Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<so> hey
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<us> is there a point where you have "to many mods"
Guest73276 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Guest73276> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest73276
<Guest73276> Anyone know if there is a mod with different size hinges?
<us> uh
<us> wait
<Guest73276> The Big Fat Hinge is what I want, but it's too long and Tweak everything won't scale it down
<us> how big?
<us> 1 m?
<us> 2.5m?
<Guest73276> I'm looking at the G-32W hinge. I need something maybe have it's length.
<Guest73276> The alligator hinges are too weak
<Guest73276> I'm using it for wings.
<us> will tweakscale work?
<us> or do you need only 1 dimension of it?
<Guest73276> Unfortunately not
<Guest73276> I found the Config file... just don't know how to shrink the measurement
<us> uh
<us> ok wait lemme look
<Guest73276> \GameData\SquadExpansion\Serenity\Parts\Robotics\Hinge_04.cfg
<Guest73276> If you look at the hinge... it has 3 hinge points. If I could find a hinge that only went just past the Second hinge point it would be a good size and strength for folding wings.
<us> oh
<us> hmmm
<us> i dont know sorry
<packbart> Missing Robotics would have small hinges.
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<Guest73276> Thanks for looking just the same.
<packbart> ( )
<Guest73276> That might work
<Guest73276> I like that Missing Robotics!
<Guest73276> I'm trying to get my Wing Tips to fold. The Mk 5 that I posted on KerbalX works with Ferram Aerospace flight characteristics but I'm trying to clean it up. This was my first from Scratch VTOL and I got it up and completed a mission, just can't VTOL land it well and have been working on it some more.
<Guest73276> I'm up to Mk 9 will little success.
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<Althego> eh, i missed 5 hours of it. when a platformer is so hard that a reaper needs a nephilim and chaos as a help...
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<Althego> what, launch coverage from china?
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<darsie> Does a reaper harvest cereals?
<Althego> no, just plays games
<darsie> So a reaper is a gamer?
<Althego> not really
<packbart> did it sow them?
<Althego> maybe in minecraft
<Althego> 15 minutes
<Althego> t-10s
<packbart> already launched in other streams
<Althego> heh
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<Althego> wah
<Althego> smol 3d tako
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<Althego> kerbal music :)
<darsie> :)
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<darsie> alt<tab>...<tab><tab><tab>
<darsie> Docked docking ports are no docking ports:
<darsie> Hey, they are after reloading.
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<darsie> A way to move fuel/oxidizer in equal proportions would be good, e.g. a numeric mode when to stop or how much to transfer.
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<packbart> yeah
<packbart> well, there are mods for that but I don't use them
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