Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
<umaxtu> wouldn't we all?
<raptop> yeah
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You cut back on funding. Sie Kraken ist nicht zufrieden mit.
<XXCoder> doh, must have cut off anti-kararen dept funds
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<Guest54388> hello! Can anyone tell me how to go to the mods chat?
<Guest54388> or does anyone here know how to make mods?
<Althego> i always mix these up, #kspmodders
<Althego> i think
<Althego> or #kspmodding
<Guest54388> okay, thank you
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<bees> XXCoder: You attempt to plan your whole mission in advance, on paper. All your floating points float off into the sunset and are never seen again.
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<darsie> The station must be fully assembled when launched. ... Have 6000 LF on board. ... Do I need the 6000 LF when launched?
<raptop> good question
<Althego> i think you can fill it later
<Althego> but i dont take thes econtacts
<Althego> they pay well, but it takes too much work
<FLHerne> darsie: No
<Althego> so for example you can fill it in with isru for free
<Althego> but still, lot of wor
<FLHerne> Yeah, but often you were going to build an ISRU there anyway
<darsie> Not doing the contract. Also I don't care about money.
<darsie> I have 24 MVF.
<darsie> And another 10 MVF incoming.
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* darsie offsets the goo and saves on fairing:
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<Guest91325> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest91325
Guest91325 has quit [Client Quit]
<darsie> bye
<darsie> Great job, Mod9000.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> only exists to greet me when it shouldnt
<Tank2333> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Tank2333
<Mat2ch> As if Mod9000 was the reason those people leave
<Mat2ch> they just think they join here and we all jump on them
<Althego> it doesnt help, but annoys me
<Mat2ch> no patience is the problem.
<Mat2ch> I think it helps. Makes them think that someone is here :P
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<darsie> Didn't work out with the Ant, used the Spark.
<darsie> Very high Kerbin sat with Jr. Lab and goo, 114 deg inclination or so.
<darsie> scott
<Mat2ch> is doing his AI challenge again
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<Mat2ch> and maybe a static fire in a few hours. But I'm going to watch that tomorrow.
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<umaxtu> this made me chuckle.
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