Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<Althego> ugh. it is early, but zombie math. also certificate has expired? but it is until december
<umaxtu> lets encrypt?
<Althego> that. for *
<Althego> must be something in the chain
<umaxtu> the old root cert expired today
<packbart> a quick test shows the correct chain (resolved to
<umaxtu> hexchat doesn't seem to like the cert my bouncer is using
<umaxtu> but irssi, says it checks out. hmm
* raptop blames hexchat
<raptop> With a name like that, it has to have been cursed by 16 witches
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i use hexchat too
<Althego> seems to be the best free client for windows
<raptop> Hrm, maybe
<raptop> OTOH, given WSL, you can "just" use your favorite linux client now
<packbart> well, there's always irssi in a WSL terminal ;)
<packbart> (or rather SSH to a VM as I do)
<raptop> heh
<Althego> putty is too dumb to hanfle links
<Althego> making irssi useage uncomfortable
<packbart> .oO( 2078: He announces that he's finally making the jump from screen+irssi to tmux+weechat. )
<raptop> packbart: well, yes
<raptop> Althego: a flash of the obvious, I just realized why the conplex-conjugate transpose uses a dagger operator -- it looks sort of like a t
<packbart> I used to use both screen+irssi and connect via xchat+VPN to the irssi-proxy from a N900
<packbart> worked well. I had the same IRC session in the terminal and mobile
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<umaxtu> Althego: you find the fix for hexchat's cert issue?
<Truga> hexchat for windows uses an old openssl which has a bug
<umaxtu> yeah, I was going to send him a link to the fix if he hadn't figured it out
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<Althego> i didnt care much for it. i will just be a security risk here :)
* umaxtu hacks Althego
* umaxtu buys a Taycan with Althego's money
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<Mat2ch> Althego: no you will net. The cert warning is just a warning, doesn't make the cert less secure.
<Mat2ch> the worst thing that might happen, but is very unlikely, that someone reads what you're doing. And maybe get's your password.
<umaxtu> and then uses your money to buy an electric porsche
<Mat2ch> with the IRC password?!
<Mat2ch> I hope Althego uses more than one...
<Althego> not used anywhere else
<umaxtu> darn
<umaxtu> I guess I'll have to order the hot wheels instead
<Mat2ch> Or get another persons credit card data.
<umaxtu> I did download the Epik leaks...
<Mat2ch> leaks?
<umaxtu> idk If I should post links to that on this channel. just search for "epik leak"
<UmbralRaptop> oh, hey. You can see hurricanes
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<Mat2ch> umaxtu: ah, yes, I remember that. Hoped it was something new...
<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: care to go for a sail? :D
<UmbralRaptop> aaaa
<Mat2ch> that's a yes.
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<Mat2ch> .oO( Another mail from Stuart Semple...)
<Althego> and who is that?
<Mat2ch> Althego: something who bothers XXCoder with newsletters ;)
Nicky21 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Nicky21> Hello. Is there an offical dev or tech support online? I have a login problem i'd liek to report....
<darsie> IRC pro tip: Ask your real question.
<Nicky21> I can't longin into teh I get redirected to a "we have updated the policy" and when i click on "I agree" nothing happens.
<Nicky21> I tried several browsers, all of them error out.
<Mat2ch> let me try
<Mat2ch> I can log in without any issues. When was the last time you logged in?
<Nicky21> I'm tech savy enough. i can send logs and screenshots if anyone needs tehm to debug. I also entered teh browser console adn i foudn a json error of some sort
<Nicky21> before the failed tried of today, it's been several months.
<Mat2ch> ah, that explains this. :)
<Mat2ch> well, sadly nobody from the KSP devs is here anymore. (afaik)
<Mat2ch> You should try to contact them by mail. And include all the data you gathered.
<Nicky21> i think it's more ofa website issue....
<flayer> we're just as helpless as you
<Nicky21> yeah. thank you anyway !
<Althego> some forum admins are here
<umaxtu> did this issue start yesterday perhaps?
<Nicky21> I do not know. today is teh first i used teh site in months.
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: I just tried to login and had no issues.
<umaxtu> Mat2ch: I'm wondering if its related to the Lets Encrypt root cert expiration
<Mat2ch> I guess it has something to do how the update of the policy is handled. And not many users probably log in after so many month.
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: Nicky21 might be able to tell you more about the error :)
<Althego> unless it is in the backend, i dont think so. browsers tell you that there is a problem with a secure connection
<Nicky21> I strangely works now
<Nicky21> i t took like 15 minutes, but the problem resolved itself...
<Mat2ch> Maybe they were just updating the software in the background or something like that...
<Nicky21> could be....
<Mat2ch> because it's Friday and updating important things on Friday is always a good idea. :D
<Nicky21> lol. tell em about it.
<Nicky21> goes right there with moving to new offices right before a deadline.....
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> heh finally i got to the mmx video from days ago
<Mat2ch> aaaaaaand?
<Althego> martin compared it to star citizen :)
<Mat2ch> that's your verdict? :D
<Althego> no, he said it
<Althego> but it is completely different
<Althego> nobody wants to sell the mmx, unlike star ciziten
<Mat2ch> yep
<Mat2ch> another wrong assumption.
<Mat2ch> MMX is unique in every way.
<umaxtu> mmx?
<Althego> marble machine x
<umaxtu> ah
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<Althego> heh bird is coming but i need to sleep
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<XXCoder> white ink interesting. doubt i will use it though
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<umaxtu> til that hardware accelerated gpu playback isn't enabled in firefox in ubuntu 21.04
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