Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> (i was a bit far from the keyboard)
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<FLHerne> actual leet time
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ron has joined #KSPOfficial
<ron> cool guy is here
<ron> bob kinda looks like dream
<ron> i just got a chicn nuget 6 piece from mcdonal
Althego has joined #KSPOfficial
<ron> haha Althego not cool guy got mode
* ron eats his chicn nuget 6 piece from mcdonal
<Mat2ch> interesting
<ron> ew twitter
<Mat2ch> will get crowded on the ISS
<ron> cosmic covid
<Mat2ch> ron: you don't have to comment on everything.
<ron> yes i do
<ron> im cool guy
<ron> the virgin spaceplane kinda looks like an uhhh
<Mat2ch> You are overexaggerating your position on this planet, I fear.
<ron> its lookin like a uhhh umm it looks like an uhhh it kinda looks like an uhh ummm its kinda like an unnn uu ummmmm wait it kinda uhhhhh humnnnn nnmmmm wait let me think uhhhh hmmmmm ummm ummehhhh ermmmmm uhh
<Izaya> virgin spaceplane vs chad capsule
<Izaya> (sorry, couldn't resist)
<ron> ssto moment
<ron> matt lowne not cool guy
<ron> starship only cool rocket
<ron> spacex better
<ron> Mat2ch: shut
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<ron> ron returns
<ron> accidental left
<ron> i am going to go on a ronslaught
<ron> kubi stop
<ron> is kubi even human
<ron> oh my god
<ron> i guess i shouldn't ask if kubi is human cuz im not human
<ron> im a folder
<ron> ok im leaving cause nobody want to talk
<ron> cool guy sad :(
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<TwistenX> ron wants to know why nobody wanted to talk with him
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<umaxtu> cause most of us just keep irc open in the background
<TwistenX> oh ok
<TwistenX> ron says he forgives you guys cause you guys are cool
<umaxtu> thx ron!
* umaxtu puts on a pair of aviators
<TwistenX> he says that he doesn't hate any of the women in the irc either, even though he usually hates women
<TwistenX> i also sketched out a diagram for a pressure-fed engine
<TwistenX> a simple diagram is easy to make, but a diagram of all the mechanics is much more difficult, not to mention how difficult it would be to build one
<TwistenX> how am i supposed to make funding for my """program"""
<umaxtu> become a billionaire. easy peasy
<TwistenX> yeah but how
<TwistenX> i only have like $120
<TwistenX> and i cant take out my life savings for about 4 and a half years
<TwistenX> although, my dad does make quite a bit of money
<TwistenX> maybe he could help, and he likes space and rocketry
<Izaya> you just have to convince some gullible investors to give you money then flee the country
<Izaya> or alternatively set up a dubiously successful chat platform and repeatedly con said investors out of their money for big gains
<Mat2ch> TwistenX: you get that you are using the same IP as ron?
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<Mat2ch> also B4 is in the air!
<TwistenX> Mat2ch: We use the same computer
<Mat2ch> and that are a lot of engines.
<TwistenX> Izaya: but my program is called the American NorthWest Space Program
<TwistenX> or ANWESP
<FLHerne> TwistenX: Question is, do you also use the same skull?
<Izaya> rename to the American NorthWest AeroSpace Program, so it can be ANWASP instead
<TwistenX> FLHerne: No, ron doesn't even have a skull
<TwistenX> Izaya: yes
<TwistenX> afk
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<TwistenX> back
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur is playing with accordions now it seems...
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<raptop> JWST delayed to December 18th
<umaxtu> its the the first specific launch date though
<Althego> heh
<Althego> is it because of covid again?
<raptop> not sure
<Althego> i thought i talready apssed tests
<Althego> what else needs to be done?
<umaxtu> shipping, encapsulation, theres another launch in front of it
<umaxtu> more tests...
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<Althego> i need healing
<TwistenX> what type
<TwistenX> do you want ron to heal you
<TwistenX> why did you guys want me to build a pressure fed engine instead of a combustion cycle engine
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ron has joined #KSPOfficial
<ron> cool guy is here
<ron> you guys are cool
<FLHerne> Joke's long overstayed its welcome by now
<ron> what
<ron> FLHerne: what
<FLHerne> Because any kind of turbopump-based engine is totally beyond your ability and tools, whereas a pressure-fed engine is...probably still totally beyond your ability and tools, but easier
<ron> ok
<FLHerne> ron: You're either TwistenX fooling about, or [I really doubt it] someone else in the same place who's annoying and has nothing to say
<ron> i wasnt planning on making a rocket, but twistenx is
<ron> i live in the same house as twistenx
<FLHerne> Well, congratulations on taking the "most annoying person in this channel" trophy from him then :p
<ron> yay
<ron> im gonna go brag about it to him
<ron> he's not very happy
<ron> he says that he feels offended on how you guys said he's annoying
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<Izaya> think it'd blow his mind to know you can have multiple tabs open at once?
<raptop> Ah, yes, the exciting tech developments of things like firebird
* flayer birds like fires
<raptop> (ie: before the browser was named firefox)
<raptop> Please do not pet the kitsune without proper protection
<Izaya> I do a fair bit of (computer) work with the elderly
<Izaya> there's one lady
<Izaya> she'd been using Windows XP for like, 15 years.
<Izaya> Didn't know she could run multiple programs at once.
<flayer> most people are fairly clueless about computers
<flayer> especially about what makes them tick
* raptop is confused about that since a big selling point of pre-XP GUIs was running multiple programs at once
* raptop ignores the stability issues of win 3.1 and 9x
<raptop> (okay, OS7-9 also, but I don't know *that* much about old apples)
<umaxtu> iirc, with pre-OSX versions, one application crashing brought everything down?
<FLHerne> Well, it could
<Izaya> classic Mac OS was notoriously unstable because it didn't even really attempt to do any memory protection
<FLHerne> My memories of System 7 and 8.6 is that they were actually quite stable in practive
<FLHerne> 9.1 was awful
<FLHerne> My second-ever Linux installation exploited that in a very silly way
<FLHerne> Someone had a tool that would literally run as a MacOS executable on startup, and overwrite the operating system in memory with the Linux kernel
<FLHerne> then just carry on from there
<umaxtu> lol
<Izaya> like loadlin but for Mac OS
<FLHerne> bootloaders? who needs 'em?
<Izaya> (loadlin is that but for DOS)
<FLHerne> I don't think I've ever actually used a DOS system
<FLHerne> [emulation excluded]
<Izaya> you're not missing much
<FLHerne> We had a Win95 laptop in weekly use until the pandemic arrived
<FLHerne> It's hard to find a modern one with a serial port, and this one worked fine anyway
<FLHerne> nice
<Izaya> on that machine it was pretty much just to act as a bootloader
<Izaya> the BIOS didn't like grub or lilo
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<TwistenX> FLHerne: ron told me that you think i'm annoying
<FLHerne> Is that news?
<FLHerne> To be fair, you used to be more annoying than you are recently
<TwistenX> but i just ask questions and try to start conversations
<FLHerne> Yeah, you're not *that* annoying
<TwistenX> B)
<FLHerne> ron is that annoying :p
<flayer> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, flayer
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<TwistenX> ron is annoying
<TwistenX> he's an idiot
<FLHerne> Oh, I forgot about flayer
<flayer> boo
<TwistenX> Matt Lowne fights the Kraken, Danny2462 uses it
<FLHerne> Yup
<FLHerne> I'm still amazed at how many unique glitches Danny finds
<FLHerne> and then he chains them into these totally crazy things
<flayer> what a nerd
<TwistenX> imagine playing ksp
<TwistenX> cring
<TwistenX> they should hire Danny to the bug fixing team for KSP2
<Althego> they knew about his videos
<Althego> so he was an unofficial tester
<FLHerne> Surely he must be a QA tester in his day job
<FLHerne> if not he's wasting his glorious talent
<TwistenX> KSP is one of those games that actually pay attention to, enjoy, and are involved with their community
<FLHerne> Yeah, I remember there was some worry about that when Private Division took over
<FLHerne> but they seem to still really care
<Althego> the licence changed or something
<TwistenX> yeah i saw that KSP accounts are becoming Private Division accounts
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<Althego> that is a recent thing
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<TwistenX> this is a certified hood classic
<Mat2ch> I totally forgot about Danny and he has a new video up and it's about the ground anchor and he breaks Kerbin with it. :D
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<Althego> as with everything else
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<TwistenX> h
<TwistenX> vine boom
<TwistenX> Ruffles has also done some interesting stuff
TwistenX is now known as ron
<ron> you think im annoying
<ron> good
<ron> B)
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<ron> mcdonal or borgir kig
<ron> a
<Althego> kfp :)
<ron> ?
<ron> kiara fried pheonix?
<ron> cool guy leave now
<raptop> yes. definitely not chicken
<ron> twistenx is getting online
<ron> he take my computer
ron is now known as TwistenX
<Althego> people speculated today in the stream that is still going, maybe a kiwi
<TwistenX> what's still going?
<Althego> damn this 2 day in the office, i totally accumulated a backlog of streams
<TwistenX> just don't work in an office
<TwistenX> become a KSP YouTuber like Matt did
<Althego> na
<Althego> i am not interesting at all
<TwistenX> then build literal rockets
<TwistenX> thats interesting, not matter who did it
<TwistenX> unless you're Jeff Bozo
<raptop> Consider: streaming in en and hu though
<TwistenX> English and ???
<TwistenX> or is it something else
<raptop> hungarian
<TwistenX> Why hungarian?
<raptop> well, that's a language that althego knows
<Althego> hungarian is too small of a market
<TwistenX> According to Google, the top 7 languages spoken worldwide are English, Mandarin, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, and Portuguese.
<TwistenX> So mainly consider those languages.
* raptop looks at all those streamers that include Japanese and Bahasa Indonesian >_>
<Althego> indonesia has more than 27 times more people than hungary
<TwistenX> I bet there's gotta be SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, who's translated a video into every modern language.
<TwistenX> That's roughly 6.5 thousand languages!
<TwistenX> Google Translate only has about 100 or something.
<Althego> i bet after more than 7 hours she is going to read superchats for 3 more hours
<TwistenX> Who?
<raptop> Kiara's up there with Korone (and sometimes Okayu)
<TwistenX> I don't watch very many V-Tubers
<raptop> To be fair, a lot of the time I just look at my subscriptions, go "oh, that's neat", and do something else
<TwistenX> True
<Althego> i dont even have subscriptions
<TwistenX> I mainly watch Korone and IvyComb
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<TwistenX> Flub has been rebuilt
<TwistenX> he's know Flub2
<Althego> hehe almos read superchats :)
<TwistenX> never read superchats if you are a japanese amine women v-tuber
<Althego> we still need a vtuber that plays ksp
<Althego> baelz. boom boom
<TwistenX> lmao what if matt lowne made a 3d version of his drawing of himself and played ksp as it
<Althego> they are not yet ready, but another small provider
<TwistenX> the design looks like it's straight outta spaceflight simulator
<Althego> also low tech with hybrid engiens
<Althego> but i need sleep
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<TwistenX> sleep is optional
<flayer> not for this cat
<TwistenX> ok
<TwistenX> sus
<umaxtu> TwistenX: just wait until college
<TwistenX> what
<TwistenX> WHY
<umaxtu> you'll cherish every moment of sleep you can get
<TwistenX> i already do
<TwistenX> i wake up at 6 in the morning for school
<umaxtu> sometimes you'll be up till 6 in the morning studying for an exam at 8am or earlier
<TwistenX> american school system moment
<raptop> 7 am classes are evil
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ron has joined #KSPOfficial
<ron> cool guy is here
* raptop uses ron as a heat sink to increase my reactor's carnot efficiency
<ron> i am a living folder
<ron> wdym
<ron> what's a reactor carnot efficiency
<ron> and whats a heat sink
<raptop> reactor is implicitly a nuclear reactor here, but could be something else
<ron> whats a carnot
<raptop> carnot efficiency referrs to how much useful work you can get out of a temperature gradient under ideal conditions
<raptop> heat sink is, well, what it sounds like. A way of dissipating heat
<ron> but i cant dissapate heat
* raptop writes down: "not actually cool"
<ron> HEY
<ron> YOU SHUT
<flayer> i'm so tired
<ron> shut
<ron> i dont care
* raptop hands flayer a tray of stimulants
* raptop ponders choosing violence
<ron> i will argue with you on discord in an hour
<ron> so i can use swer werd
<ron> and not get ban
* ron says something funny and everyone laughs
<raptop> huh, lots of additional planets (probably)
<ron> idc
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<ron> h
* ron is the coolest one in the server
<ron> B)
<ron> amongus
<ron> im more popular then you guys
<ron> B)
<ron> you ###### ####
<ron> ###### ####
<ron> aren't
<ron> ####
<ron> cook
<ron> but replace the k with a #
<ron> L
<FLHerne> raptop: got a banhammer?
* raptop continues to try to catch up on papers
<raptop> hrm, venus ocean history?
<raptop> let's see if this works
<ron> h
<ron> yay
<ron> what if ksp had a mcdonal
<flayer> lmao
<raptop> kerbals seem to be pacifist orks, so it's not clear what they'd eat
<ron> twistenx has a theory about kerbals
<ron> what they eat, what they are, how they are
<ron> i hope ksp2 has ronal mcdonal slide and play place with chikn nuget 6 piece
<ron> i will protest on the streets and set cars on fire because my kerbal have strict diet of chiccen nuggt 6 piece from mconald
<ron> fat kerbal
<ron> do you think that kerbals have lego set
<raptop> gotta keep payload mass down though
<ron> but it lego
<ron> lego not heavy
<ron> if its heavy you have small muscle unlike me
<ron> twistenx is also tryna make lego starship
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<ron> h
<ron> cool guy leave
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<ron> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, ron
<ron> shut up i'm not talking to you
<ron> i want to argue with someone on discord
<ron> if you wanna argue add me
<ron> ron is cool#6833
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<flub2> there is some nice thunder out there but it is too far
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<ron> "If you accept that the definition of a word is some letters, surrounded by a gap, then, xnopyt, aaaaaaajjjjjjjjj, and hrrkrkrkrwpfrbrbrbrlablblblblblblwhitoo'ap are words." - Tom Scott
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TwistenX has joined #KSPOfficial
<TwistenX> What time in 2022 do you think KSP2 is gonna be released? (If it doesn't get moved back a year... AGAIN.)