Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<minas_tirith> JVFoxy, hi
* umbralraptop waves
<minas_tirith> umbralraptop, hi uwu
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<JVFoxy> hullo
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<FLHerne> Latest Waves of Steel feature
<Althego> lol
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<dave> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, dave
dave is now known as Guest42890
<Guest42890> just reinstalled KSP
<Althego> hehe, should have daid "just what do you think you are doing dave?"
<Guest42890> anyone got any good tips for optimising KSP on win? I have one mod installed Mechjeb2. is installed on a m2 raid with a good gpu and cpu, but when I build bigger ship, 200-300 parts
<Guest42890> im getting very low fps
<Guest42890> lol
<Althego> sadly you must optimize with single threaded cpu performance
<Guest42890> ok
<Althego> the physics supposedly requires that
<Guest42890> yeah my cpu kind of sucks at single treaded streams too :(
<Guest42890> lol
<Guest42890> oh well
<Guest42890> do you know if they make a unix ver?
<Althego> unix, no. but it should run on linux
<Guest42890> lol ok yeah
<Guest42890> linux
<Guest42890> too bad that the Nvidia drivers only work half the time
<Guest42890> but will try
<Guest42890> how have you found the game?
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<FLHerne> It's great, that's why we're here :D
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<Izaya> throwback to the only stable 64-bit version of the game being the linux one
* darsie uses Linux.
<darsie> debian
<Althego> bird is coming
<umaxtu> I use Linux too. just not on my gaming rig
<darsie> I don't have Windows.
<Althego> the only useful feature of windows it that it can start your games
<darsie> :)
<Althego> kikkerikii
<deadmind> how is the Linux version of KSP? I only tried it one time, was surprised that it felt a bit faster, but it had problems with basic keys like Alt
<deadmind> having built my entire PC on the idea that it might make ksp performance better (3 years ago) i would kill for an extra 5%.
<deadmind> or just not having to restart it every 3-4 reverts
<Althego> i have tried it years ago but that was a development pc, so not much of graphics hardware
* deadmind <-- also has an M2 SSD solely for the purpose of making KSP (re)load faster, my OS lives on a slow SATA SSD
<deadmind> eh who cares about graphics :D
<FLHerne> It just kind of works
<deadmind> is it worth dual-booting for? performance-wise
<deadmind> degraded performance after first flight is like my #1, #2 and #3 problem with KSP lol, i am willing to go to significant lengths
<darsie> deadmind: I don't play it much anymore, but it mostly works. Crashes occasionally. My huge Kerbol escape quad NERV comet pusher unfortunately is unstable, mostly.
<darsie> With complex rockets it does slow down.
<darsie> i7-3770, NVIDIA Corporation GM107 [GeForce GTX 750 Ti] (rev a2), 8 GB, SSD.
<deadmind> hm, mostly works is actually better than one can usually expect from game ports
<darsie> No, 16 GB.
<deadmind> ahh finally someone with an older GPU than my 960 :D
<deadmind> i used to have a 750ti
<umaxtu> great card for its day
<darsie> It's an odd HP office PC. 6 (8?) pin mainboard power plug. The power supply didn't have a graphics power cable, but fortunately there were empty solder holes where I could solder the cable from my previous PS.
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> deadmind: No idea, I haven't played games on a Windows machine in a decade
<FLHerne> KSP is slow with high part counts, that's just KSP :p
<FLHerne> I really doubt the OS makes any difference
<Izaya> I used two GTX 690s for a while, that was painful with NVIDIA drivers and the fact that they put out 600W of heat.
<FLHerne> it's all the internal physics calculations, some of which have horrible complexity
<Althego> yes, that would primarily make difference in graphics performance
<FLHerne> O(n^3) or something
<Althego> but since usually ksp is cpu limited with big builds, it is not much of an issue
<FLHerne> Yeah, for KSP you just need a GPU that's "enough"
<Izaya> Scatterer and similar can really hammer one's GPU though
<Izaya> Maxes my 580 quite happily >.>
<darsie> I once tried to make a Christmas tree. Lots and lots of Communotron 16 antennas as needles. It got so slow that it didn't finish in time in the VAB...
<Althego> hehe
<deadmind> i am not so much bothered by the performance due to high part counts, i am more bothered by performance consistently degrading with each revert/quickload
<Althego> yes that is annoying
<Althego> probably never going to be fixed
<FLHerne> I haven't noticed that
<Althego> if you build and test something complicated
<umaxtu> me neither
<bees> going from 4670k to 5900x made KSP into a different game for me
<deadmind> the entire way i play ksp is centered around that, habitually reloading KSP mid-mission (sacrificing ability to revert too) to get some perf back
<Althego> after several hours you can notice that the scene change is considerably slower
<Althego> and it will get slower with time
<Althego> to the point where it is faster to restart the game than to wait for a change
<darsie> I'd like to play RO/RSS/RP1, but it never was mature enough to make significant advances.
<umaxtu> bees, I must be playing ksp wrong then
<FLHerne> I still haven't noticed that at all
<deadmind> especially since the maneuver planning glitches (like when it turns off the node widget on you if you click for the wrong amount of milliseconds) get MUCH worse with a bit of fps sag
<bees> when you can actually timewarp at 4x with your 100-200 part ships
<bees> it is glorious
<Izaya> KSP is one of the few games I think a newer CPU would really help me for, 4790 is still reasonably stronk
<bees> and scene changes are 2x as fast
<bees> and they drop from 'annoying' to 'okay' level
<darsie> deadmind: I often save to game 0 after accepting a contract.
<darsie> And I use dated quicksaves.
<deadmind> Izaya: i built my first top-end PC in '18 driven solely by that idea lol
<deadmind> got the best cpu amd could offer (2700x)
<Izaya> 2018 is when I got the 4790, haha
<deadmind> got expensive overclockable RAM for it because AMD actually can benefit, and i knew everything will depend on the cpu
<Izaya> my 4160 couldn't run games well with DXVK so I got an optiplex with a 4790 for less than a 4790 costs on its own
<deadmind> 100 part spaceplane, takes 2 retries to get to orbit? heh too bad, gotta restart!
<Izaya> I've become quite attached to haswell
<bees> i wonder if upcoming v-cache zens can fit the whole physics engine in cache
<bees> and deliver insane gains in KSP
<bees> they already do that to the lesser extent in Starcraft 2
<deadmind> that would be amazing
<deadmind> i am already considering saving up for a 5000 series cpu to maybe help with ksp a little bit
<deadmind> seeing how they improved the IPC specifically
<umaxtu> they're good chips
<deadmind> but... this is entirely irrational cost/reward rofl
<Izaya> the big barrier for me is having to replace most of my system for it
<bees> 5000 for KSP is amazing, 10/10
<Izaya> I can't just upgrade the processor, I have to get a new motherboard and new RAM and I should really get new storage and >.>
<umaxtu> might as well wait for zen4 then
<deadmind> do you guys think with KSP2, the original KSP source code will be released? it would be an insanely good PR move and would keep the game alive for many more years
<umaxtu> nah,
<deadmind> would be awesome to see that gameloop and what people can do to optimize it
<darsie> Shall we do a benchmark? Build a standard ship and measure FPS?
<deadmind> Izaya: that sucks :/
<deadmind> i had to do that too for the 2700x
<deadmind> not keen on repeating 3 years later due to the same game lol
<Izaya> Doesn't help that prices have ballooned a bunch >.>
<bees> welcome to inflation
<Izaya> I could buy another bike for the sort of money I'd need to upgrade my machine
<deadmind> i thought CPUs are relatively ok because you can't train AI on them
<deadmind> pricewise
<deadmind> darsie: not a bad idea, i'm in (after work)
<deadmind> i also am still mulling over an idea I had last year where you have two instances of KSP running at the same time and you coordinate scene loads using a program
<deadmind> seems the only thing possible without source code access or major disassembly efforts
<Izaya> ooo, that's a fun idea
<deadmind> so that when you launch, the other KSP stays in the editor, and if you revert it just alt+tabs back to that one
<Izaya> if only KSP didn't use so much memory x_x
<deadmind> while the other can even be restarted to reset the FPS sag
<deadmind> well... i upgraded to 16gb for KSP. and now it's not using it all, so... might as well try to make use of it :D
<Izaya> I have 16GB and it eats into swap and then some >.>
<Izaya> Can't really complain given the number of mods I use though
<deadmind> ahh, realism stuff?
<deadmind> i have minimized modcount over time and forego all graphics mods
<deadmind> i think it usually fits in under 6GB, though that might also be due to the frequent restarting
<Izaya> No, just lots and lots of parts. I'm too stupid for anything overly realistic >.>
<deadmind> hahah
<deadmind> i can sympathize, i tend to do hyper-efficiency optimization stuff (don't ask me why, i never show off my craft:D) and very often you have to use an inordinate amount of parts because the best mass fraction parts are small
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<deadmind> i have a better sense of what kind of structural things make performance worse though so that's one of my primary optimizations now
<Izaya> I'm big on low-cost stuff and automation; I have a kOS script to do tourist runs with zero human input
<Izaya> Returns them to within 5km or so of the pad.
<deadmind> in order of priority: 1. most deltaV on orbit for the least mass 2. best FPS performance structurally and from partcount 3. everything else (easy to fly etc)
<deadmind> wow neat
<deadmind> i just recently got kOS reinstalled and added a little utility panel with buttons for common stuff
<deadmind> such as warp out of atmosphere, execute burn, create circ burn
<deadmind> yours sounds x100 more complex than that
<Izaya> my stuff is very dumb
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<Izaya> sit on terminal velocity until Ap is above 75km, slowly tilting, then circularise, then set the Trajectories mod target to the KSC and time offset the retrograde burn until it hits nearby
<bees> 2. unclip parts when they slightly clip by default snap
<bees> giant performance gains a few patches ago
<bees> dont really care right now, though:D
<umaxtu> you can use the trajectories mod in kos?
<Izaya> yup
<umaxtu> that's awesome! I keep meaning to get into kOS, but then I never do
<Izaya> the language is mildly painful but it's fine™
<Izaya> it's very useful though
<darsie> I tried making a benchmark rocket: Took 3:02 from launch to impact at 4x warp.
<Althego> so many stabilziers
<darsie> Sparks
<Althego> stream sparks
<Althego> (and heart challenger)
<darsie> 5 crew
<bees> part count?
<bees> i think it should be ~100-150 for the test
<darsie> benchmark.craft
<darsie> 152/169 parts
<darsie> full thrust, SAS, radial out, simultaneously stage and start stop watch, at 30 km prograde, at impact stop stop watch.
<darsie> Don't change view.
<bees> 2:35
<bees> reentry flashed between (rarely) red and (mostly) green clock, other than that i think it run on maximum speed the whole time
<bees> 197-ish km Ap
<darsie> I guess we need something more complex.
<darsie> Ohh, I forgot 4x warp in the manual.
<bees> lack of 4x warp would result in ~10+ minutes times, which should be obvious
<darsie> also 5 (or 3?) crew
<darsie> Are women more complex? :)
<bees> also not neccesary more complex, but more time in atmo, perhaps?
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<darsie> bees: idk, it's pretty long in the atmosphere during ascent.
<NGC3982> /lastlog for that darsie goodness.
<darsie> hmm?
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<bees> darsie: it is only long on a weak pcs, i assume
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<Dman979> TheKosmonaut sup dude
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<darsie> Inspiration4 | In-Flight Update with the Crew
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<Guest21671> hello!
<Guest21671> lol, dead chat
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<darsie> .
<umbralraptop> ping
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<FLHerne> *one minute* attention span?
<FLHerne> I just don't get it
<umbralraptop> Maybe they're literal children?
<FLHerne> I guess so
<FLHerne> but I had a longer attention span when I was about 5 :p
<FLHerne> (ironically, I have a much shorter one these days for some reason)
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* umbralraptop slips ritalin into FLHerne's tea
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You attempt a Star Wars-style attack run through Dres' canyon. Ia! Ia! Supernovy fhtagn!
<XXCoder> hell of a combo
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<umbralraptop> If there are any survivors, they'll go mad from the revelation
<XXCoder> yep
<FLHerne> You know those "Force" voices whispering in your head?
<FLHerne> Listening to supernatural voices in your head is rarely a good idea
<umbralraptop> The power of the Dark Side might in part being just constantly telling force sensitive people to kill
<FLHerne> well, even if they're apparently well-meaning
<FLHerne> The supposed "good" force users cause a collapse of law and order in the galaxy and the Endor Holocaust
<FLHerne> and then set up a totally ineffective government that allows an insane cult to overthrow it instantly
* umbralraptop wishes that the sequels were more coherent
<XXCoder> yeah hell of a hack
<XXCoder> it come up in just right time to become really popular
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<TwistenX> helo
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<Izaya> one minute 5 seconds
<FLHerne> Yeah, but that's TwistenX trolling us :p