Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Dread Pirate Bezos unambiguously reaches space (but FAA may contest wings)
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<flayer> nice
<flayer> i made a VTOL craft using the rotation servos
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<flayer> from studying fluid mechanics on supercomputers to working on kerbal space program...
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<Mat2ch> This is good news.
<Mat2ch> buuuuttttttt
<Mat2ch> they are still using floats.
<Mat2ch> Funny.
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> It is really funny how nobody seems to be able to grasp the idea of using fixed point calculations for this problem.
<Mat2ch> Probably the same old story as always: We always did it this way.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> not always
<Mat2ch> Or: That's how everyone else is doing it!
<Althego> i ported simulator code from the early 70s, that used fixed point, because they didnt have anything else
<Althego> was full of different precision numbers and always had to normalize them for any operation
<Mat2ch> How many bits did they have?
<Mat2ch> 8?
<Izaya> probably 32
<Althego> 16 hw, but could use 31 bits if needed to. (31 because of double sign bits)
<Althego> even had hw division
<Izaya> fixed point lets you pretend numbers are just integers doesn't it?
<Althego> but amazingly they had to write all trigonometric functions and matrix operations in asm
<Mat2ch> Izaya: the other way round. You just pretend that your integers have a point in them :D
<Mat2ch> And if you are dealing with money you should do that. Always.
<Izaya> this is the same picture
<Mat2ch> With 64 bit and two decimals after the point you can have this: 184 467 440 737 095 516.15 mm
<Mat2ch> This is enough to simulate the whole solar system. (If I didn't make a mistake somewhere. Those numbers are huge)
<Mat2ch> and millimeter precising would be enough for a game like KSP. So you get even more size.
<Izaya> even 4 bits of sub-mm would be fine
<Izaya> 60+4 bits
<Mat2ch> mm would be fine!
<Mat2ch> You would never notice in-game...
<Althego> ... and i would have gotten away with it, if it werent for those meddling kids
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<darsie> What's the effect of finding the desert air strip?
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<Mat2ch> you can launch from there now.
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<FLHerne> "You can only launch from Dessert if you enable Allow other Launchsites in the Difficulty Settings. When enabled you can launch a plane from the SPH via the dropdown menu under the Launch button. When you hover over it, a menu appears with available launch sites. Select the arrow next to Dessert Airfield to launch from there."
<FLHerne> ^ wiki
<Mat2ch> Hm. I thought in career mode at least you've got to discover them, too.
<UmbralRaptop> You get a discovery notification in sandbox mode if you launch from there
<UmbralRaptop> Uh, has the wiki been updated / someone tested how it works if you 'discover' a eg: the desert airfield with additional launch sites turned off?
<darsie> I do have the Crater launch site.
<darsie> Ok, it works with enable alternate launch sites.
<darsie> But why did I get the Crater launch site when it was disabled?
<darsie> I got woomerang, too, now.
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<Mat2ch> darsie: I have no idea.
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