Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Althego> lol calli grilling
<Althego> will this be haachama level?
<darsie> .
<Althego> upcoming launch
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<darsie> I like the launch time given for several time zones.
<Althego> sadly after midnight
<darsie> Good enough for me.
<darsie> 00:13
<Althego> but how will she eat so much meat?
<darsie> what?
<darsie> Your mangas?
<Althego> motion captured anime reaper
<Izaya> 0813 here
<Izaya> I can be awake for that...
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<Mat2ch> .oO( the second shot hit hard... second day after it and I'm not feeling fully fine )
<Deddly> Let me guess... Pfizer?
<Mat2ch> Biontech
<Mat2ch> I'm from Germany, we only get the german stuff injected
<Mat2ch> makes us super german, I fear
<Althego> same stuff
<Althego> super german and super annoying :)
<Mat2ch> I'M SORRY
<Mat2ch> Oh, wait, there was a Canadian particle in it.
<Althego> lol
<Deddly> Yeah that's Pfizer-BioNTech. Same one
<Deddly> The second jab is much more potent than the first one.
<Deddly> Astra Zeneca is the other way around.
<Althego> the second astrazeneca didnt do anything for me
<Mat2ch> I was sitting here yesterday with all windows open in a T-Shirt with very cold weather right now and I was hot
<Mat2ch> Althego: you will need a refreshment with an mRNA vaccine soon :|
<Deddly> I also got Astra Zeneca, and didn't have any symptoms from either injections.
<Althego> government is preparing for 3rd dose. you can request one
<Mat2ch> the mRNA dose will hit hard. I promise ;)
<Althego> overall vaccination levels are too low, and it is visible that without the restirctions gone, were already starting the next wave
<Deddly> The prefect conditions for helping the virus to mutate into a version that is resistant to the vaccine.
<Althego> exactly
<Mat2ch> how great it would be to live in a society where this is common knowledge and all help to prevent this.
<Mat2ch> (Let me dream!)
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<Althego> i guess twitter doesnt want me to read elon's tweets
<Izaya> twitter is generally user-hostile
* Izaya hasn't been able to get twitter to load in several years
<Althego> for like a year now any tweeet loads only for the second or third time
<Izaya> replace the with or similar and the situation should improve
<Althego> and now there is al ogin window
<Althego> i can close that for the tweets tab
<Althego> but not for th tweets and replies
<Mat2ch> Hm. I have no problems with twitter lately. Interesting.
<Mat2ch> Must be a firefox thing
<Izaya> I suspect it's to do with one's self-defence measures
<Izaya> adblockers and such
<Althego> Izaya: wow thanks it works
<sandbox> yeah, no problems here either, but I don't have an account
<Izaya> nitter is p cool
<Izaya> it has RSS feeds too, so if you're an individual of taste you can avoid opening a web browser at all
<Mat2ch> Izaya: just noscript and ublock Origin here...
<Izaya> I have ... a lot of stuff installed :D
<Mat2ch> :D
<Izaya> most sites strongly dislike me
<Izaya> "Web sites hate him!"
<Izaya> this is the stuff I give toolbar space
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<Althego> Have you heard of the band called 1023MB? They haven’t got a gig yet.
<darsie> no
<Althego> (it was a pun)
<darsie> ic
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<sandbox> heard this flying over
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<Althego> zombanwa
<darsie> 1339
<Althego> eh
<sandbox> 1242
<Althego> in the year 2525
<darsie> If man is still alive
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<Althego> oh no, zombie is still on, ex-dragon is starting, and phoenix is incoming
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<umaxtu> so I just reported a spelling error in a mod. Am I being a jerk for not figuring out how to fix it and submitting a pull request for a one line change? I did tell the mod author what file and line number the issue is on?
<raptop> unsure
<umaxtu> at least either way is better than the usual forum bug reports
<deadmind> definitely better
<deadmind> though it's a good excuse to figure out git and how to make a commit :)
<umaxtu> I've done it once before. Just seems like a lot of hassle for a single line.
<flayer> i think try to collect a bunch of spelling errors and submit a big report for them
<flayer> but whatever
<deadmind> umaxtu: maybe, but then again you've already done 98% of that effort
<deadmind> if you used git to download the mod's source in the first place (which is just one command), and you edited the file to fix the typo on your machine anyway, you're literally about 10 seconds away from actually committing
<flayer> i'm sleepy
<deadmind> git add name of file, git commit -m "Commit message", git push
<deadmind> that said, i've been meaning to add a small change to a mod i use a lot for like, 2 years :D
<umaxtu> oh I was thinking I had to fork it, make the change their and then do a pull request
<umaxtu> s/their/there
<deadmind> it saves me three clicks on every spaceplane launch and i spent hours setting the tooling up so i can make the change, i made the change and it worked, but i'm too lazy to tidy it up and commit it lol
<deadmind> umaxtu: that's still just one more step though
* deadmind <- arguing against the laziness OF OTHERS since 1894
<raptop> skip the arguments about laziness, I want to know your secret to longetivity
<deadmind> i would tell you if only it didn't take so many words and letters
<raptop> oh no
<deadmind> i am not currently looking for that kind of commitment
* deadmind fires up KSP to redundantly optimize his hyperspeed craft for zero benefit for the next 5 hours
* raptop is sad that "git commit -crimes" is not valid
<bees> git gud
<raptop> git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
<raptop> The most similar command is add
<Izaya> git makes 'git-command' work as subcommands like 'git command'
<Izaya> and I'm pretty sure there'd be a program called git-gud
<raptop> o_O
<umaxtu> I was going to say that those sounded like great additions to thefuck
<Althego> oh no
<raptop> ...urgh, do we have to ban discussion of silly command-line utilities? >_<
<umaxtu> what? its an actual project name
<Althego> but the bot reacted
<deadmind> did it?
<deadmind> is there a secret "notify the Elders! swears hath been utter'd!" alert?
<umaxtu> well then, I'm sorry
<Althego> there is
<deadmind> interesting symbiotic relationship
<deadmind> the robot polices the humans, and sends the human to carry out the bollocking where conditions are met
<Althego> but designed so by humans
<deadmind> it's a conspiracy by Big Word to force their politespeak on us
* deadmind < not actually arguing against the bot/the policy but is just poking fun
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<darsie> Is it ok to join this channel with bitchx? ;)
<raptop> The bot didn't complain there
<raptop> But also, isn't that rather out of date vs irssi or weechat?
<darsie> yeah, which is why I ask :)
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<deadmind> oh wow, bitchx. i haven't heard/read that name probably since i was 10 or 11 years old
<deadmind> that and trillian
<raptop> trillian was neat
<Althego> i know a guy who uses ircII
<deadmind> it was, i loved the GUI but it had a big problem with keyboard shortcuts that meant typing # would quit the program
<raptop> also, remember when google had an xmpp chat client and rss reader?
<deadmind> kinda hard to avoid that on irc so i stuck with good ole mIRC :)
<deadmind> lol yeah
<umaxtu> raptop, and when there moto was "do no evil"?
<Althego> mirc has an annoyinh problem. licence is per use not per installation
<umaxtu> s/their/there
<Izaya> still mad about their whole XMPP fiasco
<Althego> so i switched to ehxchat
<Althego> hexchat
<deadmind> yeah Althego
* Izaya is presently using an XMPP client to chat here
<deadmind> i think hexchat is probably the best one overall but it's just so under-featured after using mirc for years
<deadmind> mirc is practically turing complete and is actually a useful tool outside of being an irc client
<deadmind> Izaya: is that IRC relayed through an XMPP server, or is that an XMPP-and-IRC client?
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<Izaya> XMPP client -> XMPP server -> Biboumi XMPP/IRC gateway -> ZNC -> EsperNet
<umaxtu> do you actually use XMPP itself these days?
<Izaya> quite heavily
<umaxtu> huh
<Izaya> the IRC channels I have relayed get more traffic but I talk more in the MUCs I'm in
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<raptop> suborbital rocket soon, hopefully
<Althego> how soon?
<raptop> 15 minutes
<raptop> though could be as long as 3 hours (launch window etc)
<Althego> irys in 6 hours and i need to sleep too
<raptop> hrm
<Mat2ch> 3 minutes
<Althego> too bad cant speed up reality like with a video playback
<Mat2ch> is it just me or haven't there been any SpaceX launches lately?
<Althego> not just you
<Althego> there wasnt anythiong for like a month
<Althego> while they were launching starlink like every second week
<umaxtu> they were supposed to start launching polar laser starlink sats from vandy this summer
<Mat2ch> Time for starship to fly :D
<Mat2ch> CRS-23 is next week
<Althego> look at it go
<Althego> isnt the inspiration mission happening soon?
<Mat2ch> 15th September
<Althego> heh still almost a month
<raptop> sounding rockets remain zippy
<Mat2ch> SN20 will soon do its static fire test
<Mat2ch> then B4 needs the cryo proofing. I wonder if they will do a static fire test as well with it
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<Althego> soyuz not launching with oneweb, sequence interrupted
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