Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | KSP coming to PS5 & XBox X/S, with kb & mouse support
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<darsie> 1338
<darsie> My middle mouse button failed.
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> ;mission
<LunchBot> Rolf: You send 5 soldiers into a reaserch vessel with a nuke. You are challenged to a game of drop-ball.
<Rolf> nuclear dropball?
<darsie> idk drop-ball.
<Rolf> me either
<darsie> neither
<darsie> Perhaps Drop Ball is also a highly addictive game from the "Cartoon Network" series "Adventure Time"
<Rolf> so addictive they played it on mission with nuclear bomb, and got me challenged
<Rolf> good to know lol
<darsie> Blatant advertising.
<sandbox> "also"
<darsie> Edited
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<bees> Rolf: You hatch an evil plot to steal some important hardware from Mission Control, for the evulz! You watch in horror as the Probe Brains rise up...and flip themselves over.
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<Mat2ch> Althego: ooooooohhhhhhhhh
<Mat2ch> nice!
<Althego> finally
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<Althego> hehe gamers nexus steve. intel announced the twelve hundred k and kf, no word on the popular kfc sku, we know at least one customer is very interested in these. ... and additional way intel is saying f sku, the pricing was announced, a bug f sku
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<SporkWitch> So I rediscovered KSP in my library after not having played in quite a few years (holy crap so much has been added!). I'm struggling a bit with some of the interface and can't seem to come up with a decent search query. Mousing over things in the top right shows messages, resources, etc. What are the checkboxes on these supposed to do? E.g. I mark electrical charge, but it doesn't show anywhere, I still have to open
<SporkWitch> the cockpit by right clicking, like usual, and the checkbox doesn't seem to do anything.
<raptop> I want to say just a stage or whole craft toggle
<raptop> uh, for display purposes
<SporkWitch> gotcha, so no way to just display more info generally on the HUD, without mods?
<raptop> Stuff like Δv, orbit parameters, and TWR is shown in the lower left by the stage info
<SporkWitch> yeah, that much i found the button to display
<packbart> the checkboxes in the resource tab should pin all part windows containing that resource
<SporkWitch> derp, it's because i had the window open previously, then closed it, which closed it all but didn't remove the check. with everything closed, clicking the check in the resource display now ONLY pops out the one i was interested in, which is what i was hoping for. thank you
<SporkWitch> you can see how i might have struggled to come up with a search string to find an answer for this without poking humans lol
<raptop> ah
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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betelgeuse has quit [Quit: The Lounge -]
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