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<raptop> They might collide with the boosters, pushing them away. But sepratrons would probably be best
<SporkWitch> yeah, no separatrons yet, never needed them before and did need other stuff lol
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<SporkWitch> so to my question last night re: efficiently moving fuel around, if you open multiple tanks and hit "out" on the one you want to be the source, it will fill all of the open tanks
<SporkWitch> i assuming it obeys priority, as well
<SporkWitch> gah, and because of how I sent my tug up, it now thinks its orientation is upside down >_< lol
<SporkWitch> is there any way to redefine which is dorsal and which is ventral ? lol
<SporkWitch> i was wondering why my controls werenn't working how i expected lol
<SporkWitch> nm, control point was wrong, that's what did it >_< lol
<SporkWitch> ... when you accidentally hit left-shift after docking your tug and forgetting to turn the engines off...
<SporkWitch> station construction lesson definitely learned: if you plan to have a bunch of fuel storage on it, make sure the fuel storage module is the first thing you put in orbit; everything else will be lighter and easier to rendesvous and attach lol
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<raptop> weep
<raptop> er eep
<SporkWitch> i'm pretty sure the reason the original module was sent up was a contract heh
<SporkWitch> the tanks and everything below it are new. the little ship is the tug I used to position it
<SporkWitch> would have been much easier if i sent it up empty, granted, but now I have 11241 fuel and 9768 oxidizer, plus 9768 monoprop sitting in a 150.7/152 kerbin orbit ^^
<SporkWitch> that's going to make establishing the mining infrastructure at minmus MUCH easier
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<Mat2ch> SporkWitch: there was a launch, a Starlink mission, supposed to happen, but it didn't. The video was about a Raptor 2 test that burnt a bit too much of the engine...
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<SporkWitch> ah
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You launch a ship propelled by hacked decouplers. KSP crashes your monitor.
<darkie> .
<XXCoder> shouldnt have bougt cheap montiors
<SporkWitch> i literally watched a video a day or two ago of a ship built entirely of decouplers...
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You take off your engineering hat, and put on your management hat. Your Riemann manifold is punctured.
<Mat2ch> dang.
<XXCoder> cursed management hat
<bees> Mat2ch: You attempt to use a slide rule. You remember the times with things just couldn't go that badly.
<Mat2ch> Those were the times.
<Althego> hehe
<SporkWitch> that makes my brain hurt. it looks like there's a sentence there but there's not...
<SporkWitch> "you remember the times with things just couldn't go that badly"; it's literally two disparate sentence fragments, which don't go together, and can't form a complete sentence with it...
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<FLHerne> SporkWitch: Starlink was postponed a day for weather
<bees> SporkWitch: You blow Alcubierre soap bubbles. In the ensuing investigation, you maintain that that mountain, quote, "came out of freaking nowhere."
<Althego> hehe
<darkie> .
<Althego> too late
<darkie> mhm
<darkie> I was away getting some glasses.
<Althego> doesnt look special
<darkie> It has uniform thinness, which makes it break less likely from thermal shock.
<darkie> I like them.
<Althego> just dont keep molten lead in them or something
<darkie> I could, if I heat the glass slowly.
<darkie> But when the lead melts and sticks to the glass, then solidifies and contracts it can break.
<Althego> anyway for human consumable liquids the possibility of thermal shock induced break is low
<darkie> Someone took a glass out of a dishwasher while still hot and poured cold beer in it. It cracked.
<darkie> There's also hot water for making tea.
<Mat2ch> Jup, for tea use special glasses
<Mat2ch> regular water glasses are not made for hot liquids.
<Mat2ch> also glass is a bad insulator :P
<darkie> Thermal conductivity: 0.7–1.3 W/(m·K)[13]
<darkie> Porcelain is 1.5 W/Km
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<Mat2ch> Diamonds haben 1000 W/(mK). I didn't know. I need a diamond on my cpu!
<darkie> :)
<darkie> Ohh no, (10^-3 cal/(cm sec oC)
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<flayer> Heyo
<darkie> .
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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You outsource the assembly of your rockets to the General Products Corporation. You conclude that jet engines can live on Laythe.
<raptop> I think that was a success?
<Althego> omni consumer products
<bees> raptop: You grab a kerbal with two Klaws. Your rocket goes to jail for illegal possession of a kerbal.
<raptop> ...wait, that makes sense
<Althego> no, that is not the outcome danny found
<darkie> .
<Althego> destroyed kerbin with that
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<Bebiezaza> Is either UmbralRaptop or Deddly here? (I guess not Deddly, I don't see his name on the right side but imma still try)
<SporkWitch> if tab-completion works, the person in question is at least lurking
<Bebiezaza> I see
<SporkWitch> actually, i should offer the caveat that that may be client-specific. Most IRC clients go by who's actually currently in the channel, but there's no reason it couldn't also offer names that have been present in the chat log
<Bebiezaza> :thinking:
<Bebiezaza> but yeah, I don't really use IRC that much
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<Bebiezaza> I guess imma mention raptop too
<SporkWitch> the better question is WHY; it's generally considered rude to ping people out of nowhere or for no reason...
<Bebiezaza> So I just found , and maybe wiki problems are worse than I have thought?
<SporkWitch> if you just ask your question, most anyone that can help will try to
<Mat2ch> That is an ooooooold post
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<Bebiezaza> I think I crashed IRC webchat or something
<Bebiezaza> hopefully i didnt missed anything
<SporkWitch> also, wtf is toptal? what happened to my beloved hastebin? >_<
<Bebiezaza> Thanks!
<Bebiezaza> yeah, I tried using client IRC and it crashed my webchat
<SporkWitch> personally i like kvirc; it's available for windows, mac, and linux, so you can use the same client wherever you are and copy settings between them
<Bebiezaza> 🤔
<Bebiezaza> but there's no logging, right?
<SporkWitch> in what sense?
<Bebiezaza> just log the chat so I can catch up what would be here when I'm sleeping
<Althego> simplest solution is irssi in screen
<Althego> you dont even need to install it on multiple machines, just one
<SporkWitch> Bebiezaza: you need something that stays connected, like a bouncer (such as znc), or as Althego said, just run irssi in a screen or tmux session
<Bebiezaza> i see . . .
<Bebiezaza> I guess time to get a lightweight machine set up
<Althego> a pi works
<Bebiezaza> I thought of a pi too :)
<SporkWitch> raspis make excellent bouncers. The raspi 4 even has enough oomph to run a plex server with transcoding, though sadly POE isn't enough to drive two external HDDs
<Eddi|zuHause> that moment where halfway through a mission to reach an orbit you notice that it's supposed to be a retrograde orbit
<SporkWitch> i mean, what kind of orbital velocity are we talking about right now? minmus you can literally just turn around lol
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<darkie> .
<darkie> Perhaps cheaper to go for eccentric orbit and turn around at Ap and circularize.
<darkie> Hmm, at Kerbin it's 950 to SOI, so maybe teh same.
<darkie> But then you can launch East.
<darkie> hmm
<darkie> no, better launch Wes.
<darkie> t
<Eddi|zuHause> SporkWitch: it was supposed to be at keosynchronous orbit height, and turning around would have taken like 2000m/s where i had like 400 left
<SporkWitch> launching west only costs about 300m/s or so
<bees> Eddi|zuHause: highly elliptic orbit to edge of kerbin SoI, reverse direction for like 50 m/s, insert to proper orbit
<SporkWitch> ^
<darkie> Aerobraking
<bees> sometimes this can save missions from this silly mistake
<darkie> I saw a video about lithobraking :).
<darkie> Was done with a landing wheel.
<Eddi|zuHause> i just reverted to quicksave before launch and made a proper retrograde launch instead
<Eddi|zuHause> now i have reached the orbit with 20m/s left
<darkie> Still have your contract?
<Eddi|zuHause> just completed the contract
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<SporkWitch> Althego: is this like a nervous tic or something? i keep seeing this non-word coming up...
<Althego> when kiara's stream starts, she says this
<FLHerne> As non-words go, it's a good one
<FLHerne> but I'm not sure it's useful information
<Althego> as far as i know she tookteh german onomatopoeia for the rooster's sound
<SporkWitch> ah
<Althego> but anyway i say thiswhen the stream stars
<SporkWitch> that explains the frequency with which i see it
<SporkWitch> still no idea what a kiara is
<Althego> usually not more than once a day
<Althego> a phoenix :)
<darkie> I have two ongoing missions, blocking free play.
* SporkWitch rolls eyes
<darkie> 1. Capture a gargantuan class I comet to solar orbit. 2. Get to Dres and back with a tight dv budget.
<SporkWitch> in what sense are they blocking free play?
<Eddi|zuHause> on my current trajectory i have a duna encounter in 3 years... what maneuvers could i run with ca. 1000m/s that would make it sooner?
<darkie> If I return to my comet mission everything I have played after that will be in a dead timeline.
<darkie> Except I'd still have teh rocket designs.
<SporkWitch> ah, you're not willing to let the mission run concurrently, gotcha
<darkie> Well, I do that, but eventually I want just one active timeline.
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't understand, why can't you just switch back and forth between vessels?
<SporkWitch> if you are letting missions run concurrently, you HAVE one timeline... concurrent means concurrent: your comet mission is there, time is elapsing, you're just doing something else while it's on its way...
<SporkWitch> Eddi|zuHause: i'm 99% sure he literally has a separate quicksave and doesn't want to run missions concurrently since it complicates loading quicksaves to correct mistakes
<darkie> Ahh, that. No, I'm well beyond the time to intercept the comet.
<darkie> I could capture a different comet.
<SporkWitch> i tend to run one mission at a time for similar reasons, but i have stuff I've no problem just letting run, because i'm comfortable enough with it at this point I don't need to worry about a screwup on the larger scale. That stuff at most needs a quicksave before and after burns / landing attempts
<darkie> But I guess the current one would have to escape the solar system. Or I could stop tracking it. But I already accepted the contract and I'm not sure if it doesn't expire and thus can't be cancelled.
<darkie> Eddi|zuHause: Reduce Pe?
<darkie> Eddi|zuHause: If you start a Duna mission during a transfer window it doesn't last 3 years.
<Eddi|zuHause> i didn't start a duna mission, i started an "escape kerbin" mission, where i caught a mun flyby and am now on a minimus flyby. now looking at where to go from there
<darkie> Did you escape nicely prograde, or is your orbit crossing Kerbin's orbit?
<darkie> ppl told me a Mun flyby isn't worth it. I guess that's true, if you have enough dv. But it can save a bit. Minmus won't do much gravity assist wise.
<Eddi|zuHause> current trajectory is prograde, and i have two maneuvers planned, one at minimus PE to raise AP to duna level, and one at future AP to lower PE to find a duna flyby
<Eddi|zuHause> well, the objective was to get science from the flyby
<darkie> mhm
<SporkWitch> i assume this is a probe mission?
<Eddi|zuHause> yes. unmanned probe
<darkie> if you flyby Duna (and maybe even Ike), you could return to Kerbin.
<Eddi|zuHause> not much point in flying back
<SporkWitch> Not a big deal if it's lost, then. Lessons learned either way. My first trip to a planet is always unmanned for exactly that reason
<darkie> Got comms to transmit science to Kerbin?
<Eddi|zuHause> yes, not sure how far they work, though
<darkie> May have to wait for a Kerbin conjunction.
<Eddi|zuHause> i have two of the 5M antennas on the probe
<Eddi|zuHause> they say "combinable"
<darkie> That won't suffice, I think.
<SporkWitch> My first Eve probe came up short on dV, ended up with a ridiculously eccentric orbit that swings between low- and high-space, even after exhausting my RCS fuel to bring the apoapsis down as much as i could heh
<SporkWitch> (that was before I had ion engines, though, so it was just an ant and a bunch of oscar-b tanks)
<SporkWitch> per the chart in the link i gave you, that's not nearly enough signal strength; that probe is lost
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<SporkWitch> well, at least until you set up a relay network with better antennas, but since you won't be able to make the capture burn unless it's perfectly oriented before it loses signal, that'd be moot
<Eddi|zuHause> that's ok... reaching duna was never the point. just a nice gimmick
<SporkWitch> fair, and remember: failure is part of the fun and the learning process
<SporkWitch> that's why we use probes first: no kerbals (and more importantly, their xp) lost
<Eddi|zuHause> the point was always just "escape kerbin SOI"
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<SporkWitch> escaping kerbin's SOI isn't overly difficult, only takes like 1km/s
<Eddi|zuHause> so the last expected thing was to transmit sun SOI science
<SporkWitch> please tell me this wasn't fixed, i soooo need to use this to make a TIE Fighter lol
<Althego> i think it wasnt
<Althego> if the docking port engine is still there that is better for a tie fighter
<SporkWitch> no, because TIE == Twin ION Engine
<Althego> yes but you dont see exhaust
<sandbox> I'm exhausted
<SporkWitch> hi exhausted, i'm SporkWitch
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<darkie> sandbox: Are you propellant?
<sandbox> I hope not
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<Mat2ch> oh, wow
<Mat2ch> SpaceX tested a tank to explosion! \o/
<SporkWitch> 'tis the kerbal way!
<Mat2ch> 2:34:10 if you are interested:
<Mat2ch> dome says byyyyyeeeeee
<Eddi|zuHause> the problem with plane missions on the other side of the planet: you can't fast forward 30 minutes
<SporkWitch> Eddi|zuHause: 1) suborbital hop, 2) better time warp mod
<Eddi|zuHause> i might check out 2
<Eddi|zuHause> later...
<SporkWitch> better time warp enables higher physics timewarp rates, as well as time warp while accelerating in space (time warp through that 2h ion engine burn!)
<SporkWitch> also enables slowing or even pausing time (so you can take your time calculating maneuvers; this is a huge one IMO, since unlike IRL, we can't really calculate everything from mission start, especially the ascent)
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<Eddi|zuHause> i really miss setting up maneuvers before launch, to find the correct launch window e.g. too meet a space station in low orbit
<SporkWitch> exactly, there's a reason we do it IRL lol
<SporkWitch> NASA wouldn't be eyeballing the ideal launch to match minmus inclination lol
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<darkie> For Minmus we can change plane early in the launch and then find the right place for the departure burn.
<darkie> But yeah, when to launch requires eyeballing and trial and error.
<SporkWitch> it was a simple example that's one of the easier TOO eyeball, but nasa still wouldn't. we have maths for that, and computers lol.
<SporkWitch> *TO
<darkie> By Dres departure was significantly off.
<darkie> My*
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<Eddi|zuHause> well, for everything after launch you can fiddle around with maneuver nodes on your space station to find the right orbital positions
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