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<SporkWitch> question on the physics delta-time per frame setting: wiki says it just makes in-game time pass slower, is there any way to get it to run more calculations without slowing down time? I've got a monster CPU, i'd think it can handle the strain without slowing down...
<pureblood> do you have TimeControl installed? Its UI kinda explains what is happening, at least it does for me
<SporkWitch> i do not
<pureblood> still no people experienced in ModuleManager around? My tank volume question still stands unanswered...
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<pureblood> SporkWitch: other info I got regarding physics ticks was from kOS tutorials wiki (some kOS statements are subject to "entire section in one tick" limitation)
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<SporkWitch> never been to minmus before, and just trying to check i'm not doing something screwy. my burn is estimating i should start in 34d; is that within reason for minmus? or should i start my calculations over?
<raptop> that's weird
<raptop> Like, from Kerbin's surface it shouldn't be more than ~6 hours. From LKO ~0.5 hours
* raptop thought that the TWR errors that sometimes showed up in the maneuver nodes had been fixed
<SporkWitch> gonna try and circularize a bit more and see if that helps; 178x146 currently, might be affecting it
<pureblood> I had KSP from version 0.23 but after all these years I am still not able to comprehend the motivation of players who play without RSS in a fake and impossible (stock Jool is not gravitationally stable) stock "system". I must be retarded.
<raptop> Lower tedium / the extra difficulty being in uninteresting areas
<packbart> yeah, it's supposed to be fun first, with optional additional difficulty
* packbart likes JNSQ from what I've seen so far
<pureblood> difficulty? You just use rocket equation to build a rocket that is suitable to the task at hand, given deltaV maps are freely available, and then you launch that and it does the job. I honestly can't get this "difficulty" thing. Sure RSS rockets are bigger, so what? They're still rockets
<packbart> some people even call Elite Dangerous a "space sim", though it's far more removed from reality than KSP
<pureblood> true
<packbart> the thing in stock KSP is that you don't even need to know the rocket equation to build something that lands on the Mun
<pureblood> ignorance is bliss?
<pureblood> better play dota then
<pureblood> no equations needed (almost)
* pureblood literally scratches head irl
<packbart> well, you don't sell as many copies if you target only a very narrow kind of spacers
<pureblood> that's from mexicans PoV, but I meant what's from player PoV, player's motivation, not dev's
<packbart> getting whacky contraptions to orbit is part of the KSP fun
<packbart> so, wings shouldn't just tear off by loading them with a few g
<pureblood> whacky can be flown in RSS too, note I didn't mentioned RO. The level of whackiness there is limited by if you have KJR and FAR, to taste
<packbart> in the end, it doesn't really matter much if you fly in stock or RSS or somewhere in between (like JNSQ's 1/4 real scale)
<pureblood> oh btw, anyone plays SimpleRockets2?
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<SporkWitch> derp, figured out why my burn estimates were so long: i'd set my thrust limiter pretty low for tweaking the inclination lol
<SporkWitch> well, at least this should be a very precise transfer burn lol
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<Althego> hehe irys singing ghostbusters (unarchived)
<raptop> tis the season
<pureblood> not endorsing itunes, but I see these trending lately
<pureblood> I wonder why
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<SporkWitch> does the maneuver tool account for time spent in another SoI in its predicted end result? Specifically, my timing works out that it seems like I can use the Mun to slow me down some more on my return from Minmus, just want to make sure its accurate and not going to make my orbit go nuts
<Althego> i am not sure about the new maneuver planner, but you can increase the patch conic number in some options, the default is usually too small. so then it shows longer predictions
<Althego> in older versions of the game this had to be done in the config, but now there is a slider for it
<SporkWitch> oh, good to know
<Althego> Conic Patch Limit
<Althego> Default: 3
<Althego> i usually go with 5
<SporkWitch> i assume it's CPU-bound?
<Althego> not really. since it is patched conics, basically you know the solutions instantly
<Althego> it is more like avoiding clutter with too many lines on the screens
<SporkWitch> ah
<SporkWitch> i wasn't really clear on what it did, heh
<Althego> there is one curve for each soi. so while you are at minmus. there is one. then in kerbin soi, then in mun soi, then in kerbin again
<SporkWitch> hopefully last question at least for a little bit: i have a heat shield, what's a good periapsis to aim this probe for? i'm at 54 right now and want to make sure i don't fly back out, but also don't burn up
<Althego> so 3 may be too small for a prediction to see where you get
<SporkWitch> gotcha, so it is doing the calculations, it's just limiting how much it's displaying? also, i'm guessing this has to be done from the main menu, since i don't see it in the in-flight settings
<Althego> it depends what is behind the heat shield. science junior always heats up, even if the heat shield is there. but does it erratically, like instant heating or colling, so i just usually cheat my way through that
<SporkWitch> science junior survived my munar reentry without seeming to heat up, at least
<Althego> so normally if you have a heat shield, it is so strong you an do anything
<SporkWitch> but yeah, a science junior and a service bay to hold my batteries, pressure sensors, and thermometers
<Althego> for mun or minmus i even go with 1/3 ablator, because it is that strong
<SporkWitch> it did seem pretty potent, heh; didn't even drop below 90% on the munar return
<SporkWitch> ok, think i'll drop periapsis to 30km then, to make sure i don't escape the atmosphere and have to wait forever for a second pass
<Althego> 30 km is a sur capture
<SporkWitch> i lied, last last question for a bit: how the bloody hell do i set focus back on my craft? the inability to pan the map and the wonkiness of whether it lets me click things is driving me nuts lol
<Althego> backspave
<Althego> but be carefuk
<Althego> that is also the abort command
<Althego> lol carefuk
<Althego> careful
<SporkWitch> how is that sane?!
<SporkWitch> lol
<Althego> so you have to be in the map mode
<Althego> or alternatively tab through every body until you get back
<Althego> shift tab goes backwards, but since shift is also throttle, it starts your engine
<SporkWitch> i didn't program any aborts, but staging/abort doesn't react from the map, right?
<Althego> yes, it is safe in the map
<SporkWitch> are the mappings different on linux?
<SporkWitch> backspace isn't doing anything
<Althego> not for backspace
<Althego> there is one difference, alt is right shift i think
<SporkWitch> yeah, that one i figured out
<Althego> Backspace Reset focus in orbital map
<SporkWitch> also somewhat infuriating you can't view or edit bindings while in-flight...
<SporkWitch> yeah, it's not doing anything for me
<Althego> then just use tab
<Althego> after it cycles through the bodies it will get back to your ship eventually
<SporkWitch> oh, i found the patched conic setting lol; i assume i want to leave the draw mode on dynamic? and apparently i'm set for 6
<Althego> the mode does not matter much, it just draws them differently
<Althego> 6 is enough for most situations
* raptop tends to move the draw mode to 0
<Althego> so predictions are drawn for things like jool capture with tylo
<raptop> ...or back to whatever the 1st one is
<Althego> draw mode is more of a personal preference
<raptop> admittedly yes
* raptop hopes that doesn't have any errors
<SporkWitch> raptop: well i can say with 100% certainty that steam version on Kubuntu 21.04.03, backspace while in map does NOT seem to do anything (which is better than doing something it shouldn't lol)
<Althego> it doesnt do anything if you are already focused on the ship :)
<SporkWitch> i wasn't, i was on minmus, then duna lol
<raptop> hrm
<SporkWitch> luckily i haven't gotten to building any stations or commnets yet, and i haven't been brave enough to multitask and have multiple missions active at once, so i only had to cycle through planets and moons to get back to my probe
<Althego> the cycle order is specific and somewhat strange, goes in the order the planets were added
<Althego> it doesnt cycle through ships
<Althego> only active ship and bodies
<Althego> you can check in the settings if backspace is still there or not
<SporkWitch> gotcha. also i'm LOVING dragging the thrust limiter slider. making for some MUCH cleaner burns
<Althego> yes, a neat trick
<SporkWitch> yeah, i'm gonna have to go to main menu to check that though
<SporkWitch> it doesn't even let me VIEW, let alone edit, mappings anywhere but the main menu
<Althego> doesnt really work in reality. most rocket engines are not able to throttle, or just very little
<SporkWitch> caused some nice panic since it reads my throttle backwards and i just mapped it lol
<Althego> at least now you can view and edit action groups in flight
<SporkWitch> true, but it's a game, i'm fine with simplifying the orbital mechanics, though as long as the maneuver tool is accurate i wouldn't mind 3-body calculations so we can have actual lagrange points and such
<Althego> "there is a mod for that" :)
<Althego> and that does eat up the cpu because it needs to do actual simulation
<SporkWitch> true, and that's helped me a lot. I've got a stupid fast SSD, but that's still a lot of loading for trial-and-error
<SporkWitch> how's KSP's multicore support? :P
<Althego> not great
<SporkWitch> damn :( lol
<Althego> supposedly mostly because physics cant be parallelized well
<SporkWitch> I'm running a Ryzen 9 3950x with 128GB of DDR4 3600 lol (depending on project i run a bunch of VMs, and the goal is to do GPU-passthrough to a windows VM if GPUs ever become available for less than ludicrous prices again; i'm still using my old GTX1060 >_<)
<SporkWitch> i need stuff to occupy all these cores!
<Althego> however most modern games can utilize even 8 cores
<Althego> i am still on i7-6700k
<SporkWitch> my CPU while it was building the parity drive for the MDADM-RAID5 array lol
<Althego> what is with that heartbeat network usage
<SporkWitch> i'm thinking my next project will be an orbital gas station. Should be much easier to just launch some tankers, then I can send my actual mission craft up dry except for the launch and rendezvous stages. Kerbin's gravity well is what's really killing me; sending up enough delta-v for anything, but maybe I'm just not embracing "moar boosters" enough heh
<SporkWitch> not sure, honestly, but that was pretty much right after a fresh install, and the checksum on the ISO I installed from matched, so not too concerned. It's only a couple kbps, so it's probably discord
<packbart> building an orbital fuel station and forgetting about it is an important step in every KSP career save
<Althego> that is why you should mine fuel
<Althego> i dont like orbital depots. add to mission complexity
<SporkWitch> don't have that unlocked yet, still pretty early game, though i have almost all the 90 nodes and a few of the 160's. I did grab nuclear propulsion after my kerbals got back from the moon.
<SporkWitch> wellp, to answer the question, it most certainly did NOT correctly calculate the resulting orbit after the munar encounter; i'm 150km further out than it predicted...
<Althego> hehe
<SporkWitch> that makes me sad; i thought i was being clever taking advantage of it when i saw it...
<packbart> the maneuver node expects instant change in velocity and does not take the motion during a burn into account
<Althego> heh why did i lose auto connext for libear
<raptop> ah, it's tilde (well, the ` and ~ key on my keyboards) that centers the view on the craft
<Althego> lol since when
<raptop> unsure
<raptop> Also, good luck finding the map focus info in settings >_<
<SporkWitch> packbart: granted (though I did notice the setting to do the maths for me; not necessary, but a nice convenience). i just didn't expect it to be THAT far off, because it was AFTER the burn that it was predicting the 40km periapsis, then after the mun encounter it turned into 180km, no new burn (though i just added one to correct it again)
<Althego> typically you need to check trajectory after soi change
<packbart> ah. that might be different. orbits sometimes just chage...
<SporkWitch> well the wiki is officially wrong, then, because it definitely says backspace, and backtick did just work
<Althego> although it got a lot better than it used to be
<Althego> must be that i kept my old config all the time
<Althego> and inherited backspace through the change
* raptop updates the wiki
<SporkWitch> yeah, that was the whole point of the earlier question, though, heh. still moderately accurate, and it was far enough out that the corrective burn was trivial.
<SporkWitch> now to find out if i burn up lol
<Althego> i hope irys sincs thriller
<Althego> you cant not
<SporkWitch> ??
<Althego> sings
<pureblood> Althego: with AGX, editing AGs in flight was possible for many years now...
<raptop> editing action groups is doable in stock now
<pureblood> but you know it
<pureblood> and it persists when you're back in VAB? Or it resets?
<SporkWitch> changes in-flight are temporary
<pureblood> a pity
<SporkWitch> though i think there's a mod to save them
<SporkWitch> (i know there's one for staging chagnges on the pad)
<Althego> hehe morse code. save our groups
<Althego> yes that is very annoying. i notice it is wrong,m change it, then i have to do it again in the editor
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<SporkWitch> not enough control authority to keep it retrograde >_<
<Althego> then you have to go with higher apoapsis and leeloo dallas multi-pass
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<SporkWitch> worth a burn to bring my apo down?
<Althego> since you are coming back from minmus you are already in a bound orbit, not on escape. unless you are coming back extra fast (as i do because i hate that minmus is so long time away out on hohmann)
<SporkWitch> i think what's throwing me off is the antenna, that tiny bit of weight on one side is pulling me side on
<Althego> i think the antenna is pgysicless
<SporkWitch> i think SOME of them are, but not the high-gain one
<Althego> the dts-m1?
<SporkWitch> because it was also affecting me at launch, tilting me in that direction. i had to add a reaction wheel. but thinking leverage, the wheel is right next to the engine i'm going to detach. on this attempt i'm going to try just letting the engine burn off so i can keep the reaction wheel until lower in the atmosphere when hopefully i'll stay ass-first...
<SporkWitch> HG-5
<Althego> that is tiny
<SporkWitch> i looked up comm ranges before the mission and it indicated this would make sure i could control the probe when it got to minmus
<SporkWitch> (thankfully it let me extend the antenna without full control, because i forgot to on the way out lol)
<Althego> the position of the reactin wheel does not matter, the torque is just magic
<SporkWitch> >_< well not i know: put the wheel under the plate next time lol
<SporkWitch> because of all the wobby before i discovered rigid stabilization, i assumed it DID take it into account
<SporkWitch> *now i know
<Althego> in reality it would matter
<raptop> huh, irys is bad at kanji?
<Althego> who isnt
<raptop> Depending on what it is, kanji can be easier than hiragana (...or ironically katakana)
<Althego> if they are simple
<Althego> i could identify shoujo in the middle
<SporkWitch> killed some apo and kept the engine to maintain control, seems to have worked... so far...
<Althego> you can try spinning too
<raptop> hm, spin stabilization
<SporkWitch> think i made it. remarkably the engine even survived reentry heating lol
<Althego> the engine is a good heat shield
<raptop> yay
<SporkWitch> chute's deployed, should be able to slow me enough to protect the science junior
<SporkWitch> 6 m/s! victory!
<Althego> heh there was no thriller
<SporkWitch> 22d long mission that turned into lol
<Althego> i sure wish the materials bay would be smaller
<SporkWitch> is that something else or you mean the science jr?
<Althego> the same
<Althego> i dont knwo why it has two names
<SporkWitch> yeah, definitely seems large for what it is
<Althego> if i could stick it on top of a capsule things would be way easier
<Althego> and it is fairly expensive
<SporkWitch> wtf? i thought i was supposed to get the difference back if i recovered things like moon goo and science junior?!
<Althego> typically i have to lose it on the first mission because of heat and stability issues
<Althego> yes you get back some part of its price if you recover it
<raptop> the difference in transmission and recovery, yeah?
<Althego> depending on your loacation
<SporkWitch> i wouldn't have transmitted until the end if i'd realized that; i thought i could transmit whenever and if i did manage to recover it then i get the rest... wtf kind of probe deletes the stored data on transmission?
<Althego> ah that
<SporkWitch> no, the science
<raptop> Wait, were these the same physical experiements?
<SporkWitch> raptop: yeah
<raptop> ah
<raptop> yeah, you'd need to reset them with a scientist and recollect
<SporkWitch> yeah, science junior and moon goo are one-time use without a lab or scientist
<raptop> Or have additiona goo and science juniors to collect and return
<Althego> heh a unit test is dying with 2 failures consistently. it was working yesterday. nobody did anything yesterday
<SporkWitch> everything i read makes it sound like i can transmit as a precaution and still get the full if i successfully retrieve :'(
<raptop> Althego: blame the CME
<Althego> i did upgrade buildbot, but it seems to be working
<Althego> there is one test that logs something out about "evil alpha particles" if it fails
<SporkWitch> lol! the fuel tank the engine was strapped to (and jettisoned at almost 2km/s) survived impact with the desert! lol
<SporkWitch> showed up in the tracking station; gimme my funds back! :P
<Althego> there is a chance of survival on ground
<Althego> because the exploding part slows down the rest
<Althego> not on water
<SporkWitch> true
<Althego> try not to land on water
<SporkWitch> yeah, i've noticed water is strangely less forgiving than rock lol
<pureblood> Althego: perchance you have KSP mod building env deployed? I have some questions about that
<Althego> no
<pureblood> I see.
<Althego> i just checked on the company tests if they are still working after the buildbot upgrade i did yesterday
<pureblood> eventually I'll need to fix and recompile SSTU. Maybe not until 1.10.1 is the only realistic option with RO, which it seems now...
<pureblood> s/is the/ceases to be the/
<pureblood> people say that after 1.11 SRB thrust curves are all broken, and I know some other things in it that are wonky even in 1.10.1
<packbart> I only installed the MFT-A tank from SSTU. Too. many. options. ;)
<packbart> (which is good to keep part count low, I know)
<pureblood> also their engine module is rather good, unless you're Test-Flight-using hardcore masochist who wants his engines to explode from time to time, with non-zero blastFactor
<pureblood> then you may want 'em separate for FOD factor
<pureblood> FUD*
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<Althego> heh test is failing because of dst, but i dont get how
<Althego> aaaaaaa...... yes, 1:4:3, that is before the change. so there are probably 2 days when it fails each year
<SporkWitch> oohhhhh, i have just discovered the mobile processing lab... just testing in a plane, it's saying 25Mits from material study worth 0.8 science, but the lab will add 110 more over 148d?!
<Althego> yes, it is an inifnite source of science
<Althego> if you put it around the mun, even more so
<Althego> and that is why i dont use it
<SporkWitch> that's heavy, but i did unlock some beefy engines...
<SporkWitch> overpowered, you reckon?
<Althego> it just pumps out science without you doing anything
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<SporkWitch> hmmm, seems like the air intakes ignore geometry; they should be completely occluded by the lab, but they seem to be breathing fine
<XXCoder> if science is like fuel to get new tech stuff, and that exploit happened in reality...
<XXCoder> all countries would be orbiting those labs forever
<XXCoder> as many as they can fit in orbits
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<Althego> hmm, vampire bird in 10 hours
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<a_flayer> i keep hitting the asteroid but not latching on
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<Mat2ch> Have you asked the asteroid why it is hitting itself?
<darsie> a_flayer: Arm the Klaw? :)
<darsie> Yeah, try to vary the angle ...
<darsie> Or a different spot.
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<darsie> What's it's size, mass and delta-v?
<darsie> its*
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<darsie> Eww, google.
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<SporkWitch> pureblood: the tracking stuff are part of the link the dev/seller posted themselves: the code converts to that product, that source of link, etc. There are also far more worthwhile things to get one's panties in a bunch over.
<SporkWitch> darsie: that too; i may have 128GB of RAM in this thing, but i don't want ALL of it going to a second-rate web browser that can't even managed a decent tree-style tabs plugin
<a_flayer> i have 12 GB RAM
* darsie has 16.
<packbart> the plushie looks a bit creepy with the dark empty helmet ;)
<packbart> like an invasion of Vashta Nerada
<a_flayer> who turned off the lights
<a_flayer> oh we're referring to the same thing
<a_flayer> i didn't even realize lol
<SporkWitch> poor River :(
<a_flayer> don't worry, it's just a fictional character
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<SporkWitch> ... i'm starting to think i've just been giving myself hell for no reason. Been trying to not overengineer my launch and transfer stages (especially launch; damn you gravity well), and i just through the Jumbo64 tank and a mainsail engine on, and that just gave my 6t base 2557 delta-v right off the bat... lol
<SporkWitch> it's half the cost of the whole thing so far, but still...
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<Althego> heh no way to watch the mega-en collab, it is around midnight
<a_flayer> i got tomorrow off
<Althego> me too, but still
<a_flayer> !
<Althego> i am too old for midnight stuff. need my beauty sleep
<SporkWitch> how wasteful is this, or is this actually reasonable for getting a lab to the mun and/or minmus? I feel like i'm really struggling getting things into orbit by actually trying to be efficient and if i should just embrace the kerbal way and go ridiculous lol
<SporkWitch> lab seems wide enough not to need landing gear, just strapped a couple RCS to the cupula and using its 10 monopropellant in case of any wobble on touchdown. scientist and engineer stay in the lab, jeb detaches in the capsule and heads home
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<a_flayer> Althego, definitely not going to argue with that
<a_flayer> you need all the beauty sleep you can get XD
<Althego> go to minmus if possible
<SporkWitch> yeah, got it to orbit pretty nicely and even have 3s of fuel left from the launch main engine to start the burn, decided to do minmus simply because i haven't landed there yet, so plenty of science and money to cover the costs. Really wanting to know if that was a reasonable build or not. Trying to figure out what makes sense money-wise, or if my problem is i'm worrying TOO MUCH about money and it's making things harder (
<SporkWitch> somewhat tempted to restart in science mode so i only have to worry about the tech tree lol)
<darsie> Command seat doesn't seem to count as crew transfer:
<a_flayer> darsie, that's discriminatory!
<SporkWitch> >_< i fucked up my staging, right as i go for the transfer burn, it detached the tug from the science pod >_< lol
<Althego> SporkWitch: oh no, the channel rules, you have to watch the words
<darsie> SporkWitch: Load saved game.
<darsie> You forked up :)
<darsie> Or is it because the Kerbal to rescue is not "from another mission"?
<darsie> I could send my Minmus lab to orbit, but it has only 900 m/s left and can't be refuelled.
<darsie> Maybe it's time to return it to Kerbin. But it can't land there, either.
<pureblood> a_flayer: not only that, but I hear they discriminate against free speech here too!
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<SporkWitch> i planned to leave this thing here. i'll have to send a another mission to pick up bob and bob (scientist and engineer). I also forgot to test my rover parts, so i'm about tofind out if i can build a functional one with what i brought lol
<darsie> I'm driving my refinery truck on Minmus 4.4 km to the fuel shuttle and overshot it by 2.4 km.
<a_flayer> overshot as in couldn't stop in time?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> slid past it
<a_flayer> i've started mounting small reverse thrusters on my vessels
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<SporkWitch> eva construction is slightly hell...
<darsie> One part at a time ...
<SporkWitch> definitely wish i tested the rover at home... lol. i can't get it to sit rightside up in this gravity lol
* packbart uses Global Construction for large vessels
<packbart> but the EVA construction is useful to later attach fuel ports, struts and such
<SporkWitch> wish i could find a decent video of someone assembling a rover in EVA, as it's the obvious way to transport it easily, but just not figuring out a good thing to use for the body or how to put it together that doesn't run into clipping issues during the assembly
<a_flayer> SporkWitch, when its upright, be sure to set stabilization to 'SAS only' rather than 'normal'
<SporkWitch> it doesn't have sas; i meant to test putting it together on the launch pad but forgot lol. It's just four wheels, a girder, a seat, a couple batteries, and a solar panel lol
<a_flayer> oic
<SporkWitch> i feel like it'd probably be fine on the mun, but minmus is sooooooo much less massive lol
<a_flayer> its hard to drive anything on minmus, especially light vehicles
<darsie> Molan's orbit was too low. She crashed.
<darsie> It's dangerous to strand in such a low orbit.
<SporkWitch> i think the wheels are possessed, it keeps doing that wheelie no matter how many times i flip it lol
<darsie> SporkWitch: Turn off the RW.
<SporkWitch> still does the wheelie
<darsie> Keep the CoM low
<darsie> Perhaps limit the wheel power.
<darsie> It's astounding you have that much friction, though.
<SporkWitch> literally haven't evne gotten that far, i haven't been able to sit in it lol
<SporkWitch> are batteries known to spontaneously combust? lol
<darsie> That's uncommon. But sometimes joints flex in a way that they start oscillating and breaking.
<SporkWitch> i dropped it on the ground in eva construction lol
<darsie> hmm
<darsie> On minmus?
<SporkWitch> yeah
<darsie> That shouldn't gain much speed.
<SporkWitch> i pulled it off, thinking it was making the wheel keep spinning. was trying to drag it back to reattach
<SporkWitch> just picking it up and putting it down lol
<SporkWitch> i'm feeling like i probably should have just filled the storage container with EVA tanks instead lol
<SporkWitch> lol, definitely giving up on this buggy lol, was still a fun experiment
<SporkWitch> and apparently i can't re-pack the girder, oh well
<SporkWitch> is it intended that EVA packs and parachutes magically appear when i board without one? O.o
<SporkWitch> (and how do i get rid of the extras lol)
<darsie> I don't think so. What's a girder?
<darsie> You can put them somewhere if you have a place.
<darsie> In capsules, containers, other Kerbals.
<SporkWitch> the structural stuff; i couldn't figure out what else to use as a base for the rover. it's the boxey frame you see in the picture
<darsie> I use the rovemate and either attache wheels directly to it, or via cubic struts.
<darsie> They have only 1 kg.
<darsie> Adjust radial/mirror and snap/continuous as needed.
* darsie tries to take a Kerbal outside the ship along.
<SporkWitch> ooof, apparently the return vehicle doesn't have enough control authority with the four tanks and engines around it... lol hopefully it behaves once i jettison them; it's currently laying on its side on the ground lol
<SporkWitch> derp, battery >_<
<SporkWitch> welded a battery to it and a mk1's reaction wheel was enough to right it lol
<darsie> sigh, I rendezvoused with a kerbal, didn't save, made a mistake, loaded last save, and did the same sequence again.
<a_flayer> same mistake/
<a_flayer> ?
<darsie> different mistake
<a_flayer> haha
<darsie> But have to rendezvous again.
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<darsie> Oh, maybe I did save and missed the "Cannot save while Kerbals are on ladder." message.
<a_flayer> ack
<darsie> Can't save or time warp with a kerbal on a ladder, but you can burn :)
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<packbart> External Command Ladder
<darsie> Ok, a space station does not protect (well) from entry heat when on a ladder.
<pureblood> LadderWarp is in CKAN*
<darsie> ah :)