Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<transhohmann> uuugh
<transhohmann> I have 42000 electric charge on this satellite yet I can't even get 52 seconds of flight out of it before it loses power
<transhohmann> it refuses to draw from the batteries
<transhohmann> do probes just not work anymore
<transhohmann> whatever I do, my probes will only draw power from the probe core itself and it will not draw from the batteries
<transhohmann> Cumin, garlic, curry, bsil, rosemary, potatoes, black pepper, cayenne pepper, thai pepper, bell pepper(yellow), caraway, coriander, sesame oil, lime zest and oil, peas, lima beans, broccoli, hand-made garlic sausage, extra sharp white cheddar cheese, monterey jack and colby, feta, and cauliflower
<Althego> i have never seen anything like this. do you have mods?
<transhohmann> ys
<transhohmann> near future electrical I think is what these are
<transhohmann> was always fine in sandbox
<transhohmann> additionally, half of my mechjeb windows went away and I cannot get them back
<Althego> hirys... finally
<transhohmann> I cannot delete near fute electrical because I installed it directly into the game files off of curse forge
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<transhohmann> hello shadowlizard
<Althego> more like a bird
<transhohmann> I automatically thought velociraptors and such
<transhohmann> so condor, eagle, what
<Althego> in both cases they are birds
<transhohmann> I meant which raptor
<transhohmann> ural owls are raptors
<transhohmann> falcons are raptors
<transhohmann> velociraptors are raptors
<transhohmann> I'm familiar
<UmbralRaptop> Dromeosaurs basically extra stabby birds
<UmbralRaptop> Compare with cassowaries
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<transhohmann> cassowaries are radical
<Althego> and australia lost the emu war :)
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<transhohmann> not enough emunition?
<transhohmann> as starting up: ModuleManager 191 patches applied, 15 errors
<transhohmann> related to cryotanksfuelswitcher
<transhohmann> the longest startup I've ever seen
<transhohmann> should I avoid touching cryo tanks then
<transhohmann> ;mission
<LunchBot> transhohmann: You confuse brachistochrone and brachiosaur trajectories. Your parachute fails at the very end of the return to Kerbin, killing your crew.
<transhohmann> the game will not start it is stuck on a hydrogen tank in the loading menu
<transhohmann> screen, not munu'
<transhohmann> I get 15 seconds from game launch to the space center, it has been 10 minutes. I am considering deleting the whole thing entirely
<transhohmann> not because of spite, to redownload it mod free
<transhohmann> and only use ckan from now on
<Althego> the more mods you have the more strange things are going to happen
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You build a photon engine. Wilhelm screams.
<Althego> hehehe
<XXCoder> yeah must have aimed it at Wilhelm
<Althego> probably so bright you get instant burns
<darsie> A normal flashlight has some dv.
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<transhohmann> photon engines mod for ksp with flavour text promising it's not just a very expensive flashlight
<Deddly> darsie, I remember a while back we calculated in here how much thrust the sun would produce if you were to somehow direct all of its energy in a single direction.
<Deddly> It was miniscule, but not non-existent :)
<darsie> Need low dv solutions.
<Deddly> I'm sure it has a *lot* of delta-v
<Izaya> There's a matter-energy conversion photon propelled spacecraft in Project Hail Mary
<Izaya> pretty cool
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<Althego> leet time
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<UmbralRaptop> Uh, 9.08 μN/㎡ for a perfectly reflective sail at 1 au
<UmbralRaptop> If you're somehow emitting solar luminosity in one direction, your thrust is 1.28 EN
<UmbralRaptop> First being 1361 W/㎡ * 2 / c
<UmbralRaptop> Second is 3.83e26 W / c
<darsie> UmbralRaptop: What do you type for m2?
<darsie> aha
<darsie> At 90 deg angle.
<darsie> hmm
<UmbralRaptop> darsie: Unicode abuse. Arguably I should be using ²
<darsie> better
* UmbralRaptop once again wishes that more places supported vim digraphs
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<SporkWitch> UmbralRaptop: are you on windows or linux?
<SporkWitch> If Linux, your DE almost certainly has native compose key support. If windows, there's a great FOSS tool called "wincompose" to provide compose key support on windows
<raptop> SporkWitch: depends wildly on what I'm using, this computer is using linux (albeit the current DE has really poor compose key related functionality), my alter-ego above is on android "linux", and there's another computer sitting next to me running windows
<SporkWitch> well android the keyboard at least has some digraphs built in heh. I typically run KDE on my workstations, which has excellent compose key support
<SporkWitch> i do still need to figure out how to set up a dead greek sequence, i just never seem to find the time
<raptop> For Greek, I typically switch keyboards
<SporkWitch> compose key has maps already for greek alphabet, but no obvious way to initiate the sequence. the config file references a "dead greek" key, much as the usual sequences use the compose key.
<raptop> Well, aside from the phone situation, which took a lot of effort but ended up solved nicely:
<raptop> But on a desktop/laptop, I usually end up with something like this:
<raptop> (One of the standard Greek layouts is basically QWERTY!)
<SporkWitch> i'm very confused right now. only change to my spaceplane was switching from the FAT455 wings and tailfins to the Big-S ones, and it has MUCH less control authority
<NGC3982> i just understood that name.
<umaxtu> I'm using a planck keyboard. so I don't have a compose key.
<umaxtu> probably can add one with some fimrware tweaks but I haven't gotten around to it
<SporkWitch> umaxtu: does it not follow standard HID protocols? Most stuff works by simply replacing the behaviour of a key with that of compose; i generally use caps lock, since there's pretty much never a reason to use caps lock (and through the same software, I can set it so hitting both shift keys together behaves as caps lock normally would)
<umaxtu> yeah. but I've only got 47 keys to work with
<umaxtu> did see a comment on a reddit thread that suggested using holding down the spacebar as a compose key
<raptop> only 47 keys? cursed cursed cursed
<Althego> legit caps lock use: you want to write fortran that looks good :9
<SporkWitch> legit mental issues: you want to write fortran lol
<Althego> it is alive and well
<Althego> not to mention lot of legacy code
<SporkWitch> didn't say otherwise lol
<Althego> i got the suspected negative result
<SporkWitch> well, new spaceplane got orbit with around 1.8km/s dV left over and maintain control throughout. little trouble at initial takeoff, but makes it up to speed and lift takes over
<SporkWitch> now to rescue two kerbals and see if it lands... lol
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the landing can be hard with the com movement
<SporkWitch> i was careful with the CoM heh
<SporkWitch> i'm also using nuclear hybrid engines, so only use fuel once i'm out of enough air
<SporkWitch> makes for less shift
<SporkWitch> the mk4 parts also have room for fuel storage inside them, making it much easier to minimize the shift in weight, since it starts off fairly well distributed
<SporkWitch> grrrr, annoyingly the two kerbals i need to rescue are on almost the same orbit, so no efficient rendesvous sequence. gonna have to get altitude, dive in to get one, go back up, and grab the other lol
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<packbart> they tend to do that in low orbit
<Althego> yes, sometimes i collect 3 that way
<packbart> hence the optimization by darsie to only fly-by with a probe, then let the Kerbals find their own ride home
<darsie> I call my probe 'wakeup'.
<darsie> Only takes little dv for an encounter, then they can do .
<darsie> I have a rocket in polar Mun orbit to fly over stranded Kerbals on the surface. Then they jetpack to orbit, enter the capsule to refuel their jetpack, jetpack to LKO, refuel again at the station, and jetpack deorbit. :)
<darsie> It's hard to jetpack from Mun surface to orbit.
<darsie> Gotta fly shallow and head first.
<SporkWitch> i lucked out with my launch, only raised my ap to 150 and it gave me a 1km encounter in 1 hour. about to try the same for the next one, that's slightly behind in the orbit. should be able to just dip back down in a couple orbits, pick him up, then deorbit. then we find out if i added enough speedbrakes to land this thing lol
<SporkWitch> here's hoping the second didn't spawn in a hatch-less container like the one yesterday lol
<SporkWitch> (a bunch of MKS parts have a crew capacity of 1, because of how its habitation mechanics work, so that by being more "spacious" it increases hab time, but they don't have hatches so you can't get in or out unless it's connected to something that does have a hatch lol)
<SporkWitch> noice, managed an encounter in just 35 minutes for the second one :)
<SporkWitch> guess i lucked out with their orbits after all lol
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<packbart> there's a mod for that. "KSP Rescue Pod Fix" allows only whitlisted parts for rescue contracts
<SporkWitch> packbart: thanks for the tip!
<SporkWitch> and lucked out, second kerbal was also in a part with a hatch
<packbart> it's a common problem with SSPXr parts, too. some of the station parts can hold kerbals but don't have a hatch
<SporkWitch> packbart: any advice on setup for the mobile workshop? tried 8 ruggedized wheels, but holy crap does it move and turn slow...
<packbart> nah, I use the 8 ruggedized, too. and sometimes add small rockets to get it over the hills ;)
<packbart> my base variant is similar to - ISRU converter and drill, a fuel cell array and something to klaw into the base (the extensible tunnels from SSPXr work well, too)
<SporkWitch> that wheel setup is identical to how i did mine heh
<packbart> it makes journeys courtesy of BonVoyage, I only need to adjust its final position with manual controls
<SporkWitch> i keep forgetting to install that; how in the hell is bonvoyage not stock functionality, given how rover wheels are realistically slow? lol
<SporkWitch> do you find it's sufficiently heavy to roll around on minmus?
<packbart> hm. ah, that variant has two rows of RCS thrusters on top and I enable "rover stability" in MechJeb ;)
<SporkWitch> ah, i don't use mechjeb heh
<packbart> the stability assist tries to orient the rover parallel to the surface at all times
<SporkWitch> might have to look into it if it has a sane rover control preset, though it feels like overkill for such simple functionality
<SporkWitch> wish you could set RCS to SAS-only, as well, like you can reaction wheels
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<darsie> .
<Mat2ch> watching watching
<SporkWitch> so the airbrakes are definitely helping, though for some reason i cannot figure out, two of them aren't deploying...
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<SporkWitch> well, i'm down to 10km and below 400m/s, seem to have good control authority still, now to just fly it to the runway and see if i can actually land... lol
<SporkWitch> (stupid customers making me pause every 2 minutes lol)
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<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: soooo, playing while working, yes? :D
<SporkWitch> sure, if i'm idle
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> Problem for me is: I don't make any money if I'm not working.
<Mat2ch> sooooo
<Mat2ch> I play games as well sometimes. Screw the money, I need some fun
<SporkWitch> the one benefit of being hourly
<SporkWitch> they don't pay me enough to look for extra work; if i was salary things would be different
<Mat2ch> you could take another full time job, like some others in the US are doing and, uh, do that :D
<Mat2ch> There are people in the US having three fulltime jobs, juggeling them around, the companies don't know about it and they get three salaries...
<SporkWitch> i believe it
<Mat2ch> it's easy to get into a company like HP or IBM, be some developer, do 3-4 hours of coding a day, sometimes even less, but nobody will ask
<Mat2ch> and since you have two other jobs you can afford to lose a job...
<Mat2ch> The Astra launch is continuing!
<packbart> !nela
<Kerbot> packbart => Rocket 3 - VCLS Demo-2 - Mon Feb 07, 2022 18:00:00 UTC (L+00:42:57) - for info/stream
<Mat2ch> T-5 min
<Mat2ch> I was tempted to fire up KSP today and use some MK4 parts to build an SSTO...
<packbart> "Hold my beer" means "Abort". I see
<packbart> "switch over your grafana sources" - shiny dashboards
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: mine's doing good so far. will find out shortly if it can land heh
<Mat2ch> abort
<SporkWitch> have a nuclear reactor hiding inside for power. the radiators like to have heat bars, but it's actually stable without melting
<Mat2ch> probably it for today then.
<Mat2ch> Phat boy :D
<SporkWitch> I also put an antenna on the crew section's top hatch, to force them to use the internal one, which i have connected to ladders that can reach the floor of the cargo bay or the ground
<Mat2ch> Why do they have to get out to use the antenna?
<SporkWitch> they don't. i used it to obstruct the top hatch so they wouldn't use it.
<SporkWitch> i want them exiting the crew module in the cargo bay, not the dorsal exterior
<SporkWitch> came up about 150km short, having to slow cruise through the lower atmosphere. i could speed it along by turning it into a suborbital hop, but i don't want to pick up speed i'll have to shed again and overshoot lol
<Judge_Dedd> <UmbralRaptop> If you're somehow emitting solar luminosity in one direction, your thrust is 1.28 EN <-- what's "EN"?
<raptop> Exanewton
<Althego> lol
<Judge_Dedd> Also, my understanding is that a solar sail doesn't ride photons. Am I wrong? Solar wind isn't just light
<Althego> holo Exa Newton
<raptop> Althego: I a vtuber now?
* raptop apparently really needs to up my JP skills
<raptop> Judge_Dedd: Depends on the design, but my understanding is that most designs are mostly running under photon pressure
<Althego> so is the solar wind that small?
<Judge_Dedd> Huh. I was sure there was more to it than that
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<Althego> wiki says the solar wind pressure is negligible if you compare it to the radiation pressure
<Althego> nanoPascal vs microPascal
<Judge_Dedd> Everything I see on solar sails says it's the photons
<Judge_Dedd> So can someone help me grasp what 1.28 EN is?
<Judge_Dedd> exanewtons, but what's an exanewton?
<Judge_Dedd> I mean, I san see the maths, but I can't visualise it
<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: can't you just click on the hatch where they should use?
<SporkWitch> no? O.o i'll test when i get to the ground
<raptop> 1.28 EN is 1.28e18 Newtons. Which is a lot o force, but you'll get vaporized first
<raptop> *a lot of force
<raptop> I mean, you could probably get 1 m/s^2 levels of acceleration on a decently large asteroid if you ignore the whole thermal thing
<Judge_Dedd> So making a solar laser actually has a useful application that I can use to deflect attention from my real motives?
<raptop> Yes
<Althego> hehe
<SporkWitch> i'm maintaining about 275m/s at ~15% thrust and it still wants to gain altitude while flying level heh
<SporkWitch> as long as i can actually land this once i get to the runway, i think i've got a really good design here
<Judge_Dedd> SporkWitch, cool! Got any pics you can share?
<SporkWitch> should be perfect for ferrying supplies and such up to my 250km kerbin station, and from there i can manufacture proper starliners for interplanetary stuff
<Judge_Dedd> Huh, I was expecting a lot of engines
<Judge_Dedd> Ah yeah, it's not stock :)
<SporkWitch> VERY not stock lol
<Judge_Dedd> What engines are those?
<Judge_Dedd> I do like a nice streamlined, compact design. Nicely done
<SporkWitch> they're the nuclear hybrid engines. use arbitrary atmosphere as reaction mass until you can't feed them enough, then they can be toggled to use liquid fuel; think a rapier, but instead of the toggle being oxidizer or not, it's toggling fuel or not
<Judge_Dedd> Ooh.
<SporkWitch> i tried making a mk2 first, but scaling them down they aren't nearly as effective. at this scale (their default 2.5m) they work wonderfully
<SporkWitch> takes them a bit to spool up, but once they get going they put out a lot of oomph.
<Judge_Dedd> KSP really lacks 2.5m spaceplane engines
<SporkWitch> that picture is misleading on size. those engines are 2.5m each, the tailfins are Big-S default size, and the wings are Big-S wings scaled up once
<SporkWitch> main hull is mk4 from KSPI. single mid-size cargo bay, crew cabin, short fueselage, and the tail adapter.
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<Judge_Dedd> I mean, even so, your design looks like something that might actually be built someday, and I like that
<SporkWitch> that's inside the cargo bay. you can see the interior portion of the crew cabin (which also extends the cargo a bit, but doesn't have a bay door). I attached a battery, reaction wheel, and nuclear reactor to the wall to provide power. Overkill, but nice to not have to worry about things, and leave room to expand with power-hungry stuff later
<SporkWitch> i tend to try for it; i'm not good at making crazy designs lol
<SporkWitch> i'm also using FAR; i lose my mind with stock aerodynamics thanks to 30 years of realistic flight sims lol
<Judge_Dedd> Crazy designs have their place. I made a fully functioning Borg Cube... but I prefer nice-looking stuff :)
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<SporkWitch> i make a distinction between replica pieces and legit "i came up with something crazy" lol
<Judge_Dedd> I wonder if my Borg cube design still works... all the engines were internal
<SporkWitch> still haven't gotten to find out if this thing can land or not... i hate mondays, no downtime lol
<SporkWitch> i've only even gotten ONE ticket that's actually even my job to handle, the rest have been improprer escalations that i'm forced to work anyway
<SporkWitch> off the top of your head, what's the orientation of the desert runway?
<Althego> i think w-e
<SporkWitch> so close the runway but struggling to line up a proper approach >_< lol
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<SporkWitch> i am on the ground... it instantly skid sideways, but i kept it from rolling over lol
<SporkWitch> (literally slid to a stop sliding 90° to my facing direction lol)
<Althego> hehe
<SporkWitch> i'm gonna try to taxi over to the runway so i get 100% refund lol
<SporkWitch> something is definitely screwy with two of the airbrakes, they didn't deploy when brakes were applied, now i'm on the ground and they're deployed... lol
<a_flayer> i'd put some balancers fuel tanks on the tip of the wings and add some landing gear on that
<a_flayer> no more worries about tipping over
<SporkWitch> it wouldn't flip over if it didn't randomly sideslip for no reason lol
<SporkWitch> and i can't turn while taxiing, because it doesn't have any steering on large landing gear >_<
<SporkWitch> the trick is apparently: "phsyics warp to 4x, full brakes, and throttle up so the engine gimbals slowly rotate you" >_< lol
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: good to know; if i click on the hatch itself, then transfer crew, then EVA, it will try to use that hatch (and tell me it's obstructed if it is). Clicking EVA on the portrait always tries to use the same hatches in sequence, skipping only if obstructed.
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<Judge_Dedd> SporkWitch, does it by any chance go off to the side on take-off as well, if you don't touch the controls?
<SporkWitch> slight drift, but only what i've come to expect from KSP. things rotate when stationary lol
<SporkWitch> it's built fully symmetrically
<Judge_Dedd> Sounds like you might have the brakes set up a little wrong
<SporkWitch> nope; brakes are on defaults. the rear gear are symmetry linked, front was copied from them with symmetry disabled (so it doesn't do the whole placing-two-inside-each-other thing)
<Judge_Dedd> Try increasing brake power to the rear wheels and decreasing it from the front wheel. Yes, I know that's not the way you would want to do it in real life.
<SporkWitch> worth a shot; set the rear to 75% and front to 25%; we'll see what happens next time.
<Judge_Dedd> For the sake of experimentation, you might try turning the brakes completely off for the front wheel, just while testing.
<SporkWitch> might look into realchute as well; apparently it adds proper drogue chutes, and not automatically cutting the chute when you touch ground, so you can use them to slow down
<Judge_Dedd> I'm pretty sure that's possible with Stock as well, if you deploy them after touchdown
<SporkWitch> i wish KVV's exploded view had options to explode all parts, not just chunks separated by dcouplers :(
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<SporkWitch> packbart: the workshop picture you sent, what are those two things on the back? I recognize the drill and fuel cell array, but the other two things
<SporkWitch> raptop UmbralRaptop: did you send Jennifer to visit me? lol
<raptop> That wasn't me!
<raptop> Maybe you've been blessed by The Kraken?
<SporkWitch> it's moving and shifting around too, it's pretty awesome lol
<Judge_Dedd> Bats
<raptop> Lovecraftian bats
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<raptop> pretty
<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: That's what I remembered :)
<Mat2ch> simplescreenrecorder screams Linux somehow
<Mat2ch> and it looks wow. Danny would be jealous.
<SporkWitch> it was one of the tools offered up by the stock screenshot tool in KDE; there was also OBS but that felt like overkill, as i don't stream, just occasionally need 5-10 second clips
<SporkWitch> literally just installed it to get that capture lol
<Mat2ch> sss is great, yes :)
<Mat2ch> OBS is overkill for just recording clips
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