raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/203227-kerbal-space-program-112-on-final-approach-is-now-available/ Got bugs? Verify files on Steam for instant happiness
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<Solar_Oracle> Shall we play a game?
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<raptop> !outcome edward
<LunchBot> raptop: Edward Teller thinks you went overboard in the size of that last bomb.
<Solar_Oracle> Overboard? Or improved?
<raptop> heh
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<Solar_Oracle> Maybe it was really *under*board?
* raptop added that outcome in part because of the apocryphal table of nuclear weapon projects and associated delivery mechanisms
<raptop> The largest using a method of "backyard", because you could just put it in your backyard and be assured that the blast would reach the enemy
<Solar_Oracle> Not powerful enough: It needs to light the atmosphere of the entire planet they're on.
<packbart> hire Disaster Area for a concert?
* raptop wants to say that the temperature and density requirements for fusing oxygen and nitrogen present some problems
* Solar_Oracle laughs in Taiidani WMDs.
<raptop> hm
<Solar_Oracle> Or you could just go all Galactic Empire and reduce the planet to dust.
<Solar_Oracle> Or Xelee and just use a sidearm to take out the star it's orbiting around.
<raptop> Xeelee starbreakers are silly
<Solar_Oracle> You mean AWESOME.
<raptop> that, too
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<Solar_Oracle> Oh boy, I got to include an Outlaw Star reference for this chapter!
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> chapter of what
<Solar_Oracle> A Hymn Before Battle. My reference is, ah, pretty obscure but fun nonetheless.
<Solar_Oracle> The book features a laser-to-retina display ala the one seen in this part of the original promotional concept trailer for Outlaw Star http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lwnkkfrL2I&t=0m44s
<Althego> heh ollie went back a step and instead of differential equations starts off with derivatives
<Althego> you have to know that is not scifi
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<Solar_Oracle> It has spaceships. It has androids. It even has aliens!
<Solar_Oracle> Honestly, if we're going to start excluding magic from science-fiction, then you might as well start excluding faster than light travel from science-fiction for the same reason.
<Althego> i mean head mounted display
<Solar_Oracle> Oh, well, I wouldn't want it shining directly into my eyes like that.
<Althego> i think in some types it was doing it with laser
* raptop feels like at least half of all John Ringo novels have power armor of some sort
<raptop> (Mainly because Shiny!)
<Solar_Oracle> Amusingly, I once read a Kratman novel that included an extensive description of power armor and . . . Never used it.
<raptop> hah
<Solar_Oracle> They became completely irrelevant one quarter of the way into the book.
<Solar_Oracle> "Systems that project information directly onto the wearer's retina with a low-powered laser (virtual retinal display) are also in experimentation"
* Solar_Oracle wonders how many test subjects have gone blind.
<Solar_Oracle> "Can you see the HUD yet?" "Well, no. I can't see anything as a matter of fact."
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> anyway better skip the eye and just put information directly in the brain
<Althego> about 2 hours until scheduled blackout
<raptop> "Why is there an RJ-45 jack in the back of your neck?"
<raptop> Althego: wait, are you in CA or NY now?
<Althego> no
<umaxtu> TX?
<Althego> no, scheduled maintenance 8-12
<raptop> ah
<Althego> happens once every few years
<Althego> but i am working from home this time
<Solar_Oracle> @raptop More amusingly, in the context of this novel, is that IMMEDIATELY before the mention of retinal laser HUDs, we get mention that direct neural to supercomputer AI tablets already exists.
<Solar_Oracle> And that they're as pedestrian as keyboards and mice were.
<Althego> they should be
<raptop> hmm
<Solar_Oracle> Chapter 10 down. I can feel my life essence fading away.
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* umaxtu hands Solar_Oracle some meth
<umaxtu> how you feeling now?
<raptop> yay, stimulants
<Althego> i am eagerly awaiting that video. i guess it will be an hour long
<Solar_Oracle> I feel like I can march for several days on end, make the Allies seem like I was part of a motorized battalion and drop dead because I just did a whole month's worth of meth in one day.
<umaxtu> lol
<Althego> lol
<umaxtu> Tory Bruno is awesome. wasn't there some jerk running ULA before him?
<Althego> hmm, i might not have access to the 4th socket on the ups (power brick blocking it), i have to check it
<Althego> oh the old server is still there, i can just plug it to the surge protected out
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<RoboFreak> heh, knew it was going to happen. accidentally unplugged one of the routers. it is like not even friction is keeping it in there
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<Althego> coco's last stream is today
<raptop> F
<Althego> there is one scheduled for september 30 :)
<Solar_Oracle> Alright, last for today.
<Althego> but there will be kson onair
<Althego> (other channel)
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<Althego> switching to laptop
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<darsie> .
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<Althego> powerless morning
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* raptop checks out the other channel
<raptop> ...it's weird hearing that voice *not* come from a dragon
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<Althego> quick beeping signals battery charge is low
<darsie> .
<darsie> cu
<darsie> Don't stress your battery.
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<Althego> until further notice kerbot is down because of the blackout
<Mat2ch> Uh, blackout?
<Mat2ch> B3 wont fly.
<Mat2ch> I'm starting to doubt that they will fly anything this month
<Althego> i ran the laptop for about 45 minutes from the ups, and it ran my routers for about 2.5 hours
<Althego> now the laptop has about 30 minutes remaining, and on mobile net
<Althego> but supposedly power comes back in 35 mintes
<Althego> hah, power is back
<Mat2ch> well, don't celebrate yet
<Mat2ch> could go out again any minute
<Althego> yes, i am waiting for setting the clock
<Althego> because i dont set it twice
<Althego> all other devices should set themselves automatically
<Althego> i would like to buy a big digital clock display with ntp, but cant find it
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<darsie> ksp crashed
<Mat2ch> Althego: don't you have DCF77 clocks?
<Althego> ah that. ancient tech
<flayer> oh, its thursday already
<Althego> i want an embedded computer running an ntp client
<Althego> on wifi or wire i cont care
<Althego> but apparently i have to build one
<Mat2ch> That's not ancient
<Mat2ch> it's the most precise source you can get
<darsie> GPS is more precise.
<Althego> if you know about leap seconds
<Althego> that also requires a computer
<Mat2ch> Althego: https://gist.github.com/kenci/7eb9b60bf97e46077a0e runs on an ESP8266
<darsie> I subscribed to the leap second mailing list.
<Mat2ch> should be easy to modify and hock up to a display.
<darsie> Small atomic clocks have become kinda affordable, too, I think.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> doesnt help when there is no power
<Althego> i want it to automatically set dst and sync with an external source
<Althego> gps may not be available inside the house
<Althego> found something on alibaba
<Althego> have to check these out
<Althego> bit overkill
<Althego> i want big display
<Althego> not ultimate precision
<Mat2ch> tbh you can build that with a raspberry pi for a fraction of that money.
<Althego> yes, but who has time for that
<darsie> Conventional vapor cell atomic clocks are about the size of a deck of cards, consume about 10 W of electrical power and cost about $3,000.
<Althego> the goal is not to be precise to the nanosecond, but to never ever need to set it
<Mat2ch> Althego: buy one :P
<Mat2ch> But 230 USD is pretty hefty.
<flayer> 2500 for a clock!
<Althego> hehe embedded atomic lock
<Althego> i never knew such thing existed
<Mat2ch> NTP clock, analog!
<Mat2ch> You asked, we deliver.
<Mat2ch> Invoice is coming soon. :P
<darsie> I'd love the unknown objects to be color coded by size.
<Althego> color coded for your convenience tv tropes?
<darsie> So I don't have to mouse over them to find huge ones.
<Althego> hyuge :)
<Althego> my asteroids are hyuge. i have the best asteroids ever
<darsie> Looking for a class I comet.
<darsie> Only finding class H.
<Mat2ch> even moar clocks ;)
<Althego> hah there is even wifi
<Althego> poer type 120v
<Althego> the simplest solution could be just buying a tablet and runninga full screen clock app on it
<Mat2ch> Which will kill the display in less than a year.
<Althego> what an orbit
<Althego> ah i forgot to restart the pi
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<darsie> Very tough to reach. It's already very high once Kerbin is in it's orbit: https://i.postimg.cc/D7PCRxfN/screenshot60.png
<darsie> its*
<Deddly> FOr KSP2, yes
<Althego> not written in the tweet
<Deddly> Nope
<Deddly> Back in a bit
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<Mat2ch> Althego: yep. And I would call it LANTERN, because it lights up the sky (with radiation)
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> look at it
<Mat2ch> it's so beautiful
<Althego> but this is just for testing
<Mat2ch> but still
<Mat2ch> that thing is massive
<Althego> haha, elon replied to that tweet https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1410525535147601924
<Mat2ch> I think he replied to the wrong tweet there...
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<XXCoder> might be jokey reply
<darsie> found another one.
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<Althego> 250k people watching coco
<darsie> Coco Chanel?
<Truga> kiryuu coco
<Deddly> Wassat Althego ?
<Althego> but how can there be subtitles on a live video?
<XXCoder> theres guy with special captioner machine
<Deddly> What are you all watching?
<XXCoder> im no watching whatever it is
<Truga> it's prerecorded
<XXCoder> ah that one dunno
<Truga> i think
<Deddly> Thanks
<Deddly> What the heck is this
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<darsie> It's the end of mankind.
<darsie> Human extinction.
<Althego> no, that comes later
<XXCoder> i cant figure what that channel is about
<darsie> Kerbal Space Program ;)
<XXCoder> questionable answer
<Althego> we still didnt get a kerbal playing vtuber
<Althego> there is am arket for it
<darsie> Is it legal?
<XXCoder> ksp charactor channel probably not
<Deddly> Elon Musk asking KSP developers for suggestions https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1410525535147601924
<Althego> i linked that less than an hour ago
<Althego> 400k viewers
<Deddly> I guess I wasn't paying attention an hour ago
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Judge_Dedd> \o/
<darsie> .
<darsie> 1337
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<Althego> hehe good morning weather hackers
<Althego> it seems yt doesnt like the 500k viewers
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* raptop blinks at youtube. zombie studying korean?
<Althego> yes it is going to happen
<Althego> but the differential equation stream still not
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<namedomran> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, namedomran
<Deddly> Hey there namedomran
<raptop> \o
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<Deddly> Booster 3 rolling out
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<Althego> it is a cylinder, they could just roll it :)
<Deddly> :)
<raptop> ro-ro rockets
<Althego> go go gadget booster
<Althego> that thing is big
<Althego> normal people move long tanks like this on their sides
<Althego> apparently they dont even need a crawler transporter for this
<Althego> just use normal self propelled modular transporters
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<Webchat784> are there any mods here
<Webchat784> modcall i need an unban, my client was problematic and its fixed now
<Althego> Deddly: mod work?
<Deddly> Oh hi
<Webchat784> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Webchat784
<packbart> I think raptop put the ban in
<Webchat784> seems so
<raptop> betelguese?
<Webchat784> yes
<raptop> yeah, you got banned on channels on multiple networks I think. One moment.
<Webchat784> yes i did
<Deddly> What happened?
<Althego> multiple networks lol
<raptop> there
<Althego> ah the one constantly quitting
<Webchat784> i run my discord client on a docker container, it kept crashing and docker kept autorestarting so it spam connected to all networks, now i have to clean everything up
<raptop> yeah
<Webchat784> thanls guys
<Webchat784> s/thanls/thanks
<Deddly> Oh wow.
<Deddly> Glad you got it fixed :)
<Althego> instead of just using an irc client
<Althego> i thought it was some forum mod thing
<Althego> but was irc
<Webchat784> sorry for the botherence, thanks
<raptop> Glad that it's resolved
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<betelgeuse> thanks for the help guys
<Althego> hehe i think the synced firing sells it to me. but vengaboys, not the 90s anymore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nIJdHn1FFE
<Deddly> WB betelgeuse :)
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<darsie> betelgeuse: Did you fix your connection? I banned you in ##space@libera.
<betelgeuse> yeah, it should be fixed now
<darsie> ok
<betelgeuse> thanks very much for asking
<darsie> np
<betelgeuse> very kind
<Althego> should i go to space too? i always want to tlk about space herre too
<darsie> wb
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<darsie> Althego: where?
<Althego> to that spac channel
<darsie> Sure, if you want to.
<Althego> i have to add a network, libera is new and not in this client yet
<Althego> but maybe tomorrow
<Althego> there was a spacex channel somewhere too
<Althego> whas it also on freenode?
<darsie> There's ##spacex on libera. Probably was on freenode, too.
<Althego> ok, then there is enough reason to go over there
<Althego> hah, event horizon 9 minutes ago
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<Althego> that title though. "Type 2 Aliens may be at the Center of the Galaxy with Adam Frank" my first thought: the aliens are at the center of galaxy with a guy from earth?
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