Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "Beardy Branson" shoots himself into space
<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You mount two Alcubierre drives on either end of a ship facing opposite directions, just to see what will happen. Traceback: Subroutine 'BurnRockets()' takes 1 parameter, none provided.
<raptop> oops
<bees> raptop: You accidentally a thruster. The whole thing. It was inevitable.
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<Guest32643> How do I turn on the target box on xbox
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* raptop is curious as to what is meant by "target box"
<raptop> part info?
<raptop> That thing with diamonds where distant-ish craft are shown with an approximate distance?
<raptop> The navball navigation icons?
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<SnoopJ> plot twist: not a KSP question?
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<raptop> aaaaa
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<SnoopJ> Rendezvous in KSP: a Target/Box slashfic
<SnoopJ> raptop, thoughts of the fires always makes me think of the drought the broader region is currently under in the geological context
<SnoopJ> Have seen work arguing that the last comparable event was ~500 A.D
<SnoopJ> I guess that's _barely_ geological,'s longer than an election cycle, anyway.
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<Rolf> cool!
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<Mat2ch> :D
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<Althego> hehe
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<sandbox> finish him
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<Althego> there are a few hours until the launch
<Althego> so probably pointless self ads and cringe
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<Althego> t-10 s
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<Althego> they survived
<Alanonzander> Launch and landing looked jarring
<Althego> i dont like that landing
<Althego> but if a 82 year old can survive it, it cant be that bad
<Althego> guh
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raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Dread Pirate Bezos unambigiously reaches space
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<darsie> What's the email address of ?
<packbart> darsie:
<darsie> thx, Althego already told me in pm.
<packbart> ah, well, I didn't think of that
<Althego> now they are going to be spammed :)
<packbart> I'm too trusting to think of it
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> (papers please)
<raptop> KFP has a really strict interview process now
<Althego> even though raptors have feathers, you were not hired?
<Althego> in 2 hours ina with minecraft, then tomorrow zombie with more chess, i cant keep up
<JVFoxy> papers please is a pretty brutal game, at least from what I saw in someone's playthrough
<Althego> you have tough choices and it is hard
<JVFoxy> even if you overly cautious, still get punished
<Althego> but she already finished nier automata long time ago
<raptop> JVFoxy: yeah, apparently processing paperwork can be stressful >_>;;
<JVFoxy> some characters try to bribe you, then there's that 'secret agent'...
<Althego> jorji, the best npc ever
<JVFoxy> ya, that's the name..
<JVFoxy> some reason I thought sergi
<Althego> the hand drawn passport never gets old
<JVFoxy> :P
<JVFoxy> bad enough you on a timelimit to get as many people through in order to make enough money to live off
<JVFoxy> any case...
<JVFoxy> been mulling over doing some KSP recording, starting fresh with 1.12 but wasn't sure if it really worth it? If I do.. skip through the first basic missions? Obviously I'd do just highlights maybe. Not exactly comfortable doing voice yet..
<Mat2ch> darsie: did you see his latest video?
<Mat2ch> I love the fact that Passivhaus is an international term now. :)
<darsie> yes
<Mat2ch> When it gets really hot outside, I have to do the same. But manually, by opening all windows all night and closing them the whole day...
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<raptop> Althego: well, it was mostly a "welcome to Arstozka -> welcome to KFP" joke
* raptop isn't sure that I'd want a job where it's not so much a risk of getting fired at-will as getting fried at-will
<Althego> hehe
* packbart didn't like "Papers, Please"
<Althego> to be honest i cant play that after work
<packbart> I don't have what it takes to make Arstozka great again
<Althego> needs too much concentration
<raptop> There's definitely a problem where lots of cool games are basically jobs (but with clear goals and feedback)
<packbart> well, I do like some GTA Roleplay on servers like
<packbart> and I like watching streams of criminals and police officers on said server, too
<packbart> my character tried to stick to honest work - but that doesn't pay for the cool cars and a nice home
<raptop> heh
<raptop> But also, *gestures at the entire Zachtronics genre*
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<JVFoxy> eh well..
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<Althego> wah
<Althego> but i have to sleep
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<bobmcgeoff> IRC still exists?
<bobmcgeoff> huh
<bobmcgeoff> neat
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* flayer sighs
<raptop> 22 seconds
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