Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Althego> irys is not in the usualtime because of collab... but the launch video was made private. no launch?
<Althego> oh it is available now
<Althego> and i missed the start of a minecraft collab... maybe i watch it later then
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<Althego> (launch)
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<TwistenX> I'm going to program an asteroid/comet analog for KSP
<TwistenX> So that way you can track your asteroids/comets in your games without having to load KSP
* raptop assumes that will be involved?
* TwistenX states that you just input the input the name of the object, apoapsis, periapsis, class/size, whether it's a comet/asteroid, and it's orbital height
<TwistenX> also it's time of discovery
<TwistenX> also i probably shouldn't be doing this,
<TwistenX> but im modding FNF vs Flippy (Happy Tree Friends) to be CountryHumans, and Flippy is replaced with Nazi Germany and BoyFriend is replaced with America
<Althego> heh
<raptop> hm
<TwistenX> Also, Mime's head is replaced with Poland
<Althego> at this point i dont have capacity to say anything more than: "hetalia: axis powers"
<TwistenX> political moment
<TwistenX> but whom shall replace girlfriend?
<TwistenX> f in the chat for any 5 year old who thought HTF was a happy and safe cartoon and not as violent as it is
<packbart> Family Guy wins
<TwistenX> packbart: that too
<TwistenX> but HTF is a lot more disguised
<Althego> i dont get why that gut is so happy in the oneweb launch
<Althego> *guy
<TwistenX> i was today years old when i found out that soyuz is union is russian
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<Althego> flying
<packbart> I like how KSP-like the Ariane animation looked ;)
<packbart> (well, if is included)
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finch is now known as Ariri
<ron> have you ever been beaten with a wet spaghetti noodle by your girlfriend and got confused an f###ed her dad?
<ron> thats how it feels to drive a ford-f250
<Althego> perfect for isekai-ing people
<ron> i dont watch amineq
<ron> amine*
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<packbart> what does an inner dock in Hamburg (Isekai) have to do with anime?
<Althego> !jap isekai
<Kerbot> Althego => 異世界 [いせかい]: (n) parallel universe (e.g. in SF)
<Althego> usually the protagonist gets to an other world by getting hit (and killed) by a truck
<packbart> ah. well, it's also a location at the Alster in Hamburg
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* packbart sings "he tried to kill me with a forklift"
<Althego> staplerfahrer klaus
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<TwistenX> off-brand discord
<raptop> ...?
<TwistenX> IRC just feels like a WalMart-brand Discord
<raptop> Sears Roebuck brand maybe?
<TwistenX> My mom used to work at Sears
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<JVFoxy> Ugh, I feel bad for not stopping by here as much as I used to. :(
<JVFoxy> Life ended up getting a little more... busy.
* UmbralRaptor gestures vaguely at the pandemic
<JVFoxy> also someone posted a plush apollo command pod they did and well...
<JVFoxy> UmbralRaptor ya well... friend been wanting my help with things, organizing house and cleaning things up. Pandemic was only a slight inconvenience.
<UmbralRaptor> ah
<JVFoxy> KSP still going strong like usual since the last update or?
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<UmbralRaptor> I think so?
<JVFoxy> kool
<UmbralRaptor> Given the bugs (most notably with the built in tutorials), I expect a 1.12.3 at some point
<JVFoxy> lol... my mun mission (career) been stalled cuz of stuff. Then again, I wanted to send up a station first, then one thing lead to another. Station+tug+lander under probe control heading out there before crew ship
<JVFoxy> ya.. was here when some one brought up the issue with the one engine, and we figured a temp workaround
<UmbralRaptor> oh right
<JVFoxy> just use the 'search' feature
<JVFoxy> I also noticed accounts on Squad got transfered to Private Division's site.. I've yet to get in there and update things for mine though
* UmbralRaptor has also been slow about that. I guess it's KSP2 related?
<JVFoxy> would be my guess, considering they now putting more focus on second game with that last update. There will still be updates, as needed, but won't be a main focus now
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