Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
<bees> raptop: You try to break the laws of physics. Your satellite is repurposed by the NSA to spy on librarians.
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<Althego> eh too late
<packbart> oh noez
<packbart> try again in UTC ;)
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<darsie> .
<UmbralRaptor> I guess there's always kikkiriri, wah, or zombonwa
<Althego> i can almost never catch ina, so wah is rare
<darsie> Live in 97 minutes
<Althego> it was delayed once because of recovery weather
<UmbralRaptor> this summons the boat
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<sandbox> 1337
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<Althego> stream on
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<darsie> It's wobbling. It'll break up :).
<Althego> rolling shutter
<darsie> autostrut to grandparent part
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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* UmbralRaptor pokes esper in the ssh certificate?
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You start liveblogging your mission on #kspofficial. You do not pass Go. You do not collect $200.
<XXCoder> aw no go and no money on liveblogging
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> failure
<kbuck> tls cert printer goes brrrrrr
<kbuck> for like 20 minutes because it takes forever
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<Mat2ch> Aaaaand I run again in the aerodynamics mess ksp is. And will stop playing for another year...
<Althego> aero is still ahrd
<Althego> hard
<Mat2ch> the main problem is how it's handled.
* Izaya incinerates your spacecraft
<FLHerne> Yeah, "aero is hard" depends
<FLHerne> FAR is hard because transsonic aerodynamics are complicated
<FLHerne> stock aero is hard because it behaves nothing like you'd expect based on the real world
<Mat2ch> hrhr
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<Althego> scott
<darsie> lpl
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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You accept a contract asking you to take atmospheric pressure readings on Jool at an altitude of -200 meters. This will be fixed in the next version.
<raptop> >.>
<raptop> <.<
<darsie> .
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<transhohmann> .,';'a/.
<darsie> .
<bees> raptop: You activate the engines on full thrust while still docked to the station. Your rocket suddenly stops and thinks: "To be or not to be?".
<raptop> whelp
<raptop> transhohmann: g/foo/s/bar/baz/
<umaxtu> whats that supposed to do? it looks almost like a search and replace but not quite
<raptop> Replace the first instance of bar with baz on all lines that contain foo. At least in vim
<raptop> (The real reason people can't escape vim is because you can do wild text-processing shenanigans, not any difficulty with :qa!)
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<packbart> pff. nano's regex replace is good enough
<umaxtu> handy
<raptop> regular expressions solve some problems terrifyingly well. Right up until you start summoning entities whose names cannot be expressed on the basic multilingual plane
<packbart> well, there's always perl to impress those entities with some elder horrors
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