Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
<FLHerne> ;outcome add You've found the source of the ticking. It's a pipe bomb! Yaaaaaay!
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: You've found the source of the ticking. It's a pipe bomb! Yaaaaaay!
<FLHerne> [/nostalgia]
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<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You believe you can fly. You are insulted for playing KSP.
<transhohmann> yup
<SporkWitch> Flying is simply the art of throwing oneself at the ground and missing
<raptop> Orbital flight, sure
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<SporkWitch> raptop: it's a hitchhiker's guide reference
* raptop is, er, not the biggest fan of the books
<SporkWitch> It's from one of the later books: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has a large section on the subject of flying, which details exactly how to master the art of flying.
<SporkWitch> According to the Guide, the main thing that flying requires is the ability to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
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<transhohmann> also, indeed, how to give a flying fk
<transhohmann> self explanitory, really
<transhohmann> like how to use a toothpick
<transhohmann> ;outcome add There was a sound like the whole world saying "wop" all at once.
<LunchBot> transhohmann: Added outcome: There was a sound like the whole world saying "wop" all at once.
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<transhohmann> what are the requirements for fuel transfer on stations
<transhohmann> just docking? does the fuel have to be anywhere in particular?
<Althego> the usual. there are things it cant flow throufh
<transhohmann> I don't know what you mean by the usual
<transhohmann> I'll figure it out
<Althego> cant flow though item such as heat shield, metal bars and plates, etc
<transhohmann> ah
<transhohmann> and should I try to unlock the normal sized docking port first
<transhohmann> or stick with jr
<Althego> doesnt really matter which one, in zero g
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<transhohmann> I haven't used these before which way is out
<transhohmann> I assume it's the ragged side?
<Althego> the docking ports?
<transhohmann> yes
<Althego> you can see a hatch on the outside
<Althego> these are the oursides
<darsie> transhohmann: When you take them from the menu the upper side is out.
<transhohmann> thanks
<Althego> they usually want to stick by the correct side
<transhohmann> the vab is trying to stick them the wriong way around
<darsie> Yeah, when you surface mount them.
<Althego> there is a jagged edge on the side that goes onto the ship
<Althego> and a smooth ring on the outside
<Althego> so here the jagged edge is on the bottom, that is connected to the ship, the ring is the top, that can dock to other docking ports
<Althego> you can mate differnt size docking ports in the vab, but you can only undock with them once in space
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<transhohmann> so, um
<transhohmann> getting 54 tons of fuel into orbit at 250km without spending any of it
<transhohmann> is it practical
<Althego> you need a big rocket
<transhohmann> or am I trying to overdo it
<Althego> or maybe you can do it in several trips
<transhohmann> I'm using rocklomax x-200s
<transhohmann> with jr ports
<Althego> but there is a reason why i dont take the fuel type contracts, unless i can mine them on site
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<Althego> you can do it later if you want to. once you take the contract it doesnt expire for years
<transhohmann> lol i was just trying to add a refueling pos to my station
<transhohmann> pod*
<flayer> we all know what you meant
<Althego> probably it would be better to take the fuel from the mun
<transhohmann> and 54 tons sounded like a good amount to have around
<transhohmann> I haven't unlocked mining exuipment
<transhohmann> is autostrut a viable option or should i just use struts
<transhohmann> I have been getting decent stability out of it when attaching boosters
<Althego> if you are parts limited autostruts help a lot
<Althego> yes especially for boosters, because there they can take sideways forces
<Althego> but the end points are limited, so for more complicated cases you need real ones
<Althego> hehe
<UmbralRaptor> 🐑
<darsie> sandbox: If I click that I might copy it.
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<transhohmann> lol
<Althego> solve it with nft :)
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<SporkWitch> i use autostruts a LOT. Rigid attachment can also be useful, though this is more selective (it makes for more rigid, but brittle joints, so things wobble less but break sooner)
<SporkWitch> So far I haven't really ever encountered something where autostruts weren't enough but some visible struts could resolve the issue.
<SporkWitch> thing about autostrut is it's not 100% automatic. You still need to tell it WHAT to strut to, and that will affect how it performs and handles.
<transhohmann> I hhave two docking ports kissing at 0.0m/s and still can't get them to dock
<SporkWitch> transhohmann: how's your angle? also you need to have a little bit of movement. it can be stubborn.
<transhohmann> almost dead on
<transhohmann> I had to use alt f12 and it still took me 20 minutes from 10 m
<transhohmann> I am terrible at this
<transhohmann> especially with a 0 star pilot
<transhohmann> driving them into each other at full speed
<transhohmann> can't back up
<SporkWitch> if you can't back up, that means you set up your RCS wrong
<transhohmann> I haven't got rcs I have engines
<transhohmann> reverting
<SporkWitch> don't both trying to dock without RCS lol
<SporkWitch> you said you were lined up, but i can say with almost total certainty you weren't, if you only had main engines and reaction wheels
<Althego> docking ports have states. after undocking they cant dock again until they get far enough. this is there so that the magnets dont prevent you from undocking. this used to get bugged sometimes preventing docking
<SporkWitch> i doubt that's what he's running into, if he doesn't have RCS, heh.
<Althego> you dont really need rcs for docking
<transhohmann> I had the two meeting so I couldn't see a gap between the when focusing on the port and zoomed way in
<transhohmann> then thrusted up and got no result other than lowering the collective periapsis
<SporkWitch> thing is, depending on how long the craft is, being even a little off on pitch and yaw can keep it from locking
<transhohmann> needed velocity
<transhohmann> success
<SporkWitch> i think it wasnt at least 0.2m/s or so
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<FLHerne> transhohmann: dialling up the attraction force can help a lot when docking without RCS
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<FLHerne> I can't remember exactly what that's called, but it's a tweakable on the docking ports
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<SporkWitch> think that's the Kraken Drive setting ;)
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<sheeep> heyho
<darsie> .
<darsie> transhohmann: If you have RCS, select control from here at the docking port to get navball guidance relative to the docking port. And select the other docking port as target.
<SporkWitch> also super helpful are linuxgurugamer's (who ironically doesn't develop on linux lol) Docking Cam, and Docking Port Alignment Indicator by navyfish. I use both; i like the visual from the camera, but i find navyfish's indicator offers better feedback on your positioning
<darsie> I can't imagine how that is better than the target indicator on the navball.
<darsie> Does it display rotation?
<darsie> Or tilt?
<SporkWitch> xyz position and xyz rotation relative to the port
<SporkWitch> the way it represents that information is also helpful as it lets you much better judge what you need to adjust and how fast you're drifting. the stock navball indicator just gives you your prograde and target markers, doesn't tell you anything about relative position or rotation
<SporkWitch> in the real world, we lkiterally have a camera in the docking port and indicators on the screen. of the games I've played with somewhat to very realistic docking mechanics, the stock interface on KSP is the worst for it, heh. Hellion has one of the best, and it's a good thing, because you do a LOT of docking in that game.
<SporkWitch> with hellion i actually find myself able ot intuitively maneuver in multiple directions and introduce rotation at the same time, for some very efficient docking maneuvers. controls are basically the same as KSP's for this, with newtonian physics and basic lateral RCS and reaction-wheel attitude control (in some ways easier, since attitude control doesn't induce lateral movement, the way RCS does
<SporkWitch> so another thing i find myself doing in KSP is toggling RCS off to adjust attitude and rotation, then putting RCS back on to tweak lateral position)
<SporkWitch> navyfish indicator
<Althego> astra launch stream start is fluctuating
<SporkWitch> i'm watching live footage of the HOnkening
<SporkWitch> grrrr, all my transfer windows are a year or more away >_<
<Althego> you dont need to take the window, just bear with the delta v :)
<SporkWitch> true, and my transfer/return stage does have around 4km/s
<SporkWitch> added complication from life support heh. That's what's making this duna mission difficult. My kerbals will get homesick and refuse to work even to save their lives lol
<SporkWitch> i do have cryopods, but they're super power hungry. Takes several minutes to recharge the battery to freeze or thaw the next kerbal heh
<sheeep> bored
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<Althego> this stream is constantly delayed, but maybe now.
<Althego> astra launch with nsf
<Althego> they do these together
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<Althego> of course it didnt start in time
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<Althego> it is on
<Althego> scrub
<Kalpa> Scrub, the lord of
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<transhohmann> I did that I also added a camera to the other port and I switched control between both wessels while lining them up
<transhohmann> SporkWitch
<SporkWitch> BS! came down nice and slow, but it pancaked the hitchhiker module! lol only lost some duplicate science, but still >_< lol
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