Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<Mat2ch> say, without any cargo, starship should have enough power to go to space, right? Maybe we will see a flight this year. But not B4 and S20, but S20 alone...
<Althego> supposedly can reach leo az ssto without payload
<Mat2ch> Since S21 is reaching completion and B4 has to be thorougly tested this could be a viable option to test reentry, flight, etc.
<Althego> but wouldnt test the booster
<Althego> although you could test that separately with something heavy on top
<Mat2ch> S21 will be ready when the booster got it's pressure test done
<Mat2ch> And I can't imagine they will fly B4 without doing a hydraulic pressure test.
<Mat2ch> Which would mean that all raptors have to be disassembled and assembled again. That would take a month including all the tests.
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<Althego> yes, i wouldnt skip that test. or the new tower could go up in flames
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<Mat2ch> jup. B4 should hold it together at least until it clears the launch tower
<Mat2ch> But maybe that's launch itself isn't the real problem, but max Q
<Althego> progress relocation why?
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<Althego> also the korean rocket didnt reach orbit
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<umaxtu> got pretty damn close for a first attempt though
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* darsie terminated this simple sat after putting it in solar orbit:
<darsie> To avoid clutter.
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<darsie> took a specific angle to escape Kerbin.
* raptop eyes the design
<raptop> Did 12 tourists give their lives for this?
<darsie> nope.
<darsie> Didn't ask for plants :).
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<darsie> A boring solar space station:
<darsie> The Sun rises so slowly once it's risen.
<raptop> bring your own spacesuit
<darsie> mhm :)
<darsie> Or you can dock, if you have the correct picoport :).
<packbart> the Junior port fits on my blatant copy of that design. (artist's impression)
<darsie> What are these triangles?
<packbart> structural panels from Making History
<darsie> Ahh, yeah, got them.
<Judge_Dedd> Wait... chairs count for a space station?
<Judge_Dedd> What are the hab modules for? <darsie> A boring solar space station:
<Judge_Dedd> Wrong link. I meant this one
<darsie> Judge_Dedd: Yes :).
<darsie> These are for 10 plants.
<raptop> Hab modules cost mass and require larger payload fairings
<darsie> One seat fits one Kerbal :).
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<darsie> Are you a regular in this channel? :)
<Judge_Dedd> Wow
<darsie> This is the archetypical darsie space station ;).
<darsie> I must have posted it so often that I describe it as 'boring' to avoid clickbaiting into viewing it yet another time :).
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<Judge_Dedd> Nice one darsie
<Judge_Dedd> Seeyas :)
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<darsie> :)
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