Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | JWST deployment status:
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<packbart> SporkWitch: I use GC, not MKS (and not Interstellar, either)
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<Althego> yay owl singing
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<transhohmann> that was a strange beast of a submarine
<transhohmann> managed to get to minmus and the mun with my previous mun vessel
<transhohmann> somehow managed to make it a 60 day trip
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You discover an ancient Tnuctipun plush weapon.
<XXCoder> good idea to tope it out
<XXCoder> very, very good idea to nope it out.
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<join_subline> we need and offshoot KSP.... Kerbal Submarine Program , for the win
<darsie> :)
<Althego> i wanted a space boat pier on the shore
<Althego> it was always hard to test stuff made for water
<join_subline> d-(0_0)z
<darsie> Yeah, going to the beach with rovers or rockets is tedious.
<Althego> now you can reposition
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<XXCoder> DLC of ability to set bases on other planets
<XXCoder> just add very heavy colonize module, then food pack, then people
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<darsie> 1337
<flayer> nice
<darsie> .
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<Althego> kikkerikii, but it is pokemon again
<darsie> .
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<packbart> hm. Jake is *still* tinkering with da disposable-propeller EVE ascent vehicle
<SporkWitch> meanwhile i'm trying to figure out how to fuel this reactor. the tank editor doesn't offer up any of the fuels the nerva has as options lol
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<packbart> yeah, I was just suprised to see the old idea remastered. haven't watched him in KSP for a while ( )
<packbart> the editable tank presets probably work for stock fuels and resource, mostly
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<SporkWitch> i think it just bugged out... it DOES want enriched uranium when in its default Uranium Oxide mode, and it uses so little that the 2 units it starts with would be more than enough for the missions i have planned for it. It doesn't seem to pass fuel from the tank for some reason and lost its internal storage, so somewhere in there is what bugged and why it said it was out of fuel
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<SporkWitch> trying to deorbit and recover my engine, and as soon as i deploy chutes all the parts rip apart :'( lol
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<Althego> so not only earth is fucked, but we are too
<packbart> the planet is fine
<Althego> george carlin
<Althego> save the planet?
<SporkWitch> even strutting the crap out of it, it just rips itself apart the instant the partial-deployment drogue goes out >_<
<packbart> great philosopher
<Althego> oh no, it was wrong channel
<Althego> and with a swear word too
<darsie> People were upset and sad when Harambe was shot. But in the wild a lot more Gorillas are killed.
<Althego> havent seen that kind of failure. i have seen things blow themselves up, because of clipping, but just because of chutes, that is strange
<SporkWitch> i'm still pissed that they shot the poor tiger instead of florida man; kitty just wanted a snack, and florida man offered his arm, as florida man does
<darsie> Disrupting the food chain by greatly reducing insects isn't wise, either.
<darsie> SporkWitch: Yeah, but habitat destruction kills a lot more tigers.
<darsie> Humans are such an evil pest.
<SporkWitch> Althego: yeah, it's a nerva solid core engine, mk1 liquid fuel fuselage, two 120 monoprop tanks, two adv reaction wheels, a thermal electric generator, probe core, heat shield, and some aerodynamic RCS. it's fairly heavy fully loaded, but still. i have four drogues attached around the tank, two regular chutes just above the engine and just before the heat shield. dive in prograde so the heat
<SporkWitch> shield keeps everything alive; by the time it's slowed down to chute deployment speeds it's at around 6km AGL. This last attempt i tried deploying only one drogue, and only after ferram went from "high dynamic pressure" to "nominal" again, instantly rips itself to pieces
<darsie> At Kerbin?
<SporkWitch> autostrut all set to heaviest on every part in the stack itself, manual struts between the tank and thermo reactor, and tank and battery
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<SporkWitch> yeah, at kerbin
<packbart> oh, with FAR. ok, that's a totally different environment
<darsie> I've used airbrakes. Gotta retract them before they overheat.
<SporkWitch> yeah, i'm 99% sure it's just FAR being FAR, but I feel like this should hold together. The hell is even the point of drogue chutes if they rip the craft apart, instead of ripping themselves apart?
<SporkWitch> heck, that's how a drogue is NORMALLY used: a quick, sharp tug to kill some velocity, but it rips ITSELF of, not the craft apart
<bees> SporkWitch: rotate the shield
<bees> you want a bit of lift
<SporkWitch> ??
<bees> or adjust mass balance somehow
<bees> or add tiny wings, idk
<bees> throwing heavy "rocks" in the atmosphere usually ends up badly
<bees> Other examples of the spherical section geometry in manned capsules are Soyuz/Zond, Gemini, and Mercury. Even these small amounts of lift allow trajectories that have very significant effects on peak g-force, reducing it from 8–9 g for a purely ballistic (slowed only by drag) trajectory to 4–5 g, as well as greatly reducing the peak reentry heat.[12]
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<bees> KSP usually does not have that problem because of small planet and simple aero, but i guess with FAR you start to run into it again
<SporkWitch> i turned off g-force failure in the difficulty settings; maybe it's not even FAR killing it, but the stock g tolerances. at this point i just want to know what EXACTLY is killing it. Worst case, instead of recovering it, i'll dismantle it in orbit for parts
<SporkWitch> It's a heavy tug I'll be using to help assemble my orbital shipyard
<SporkWitch> hence the nuclear engine to rendesvous, and beefy 10 strength RCS thrusters
<darsie> KER has a g-Force display with resettable max. Must be added manually, though.
<darsie> It's in the surface section, IIRC.
<SporkWitch> i will also say it's interesting to have rocket engines that don't throttle instantly heh
<bees> well, step 1) add more drag (simple) or 2) add more lift (harder, but given you a degree of control)
<SporkWitch> it only has a slight impact on burn precision, but i can see needing to consider it for long, distant burns
<SporkWitch> yeah, i'll have to see which research node adds the retractable wings for stage recovery
<SporkWitch> then again, wings are also very likely for FAR to rip off lol
<bees> stock has perfect deployable drag devices in the form of medium landing gear
<bees> idk what FAR does with them
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<SporkWitch> i'm really making a go with FAR because planes not handling right was just getting too frustrating, and i'm modding the crap out of this one anyway, so may as well go all the way. MKS, KSPI, FAR, and some of the near future stuff and the MKS dev's submarine parts (still need to do some redesigns, but of the ones i can find that are still available, it seems to behave the best)
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<SporkWitch> using USI life support as well, so a fair bit of challenge, without going full sim and having to worry about co2 and o2
<bees> tbh, when you realise that KSP ignores drag for non-lifting parts in "center of lift" display, stock aero leaves zero surprises
<SporkWitch> leaves lots of surprises if you've been flying realistic flight simulators for 30 years lol
<bees> maybe
<SporkWitch> none of the normal ways to recover from spins work in stock, and spins can be caused in ways they can't in the real world
<SporkWitch> so it wasn't the gforce failure, since it just tore itself apart again...
<SporkWitch> last try, this time with airbrakes heh
<darsie> .
<darsie> SporkWitch: I used the KER heat indicators.
<SporkWitch> not a heat issue, and actually, even with the airbrakes, they're not going over 2/3 of their heat limit, so that's nice
<SporkWitch> this might work...
<SporkWitch> the extra drag DID flip it around, but not before the heat shield was no longer needed, and i'm now well below dangerous speeds at 15km
<SporkWitch> and it didn't tear itself apart with the drogues!
<darsie> :)
<SporkWitch> combo of lower speed and thinner air did the trick, i think
<SporkWitch> just enough parachutes, too: 5.9m/s
<SporkWitch> this was also an absolute worst case scenario: full monopropellant and only fuel used was to deorbit, so it's much heavier than it should be in actual practice
<SporkWitch> >_< the engine fell off as soon as it hit the water lol
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> still recoverable
<SporkWitch> nope, the parts that came off sank like rocks, exploded on the seafloor
<Althego> eh
<Althego> another reason not to land on water
<SporkWitch> trajectories didn't predict the path well heh
<SporkWitch> predicted landing was on the KSC; actual landing ended up being just before the desert paninsula on the continent west of the one the KSC is on
<Althego> quite far
<SporkWitch> definitely really dig how the KSPI nuclear engines provide constant heat for power generation, though
<SporkWitch> i can ditch the battery on this thing, since the reactor in the engine provides more than enough power by itself, even when the engine's not firing
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<SporkWitch> this is going to be an interesting lifter lol. Because of the difference in radius and weight, and wanting to make it easier to attach the next piece and then recycle the transfer stage, that stage is sitting upside down on top of the station section lol
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<SporkWitch> lol, the command pod i used is ultra-buoyant, so it keeps bouncing on the water and i can't recover it lol
<SporkWitch> took like 2 1/2 minutes to stop bouncing enough to recover lol
<bees> if you just click-click-click, it recovers
<bees> only first click fails
<bees> or maybe that requires some mod, idk
<SporkWitch> it was bouncing enough to leave the water, so it was literally losing the button lol
<SporkWitch> ... the fairing on the next station module looks like male anatomy... lol
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