Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<Mat2ch> just saw a news saying the Bezos with BO wants to build a space station. I'm having a hard time not to laugh very very loud.
<Izaya> I also want to build a space station
<Izaya> nasa gib money
<Rolf> probably so he can move there, away from people he hurt
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<raptop> Izaya: I was semi-seriously going to throw a bunch of cubesat links at you, but it looks like they're really geared towards people inside the US?
<Izaya> that kind of makes sense, the US isn't big on anyone outside the US going to space, unless they're a multinational corporation, of course
<raptop> Or other big national space agency *gestures at ISS*
<Izaya> Acceptable losses, I'm sure :p
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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