Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Dman979> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Dman979
<Dman979> hi, SlimeDiamond
<umbralraptop> にゃ?
<Dman979> Hi, Mod9000
<Dman979> Whoops, sorry Slime dude, hit the wrong thing
<Althego> lol
<Dman979> I don't speak Kanji, umbralraptop
<umbralraptop> ...
<umbralraptop> hiragana, kanji, same thing, right?
<Althego> that wa nya
<Althego> was
<umbralraptop> too much time around cats, or something
<Dman979> I speak English.
<Dman979> See:
<Dman979> for more details.
* Dman979 taps
<Dman979> :P
<Althego> temporarily offline :)
<Dman979> Oh, pooey
<Dman979> So how's everyone doing this fine day?
<umbralraptop> probably surviving
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<Mat2ch> Living la vida loca
<Mat2ch> or something like that
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
TX has joined #KSPOfficial
<TX> no it doesn't stand for texas
<TX> im
<umbralraptop> transmission?
<TX> h
<TX> Inspiration 48
<TX> Inspiration 4 is back to Earth :)
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JVFoxy has joined #KSPOfficial
<JVFoxy> well since its quiet here, anyone interested in restored old lunar images?
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<JVFoxy> I revisited an ol' Scott Manley video about 'Mc Moon's.. to do a follow up, see what happened to Lunar image recovery program had been doing
* umbralraptop mostly recalls McMoon's as where that one group tried to recover a spacecraft from
<umbralraptop> ISEE-3?
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<JVFoxy> more that they were taking the original data tapes and making bigger images directly from then. Rather in the old days, they took strips of film, put them side by side. Photograph of that. Put those pictures in a hanger, photo of that...
<JVFoxy> I do remember talk about trying to recapture ISEE-3 but if I recall later on, it ran out of fuel?
<umbralraptop> fuel or pressurization issues
<JVFoxy> oh.. just that contact was lost, batteries they thinking
<JVFoxy> er.. ultimately.. looking at Wiki, ya, N2 tanks ran dry
<JVFoxy> ooooh.. archive of lunar images, where as the other site, it was just a raw directory:*:*&f.parentNaId=77811149&f.level=fileUnit&sort=naIdSort%20asc
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<Guest42754> guys can you help me retrieve forum account i do not remember details
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<umbralraptop> It's probably best to email
<umbralraptop> ...
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