Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<Mat2ch> some people...
<darsie> .twitter 1448518399810838529
<XXCoder> crazy
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You order a shipment of asbestos-free snacks for your pilots. A stray booster impacts Tivec's living room.
<XXCoder> thankfully unrelated to my order. not that anyone can prove that.
<bees> XXCoder: You attempt to use the penrose process to power an interstellar spacecraft. You execute a clever and highly fuel-efficient maneuver, but fail to notice your periapsis is subterranean afterwards.
<darsie> Are there subterranean places in Kerbin?
<XXCoder> not that I know of
<XXCoder> only way to "hide" from sun is couple ruins and bridges
<XXCoder> well and behind bodies like asteroids, worlds so on
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<darsie> ##english@libera takes much time helping me formulate a response here ...
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<Mat2ch> SN20 could finally do a static fire today
<Mat2ch> well, from 5 pm on, so in 10 hours or so... thanks, going to sleep :P
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<Althego> bird ad zombie incoming
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<Guest94285> what happens if i download an outdated mod?
<darsie> It may or may not work properly.
<darsie> It might destroy entire solar systems.
<Guest94285> i downloaded an outdated one and it works fine
<darsie> great, I guess.
<Guest94285> but yesterday my game would not load at all
<darsie> Do you use ckan?
<Guest94285> but now it is
<Guest94285> no
<darsie> I recommend it.
<Guest94285> yes i mean
<darsie> ahh, ok :)
<darsie> Are you a woman? :)
<Guest94285> n o
<Guest94285> why do you ask
<darsie> nothing :)
<darsie> Just a silly joke.
<Guest94285> i have to manual install for out dated mods
<Guest94285> because yes
<darsie> You can tweak allowed version numbers in ckan to allow outdated mods.
<Guest94285> oh
<Guest94285> uh
<Guest94285> oh
<Guest94285> lol
<Guest94285> my data saver removed ckan
<darsie> hmm
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<Guest94285> i got toy solar system because why not
<Guest94285> its likes 5-6 years out dated lol
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<Webchat611> s
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<raptop> ...
<raptop> 18 seconds
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<raptop> seriously, who leaves after 18 seconds?
<Althego> that was actually longer than average
<raptop> hrm
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<ahhh> uhhh
<ahhh> i downloaded toy solar system
<ahhh> its like 5-6 years outdated'
<raptop> hrm
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<Guest51150> hey
<packbart> ohai
<Guest51150> i installed a 5-6 year outdated mod lol
<packbart> well, that may or may not work
<raptop> yeah, I'd be hestiant with a circa 1.0ish mod
<Guest51150> it does work
<Guest51150> its a planet mod
<raptop> yay
<Guest51150> i might make a mod that makes all planets and atmo's 100x smaller
<packbart> The Peabol system?
<Guest51150> yea
<Guest51150> is it a good idea?
<packbart> no idea :)
<Guest51150> oh wait
<Guest51150> i have to learn kopernicus!
<Guest51150> ok uh
<Guest51150> thats gonna be hard
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<raptop> ;outcome add You learn for yourself the true cost of lies.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You learn for yourself the true cost of lies.
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<bees> raptop: You attempt to build a gravitationally confined fusion reactor. You ask for help on #kspofficial but no-one answers.
<Izaya> Does learning the true cost of lies entail having a nuclear reactor go supercritical?