Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Althego> hirys
<raptop> not sure how a collab with haachama will work
<Althego> didnt know about it yet. probably chaos
<Althego> wait, isnt it meme review time?
<Althego> also have to check out debian bullseye
<raptop> yeah, it is a meme review
<raptop> (which I guess makes it a holomyth/holometh collab)
<Althego> hehe
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<Izaya> man, you know what'd be great? a mod that splits the toolbar out to another window.
<Althego> a mod that moves the altimeter to the navball
<Izaya> maybe I should try running the game in an oversized 16:9 window rather than native res
<Izaya> or just have it the full width of all my displays
<raptop> Mod that gives you a window full of instrumentation outputs
<Izaya> yees
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<flayer> i wonder if i can make my low-tech ssto spaceplane work with just 3 panthers
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<Althego> yes, screaming zombie is back
<Althego> zombanwa
<darsie> .
<JVFoxy> thanks, I'll keep to groaning zombie. I had a screaming friend or two before already
<Althego> dont worry, after the official warning from the neighbors, she got soundrpoof walls now
<JVFoxy> ok wait... by zombie you mean... people nearby?
* darsie is a bot.
<Althego> no, i meant ollie, thousands of km away
<JVFoxy> ooooh k
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<JVFoxy> I just noticed the Level 0 launch pad, the bunker got moved and in roughly the old place is a .. sand pile with tracks?
<JVFoxy> Lol.. mission got me up to exactly 500 science..
<darsie> JVFoxy: Perhaps rounded to 500.
<JVFoxy> Lol.. well now I look at it in the R&D, 500.1
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<Luke8> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Luke8
<Luke8> Annyone know, if there is a mod like chatterer out there, that works with the newest ksp version?
<darsie> irc://
<darsie> ##kspmodding
<darsie> #kspmodding
<darsie> Luke8: a what?
<Luke8> I search a workong mod like chatterer 4 KSP
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<packbart> Anyway, Chatterer does work
<flayer> nice
<darsie> What does it do? Speak reverse Spanish?
<Althego> no, mostly english and russian in reverse
<Althego> real missions
<Althego> just random noise
<Althego> but adds a lot of feelings to flights
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<NGC3982> that sounds fujn
<Althego> oh yes and there are quindar tones too
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<packbart> I cut the sounds of Gene from mission control and added them to Chatterer. Adds some more flair ;)
<packbart> Kerbonaut: *chatterchatter* - Gene: *sigh* *facepalm*
<raptop> hah
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