Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Dread Pirate Bezos unambiguously reaches space (but FAA may contest wings)
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<Mat2ch> Nauka docking?
<Althego> no, pirs undocking
<Althego> nauka comes some days later
<Althego> he mentioned thursday
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<darsie> Sometimes I can stage from the map.
<Althego> and i dont get why i shouldnt
<Althego> because most of the time i am flying in the map
<Mat2ch> wouldn't it be nice to have the map on an ingame screen?
<Mat2ch> So you can see what you are doing and have the map?
<Althego> wouldnt it be nice to have the altitude next to the navball, as god intended it
<Mat2ch> hrhr
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<darsie> That southern monolith was tough to find among all those trees. I found it when going exactly to my marked location.
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<Mat2ch> Bad Moon, bad!
<Althego> lol
<Althego> not even blinking
<Althego> must bi similar when moths fly into the light because they think it is the moon
<Althego> would be funny if it turned out, all the ai we produced is at the level of a moth
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<Mat2ch> Well, it probably is.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> supposedly the new autopilot has some 4d labeling. it could technically figure out that the yellow spot is just hovering there even as the car gets closer, so it cant be a traffic light
<Althego> i totally missed ollies stream, when i noticed it was 2 hours in
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<raptop> the chess stream review?
<Althego> i wasnt even awake for that
<Althego> there was a freetalk houyrs later
<raptop> ah
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* darsie put a rover under the levitating monolith:
<raptop> Do not taunt happy fun monolith
<Althego> is that floating?
<darsie> bouyant in air?
<raptop> ominously hovering
<Althego> it is locked in 4 dimensions, that is why it is not falling
<darsie> spacetime?
<raptop> Sorta, but since KSP uses galilean transforms instead of lorenz transforms, not minkowsky space
<darsie> It seems to rest in the rotating Kerbin frame of reference.
<raptop> sounds about right
* darsie found some Russian space debris:
<Althego> nice
<Althego> must be a new easter egg
<Althego> is there maybe a vostok somewhere?
<raptop> da
<Althego> da, tovarish
<darsie> Haven't seen any.
<darsie> There are some grass blades.
<raptop> hrm, is that sputnik larger or smaller than the stayputnik core?
<Althego> looks about the same to me
<darsie> Sorry for not bringing a stayputnik ;).
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<darsie> I'm missing the radio anomaly.
<darsie> I guess they replaced the old remote launch site.
<Althego> radio anomaly?
<Althego> tut un jeb ahn
<Althego> the pyramid is a cool palce
<darsie> Yeah, there was an inconspicious pyramid where you could hear beeping.
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<Althego> on duna
<Althego> didnt work for years
<darsie> ah, maybe
<Althego> and finally added back after a while
<Althego> near the south pole
<darsie> I remember it to be a sandy place.
<Althego> sandy snowy
<Althego> which decodes to this (with noise intentionally put on it)
<darsie> oh :)
<Althego> it is standard sstv signal
<darsie> prime width/length?
<Althego> i think it is analog
<Althego> but anyway, an intersting place on duna
<Althego> duna has lots of interesting places
<Althego> too bad eve never got anything special
<Mat2ch> Well
<Mat2ch> Eve got the high gravity and dense atmosphere.
<Mat2ch> That is enough to play with...
<Althego> they even added new easter eggs now
<Althego> and not one for eve?
<darsie> Oh, no, my rover under the hoverlith fell down when I switched to it again from the tracking station and exploded.
<darsie> This is a cursed place.
<Althego> hehe hoverlith
<Althego> some places have strange physics
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
<Althego> so when is the final final 1.12.2 coming out?
<Althego> with the last part
<Althego> or the devs are on holiday:
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<raptop> The devs have been chained to their desks with the ground anchor
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> didnt know it worked on kerbals too
<darsie> :)
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