Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Althego> hirys
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<Althego> oh on i just missed a reddit meme review and a guerrila collab yesterday
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<flayer> i'm circling over kerbin to find the launch sites but i only found one so far :(
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<Althego> kikkerikii / hirys / zombanwa / etc (collab)
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<darsie> flayer: The Rovemate has 100% anomaly detection.
<flayer> oic
<darsie> Narrow FOV (5-10 deg, IIRC), so you must fly relatively high if you want Kerbin full yn view.
<darsie> I did two passes, one rough, and a lower one for precision.
<darsie> You can see which are antennas from the green link lines.
<flayer> it'll be a while before i unlock the rovemate
<darsie> why?
<darsie> I usually do it in 1-2 days.
<flayer> 25% science, no multipliers
<darsie> ok. Multipliers?
<flayer> you get something like 2x science on the mun, 3x on minmus
<darsie> ok
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<flayer> nice, my panther-powered VTOL is working welll
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<rudemario> Hey guys. Was looking for a real-time KSP community, couldn't locate a Discord so I was hoping the IRC was active. Nice to meet everyone
<FLHerne> rudemario: Good morning
<FLHerne> IRC is active, but not incredibly busy
<rudemario> Hey! That's ok, I don't mind.
<UmbralRaptor> \o
<darsie> hi rudemario
<rudemario> hi there guys \o
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<packbart> IRC is not exactly real-time, either. sometimes you'll get an answer a few hours later
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