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<Solar_Oracle> Part Deux of Let's Read A Hymn Before Battle is about to go live. Jebediah save us all.
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<Solar_Oracle> And . . . It's up!
<Solar_Oracle> https://www.reddit.com/r/PieceOfSh*tBookClub/comments/of9247/lets_read_a_hymn_before_battle_part_2/
<Solar_Oracle> As always, the name has been censored to comply with channel and forum rules. I hope you're all clever enough to see what I did there.
<Solar_Oracle> Chapter 19's a bit of a doozy because stuff actually happens this time around.
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<Solar_Oracle> And nineteen is now up.
<Solar_Oracle> I'm going to take a break and cry.
<raptop> yay
<raptop> wait, not yay
<raptop> the other thing
<Solar_Oracle> OH YEAH!
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<Solar_Oracle> Funny enough, despite the fact that humanity is developing, "gravity rifles" for use against the horse-sized Posleen, 9mm Parabellum seems to do the job just fine in this chapter.
<Solar_Oracle> One might think that, in the hands of a better author, that this would've been the perfect time in which to demonstrate the weakness of human weapons against aliens wielding advanced equipment and genetically engineered bio-armor or whatever.
<raptop> wait, what? I would have expected from all this that your average assault rifle round would be more or less comparable to the various reduced lethality munitions used by police
<Solar_Oracle> I don't think the author really thought that hard about any of this.
<raptop> and the scout team would have been forced into using that 0.50 sniper rifle, various machine guns, anti-armor weapons, etc
<raptop> that's dissapointing
<Solar_Oracle> Generally speaking, too, a .50 rifle and its ammunition is not something that's easily lugged around.
<Solar_Oracle> If you're going to be deep behind enemy territory for months on end, I'd think you'd want lightweight equipment, which means you'd probably stick with a R700 or something.
<raptop> sure, though that one character was explicitly mentioned to be carrying it. Chance for additional drama as the soldiers are concerned about how heavy actually effective weapons are!
<Solar_Oracle> I'm not sure I'd realllly want to lug around an M60 on a jungle planet for a whole year.
<raptop> heh
<Solar_Oracle> "Sarge, this thing's heavy!" "You already said that last week, and the week before!" "Yeah, but now it feels heavier!"
<raptop> heh
* raptop should probably avoid being repetitive
<Solar_Oracle> And there's all sorts of nasty things that could happen to weapons made to operate in on Earth on an alien planet. For all we know, the difference in atmospheric pressure alone might be enough to make the already dubious M60 even more unreliable.
<Solar_Oracle> That's also some more room for science-fiction shenanigans. Imagine a human team landing on an alien world with their human weapons and, to their complete horror, discover that there's an indigenous microorganism that attacks the brass casings of their ammunition!
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<raptop> That would make things exciting without having an action scene
<Solar_Oracle> I mean, there are plenty of movies that do a good job creating suspense with characters just sneaking around trying to NOT get killed.
<Solar_Oracle> And that was their one job: Report on alien things, retrieve a couple of aliens to autopsy and NOT be seen. They're well behind enemy lines, so any engagement is gonna be terribad.
<Solar_Oracle> Heck, there are probably more individual Posleen in the given AO than the recon team had bullets for.
<Solar_Oracle> Alright, let's see how Remastered Mass Effect plays on here.
<raptop> obvious question: paragon or renagade?
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<Solar_Oracle> You know, I'm going to try a mix of both. Supposedly, there are more experience points to be awarded in first-time playthroughs for the first game, and the renegade options tend to be pretty funny.
<Solar_Oracle> And, for the first time ever, I'm going to try an adept instead of my standard special agent sniper whatever. Back long ago when I played Mass Effect the first time, I didn't know how such special abilities worked because there was no tutorial.
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<Solar_Oracle> Then I'll go for the giant renegade Cmdr. Shepard
<Solar_Oracle> Maybe as an engineer-class who got upset because nobody wanted to read their viXra papers.
<raptop> oh no
<Solar_Oracle> I'm beginning to think this should be an expanded backstory, with a disillusioned Shepard throwing up their hands when reading their textbook for Astronomy 101 back in their second year of college and arguing with the instructor. "All we need is plasma! Eezo isn't real! Wake up sheeple!"
* raptop tries to imagine a Shepard endlessly going on about electric univserse this and plasma cosmology that
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<Solar_Oracle> Luckily, omnitools are probably idiot-proof.
<Solar_Oracle> "See, incinerate functions as a principle of Alfven waves induced by galactic currents!" "No, Shepard, they work because there's a program installed that you can't even screw up."
<Solar_Oracle> Although given that EDI already misunderstands how quantum entanglement works, I think we can safely say BadScience is alive and well in the future.
<raptop> ...Asari tech is powered by orgone radiation!
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<Solar_Oracle> Sounds like it causes space cancer.
<Solar_Oracle> Alright, time to rest.
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<raptop> ;outcome add This takes so long that you finish just before JWST launches.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: This takes so long that you finish just before JWST launches.
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<raptop> ;mission add You instigate a revolution against the Tsiolkovsky, tyrant of the rocket equation.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You instigate a revolution against the Tsiolkovsky, tyrant of the rocket equation.
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<NGC3982> kind of scared about the jwst launch
<NGC3982> if it borks we have setbacks measured in centuries
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<Eddi|zuHause> just mentioning, since the 1.12.1 update, my random crashes on game startup seem to be gone
<Eddi|zuHause> at least, it worked 3 times in a row...
<darsie> Launch date November 2021
<darsie> Time to build up that scare :).
<Eddi|zuHause> thing that annoys me: mouse wheel seems to be inverted (up is down)
<Eddi|zuHause> where would i find that setting?
<darsie> <packbart> darsie: search for AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL in settings.cfg and set "inv = True" in the PRIMARY part
<darsie> Eddi|zuHause:
<darsie> Doesn't affect lists.
<Eddi|zuHause> how annoying
<Eddi|zuHause> who invented that?
<packbart> Unity. it was a problem in 1.8, too, I think
<Mat2ch> I really wonder what people work at Unity... I mean breaking something one time, ok, happens. But after that...
<packbart> KSP still uses the same version of Unity. it rather looks like they lost their workaround code in 1.12
<Eddi|zuHause> also, i ragequit yesterday, because i made the mistake of loading an autosave instead of reverting to launch, but because i only did short flights, that was like 3 flights earlier
<Eddi|zuHause> which were all tricky flights
<Eddi|zuHause> so i lost like 2 hours of playtime
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<Eddi|zuHause> i need to re-learn to press F5 more often
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<packbart> there are mods for that, too :)
<JVFoxy> lol.. try playing early version of KSP on dual monitor system. notice how it'll flip onto the secondary screen. Turns out, they did a change in settings after some version which changed how things show up.
<JVFoxy> hadn't noticed the mouse wheel thing.. yet. I got 1.12.1 but yet to fire it up
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<Eddi|zuHause> so... i drove up to the flag pole, and then realized my plane has no reverse to get past it :p
<JVFoxy> easy fix
<JVFoxy> gyro on, reverse steering. wiggle things left/right, it rolls backwards
<JVFoxy> then steering normal, gyro off (if you normally have it off)
<JVFoxy> do it all the time with early career science cars that uses the first tier landing struts/wheels
<Eddi|zuHause> nah, i just recovered what i had collected, and started new from the runway
<Eddi|zuHause> i had a contract to collect EVA report from 3 places on the ground, took 2, and completed the contract. apparently the areas overlapped
<JVFoxy> oh heh
<JVFoxy> hate the, oh here's a surface contract half way around the world, btw.. its in mountains so good luck. :\
<Eddi|zuHause> no, i had 3 contracts, all near the KSC
<Eddi|zuHause> while here... is there anything special i can do at the obelisk?
<JVFoxy> I know.. was just saying, I had a few that were kind of 'derped'
<JVFoxy> you used to get a world first for finding it..
<JVFoxy> or flying over or jsut getting enar.
<JVFoxy> .... just getting near. now my typing is derping out
<Eddi|zuHause> hm... no... i'm parked like literally next to it
<JVFoxy> you used to get it.. not any more I think. I not sure what the deal is with them now
<Eddi|zuHause> i once had a contract pack that slowly guided you to some of the easter eggs. but it broke, and i haven't tried again
<JVFoxy> ah...
<JVFoxy> I got one that sent me to a waypoint. I thought that was all I needed to do. Turns out it opened up another for me to do. 4 in totalbut I no idea where they were till I went to the one in the 'list'.
<JVFoxy> fortunately, they weren't too far and just around the KSC
<JVFoxy> anyways.. sneaking off for now
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<Eddi|zuHause> i miss "[x] Science", game doesn't start anymore if i install it. but it was so useful to get an overview where i haven't collected science yet
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* darsie puts a sat in keostationary orbit. That's tricky, I have to figure out how to be at Ap with the right location under me.
<Althego> phasing orbit
<Althego> you dont need to be exactly above the location
<darsie> yeah, do some math.
<darsie> Or are there tools in ksp?
<Althego> not really anything that is concerning a surface location is really lackin
<Althego> g
<Eddi|zuHause> i'd just go to LKO, set a maneuver for a transfer orbit, and save/reload until the position is right
<Eddi|zuHause> you can set a waypoint on the location and sorta guess how far the planet will rotate during your maneuver
<Eddi|zuHause> there's a waypoint manger mod, which you probably already know
<Althego> you can actually see when the apoapsis is going to happen
<Althego> and you also know the rotation period of kerbin
<darsie> I know how to do it.
<Althego> so from that you can calculate the degree difference
<darsie> It's still tricky.
<Eddi|zuHause> yes. the math exists. but it's all manual work
<darsie> I wrote a program to convert between s and h:m:s or so. Have to decipher it.
<Eddi|zuHause> 1 kerbin-hour is 60°
<Eddi|zuHause> (earth would be 15°)
<Eddi|zuHause> alternative approach you cheat a second vessel into the correct orbit, and plot a rendevouz
<Eddi|zuHause> then delete the cheated vessel
<darsie> I see, you like the problem, too :).
<Eddi|zuHause> i kinda had that problem before
<Eddi|zuHause> and was also annoyed about the lack of tools
<Eddi|zuHause> also, my sleep pattern is screwed up and i jumbled some letters
<Eddi|zuHause> different topic: "take measurement in flight below <altitude>" halfway around the planet. there's no way i can steer an ICBM this precisely, and flying a plane takes like an hour...
<Althego> hehe yes annoying
<Althego> i only do these when i have good engines
<Eddi|zuHause> only have the starter engine
<Althego> and somehow the game generates these locations that they are far away from the other launch sites too
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't have the expansions
<Althego> panther or whiplash
<Eddi|zuHause> juno, i think is the name...
<Althego> yes that is slow
<Althego> guh
<Althego> so wait untik panther
<Eddi|zuHause> most times i flew planes with the wheezing engine
<Eddi|zuHause> also, where did the button for configuring action groups go? i pressed it once by accident, but can't find it again
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> in the editor or outside?
<Eddi|zuHause> yes
<Althego> you dont have the action groups button in early career
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<Althego> should be top left in editor just outside of the active area. top right when flying
<Eddi|zuHause> which upgrade was it that unlocked it?
<Althego> i think the corresponding building. vab or sph
<Eddi|zuHause> i got most things except research on level 2
<Althego> but they are separate
<Eddi|zuHause> right... but first, need some food...
<Eddi|zuHause> also, i think one of my mods is broken. i got research topics that are completely empty
<darsie> Eddi|zuHause: For visiting easter eggs I built a little glider from small nose cone, small RW, 200 EC battery, okto2, OscarB, ant. You could aim for the area and then glide to your target. You'd also need an antenna to transmit the science.
<Althego> oh no. calli makes her phantasy star online 2 character more cursed with every step
<darsie> Eddi|zuHause: Ohh, I forgot the two aluminium fins as wings.
<darsie> Or did I use the Spark?
<Eddi|zuHause> i think i have none of those parts yet
<Eddi|zuHause> aaanyway.. i found the action group button. i have it in VAB, but not in SPH
<Althego> as i said they are separate
<Althego> but pointless, because you can just build the craft in the vab
<Althego> add the action groups
<Althego> then launch it from the sph
<Althego> this is what i usually do
<Althego> quite pointless to upgrade the sph
<Eddi|zuHause> it used to be trickier to switch between them
<raptop> It's a bunch of silliness from how KSP was developed
<Althego> yes but even then it would work
<Althego> the groups are in the craft
<Althego> so even in the olf one you could just launch from the other building
<Eddi|zuHause> part limit is the main reason to upgrade
<Althego> they would work, just cant edit
<Althego> not really
<Althego> you can just roll off the launchpad
<Althego> and take off from the grass
<Althego> so essentially in career you dont need to waste money onthe sph and the landing strip if you dont want to
<Eddi|zuHause> but i want to.
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<Eddi|zuHause> so.. how do i see how long my fuel lasts in hours?
<Althego> hours?
<Althego> why would it last for hours?
<Althego> for jets it is varying anyway
<Eddi|zuHause> i have a waypoint marker, and it says 1h to destination...
<Eddi|zuHause> and i found a thing here where it says "burn 6840s"
<Eddi|zuHause> which i'm pretty sure is more than 1h :p
<Eddi|zuHause> this contract tells me to get the juno to 13000m altitude... not sure i can do that with this plane
<raptop> consider: strapping a juno to an RT-10
<Eddi|zuHause> altitude 13000-15000, speed 180-240 is a pretty narrow window
<Althego> there are actually small solid boosters now
<Eddi|zuHause> aanyway... it can't get above 9000 by itself it seems
<Althego> you can do that with the second engine
<Althego> that is reasonable enough
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<bees> Eddi|zuHause: add more junos and less plane
<bees> you would be surprised with what it could do
<Eddi|zuHause> next time, when i'm done flying halfway around the planet
<bees> something silly like 9 junos in 2 above wings/2 below wings/1 back with a smallest fuel tank/wings possible
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<Eddi|zuHause> 10 minutes left
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<Eddi|zuHause> anyway, since i learned about trim, flying long distances requires way less monitoring and manual intervention :p
<Eddi|zuHause> next qestion, do i try to land here or fly back to KSC?
<Althego> do you have enough fuel?
<Althego> do you want to waste the time?
<Althego> for a cheap mission like this it is better to land, recover and do something else
<Althego> note that now you can select the ksc as target for navigation, and it appears on your navball
<Althego> no ils though
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<Eddi|zuHause> problem is it's dark and i have no lights to point at the ground
<Eddi|zuHause> also, i have a very slow roll which i can't correct through trim
<Eddi|zuHause> what's a safe vertical speed for landing anyway? 12?
<Althego> it is never completely dark on kerbin, you can land if you want to
<Althego> also you can adjust how bright the darkness is, so you can change it to easy conditions with that
<Eddi|zuHause> doesn't help that at this time, the sun is at the worst position for my screen contrast :p
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> use the marvelous invention called curtain
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<Eddi|zuHause> that wasn't a landing...
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm afraid it's uphill here
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<Althego> a small rocket again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xatE7xxP0Bk
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<Eddi|zuHause> nope... not working
<Eddi|zuHause> there's something about landing a plane that i'm missing...
<Althego> landinggears?
<Eddi|zuHause> i have the earliest ones
<Eddi|zuHause> one under the cockpit, and two under the wings
<Althego> those used to be hilariously bad
<Althego> but they have been ok lately
<Eddi|zuHause> i blame it on the non-flat ground
<Eddi|zuHause> i'll try flying back, with a fuel efficient and somewhat reasonable speed
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i'll be able to do a landing... so i'll stick with a "landing"...
<bees> slap a chute or two to the fuselage
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* raptop looks at the rules update
* raptop realizes that discussing sci-hub is a violation of 2.2 a, and sighs
<Eddi|zuHause> bees: well... slapping on chutes retroactively is... tricky :p
<Eddi|zuHause> if history is any telling, i'm constantly going back and forth between "ah i slap chutes on" and "i want to try this properly"
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<raptop> Also we're supposed to avoid randomly switching topics despite this being IRC
<raptop> the rest of the rules seem fine
<bees> raptop: Every time you use sci-hub - you download COMMUNISM
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<raptop> [laser eyes karl marx]
<FLHerne> raptop: This is IRC, there are no threads
<FLHerne> so changing the subject of conversation in a thread is impossible
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* NGC3982 goes to another thread
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