah
<Althego> can be
<Althego> others have similar
<Mat2ch> never heard of anti aliasing
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> probably completely done in OpenGL or so
<Mat2ch> and then they haven't even a fullscreen mode or what
<Mat2ch> I sometimes wonder how they make it into orbit
<Althego> with sheer willpower
<raptop> Well, the very first orbital rockets were cutting cams IIRC
<Althego> hey, what about the folded solar panels
<Althego> these guys are in suits. which means none of them does anything
<raptop> Bah, no payload seperation camera
<Mat2ch> there's not much to do at such a launch
<Mat2ch> you sit around and watch numbers
<Althego> now the blue shirt guys probably do something
<Mat2ch> everything is automated
<Althego> no, i mean those were the management, the blue guys are the useful ones
<Mat2ch> they still wear regular shirts
<Mat2ch> like if the boomer management is stuck in the last millenia
<raptop> ;outcome add Your kerbals discover your evil plans via Van Eck radiation, and abandon you.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Your kerbals discover your evil plans via Van Eck radiation, and abandon you.
<flayer> haha
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<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You modify the Vernor thrustor to dispense soda. You are now known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
<Mat2ch> Wait
<darsie> .
<Mat2ch> soda isn't THAT unhealthy
<darsie> But California ...
* raptop is reminded of when I visited LA in 2019
<darsie> Maybe 14-CO2 soda.
<raptop> Literally the first thing I saw off the plane was a prop 65 warning
<Althego> heavy water soda?
<raptop> Mmm... tritiated water, for that healthy glow
<darsie> Radioactive carbon CO2 soda.
* raptop ignores that radthor or the like works rather differently
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You are tasked with fixing an overpopulation of kerbals. Kountdown gains sentience.
<XXCoder> making 30 crew rocket to land on duna repeatively made kountdown wake up
* raptop presses F to pay respects to Koundtown
<packbart> "Count Down" - I wonder what kind of music that band would play
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<raptop> *kountdown
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<Mat2ch> a bit ridiculous
<raptop> lol
<raptop> 21 GN?
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<XXCoder> insane
<XXCoder> that launch'd bankrupt usa goverment 100 times over
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