raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Althego> hirys
<raptop> good mornyan?
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<Althego> 18k people watching a nephilim die and die again in minecraft
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<transit> Ahoy
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<Althego> heh
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<Deddly> Ahoybai
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<Althego> electron tomorrow
<Althego> or not, they usually have several tries
<Arkitect> Is it going to be reused?
<Althego> not yet
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<Arkitect> When's the next reusable flight, or is there no date yet?
<Althego> there wasnt a single reusable flight yet
<Althego> there were 2 recovered rockets
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<Althego> and suddenly zombie
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<Althego> but it is apex
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<Mat2ch> The last part of the OLIT is almost placed. Almost...
<Mat2ch> They are taking their time.
<Mat2ch> And they lost the US flag...
<Althego> lol
<Mat2ch> it's just wrapped around a pipe. Hard to see right now
<Mat2ch> the SpaceX flag is hanging freely
<Mat2ch> Oh, there it is. The US ppl here have to salute now :D
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<Mat2ch> Orbiter is now open source. Interesting
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<raptop> o_O
<darsie> yay. Will we get a Linux version?
<raptop> hopefully
<darsie> Is it also free?
<Mat2ch> Linux version if someone ports it
<Mat2ch> currently DX11
<darsie> Orbiter is now published as an Open Source project under the MIT License
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<umaxtu> whats up with Orbiter?
<umaxtu> oh, its gone open source. thats awesome!
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