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<FLHerne> Now you need to land :p
<raptop> Yeah, I seem to have gotten the timing slightly wrong so post-flyby periapsis is ~250 km altitude
<raptop> Had it been inside the atmosphere, it would have worked perfectly
<raptop> probably
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<Solar_Oracle> It's that special time of day again.
<raptop> Ah, so all the explosions I've been hearing tonight are your fault?
<Solar_Oracle> If they were MY explosions, you'd be dead before you'd be able to hear them.
<raptop> yeah, they're probably some sort of gunpowder variant as opposed to nuclear or antimatter
<Solar_Oracle> Primitives! We must be in the Fallout-verse.
<Solar_Oracle> Wait, the Fatboy is a thing.
<Solar_Oracle> Is there some particular reason military science-fiction authors are just so plain bad at getting to the actual battles?
<Solar_Oracle> These irritating info dumps and eye rolling expositions are going to be the death of me.
* raptop shrugs vaguely
<Solar_Oracle> This is why the best military science-fiction are the Ciaphas Cain books.
<Solar_Oracle> And he spends most of those running away from danger!
* Solar_Oracle wonders if they should roll a dice to determine if they get Mass Effect Legendary.
* raptop strongly recommends stochastic decision methods
<Solar_Oracle> I prefer the mighty D6.
<Solar_Oracle> I'm presently listening to a Let's Play of it while reading this awful book and writing about it.
<Solar_Oracle> And talking here between my frequent eye rolls.
<Solar_Oracle> Only problem is the Legendary edition lacks my favorite part of the franchise: Mass Effect 3's co-op mode.
<Solar_Oracle> Rolling around as a volus biotic was too fun.
<umaxtu> well that and the second half of ME3 is still awful
<Solar_Oracle> I still unironically loved the Citadel DLC and the gameplay was the best of the series.
<umaxtu> agreed
<umaxtu> Andromeda was such an amazing concept too
<Solar_Oracle> Andromeda was a shame, but one wonders if they'll learn for Mass Effect 4.
<Solar_Oracle> The upcoming Warhammer II DLC has made me a bit more optimistic of such things.
* Solar_Oracle hungers in Ogres.
<umaxtu> I bought the base game a couple years ago but still haven't gotten around to playing it
<Solar_Oracle> The Legendary Edition contains improvements to loading times and textures, fixing a particularly bad and unfixable one in the PC version that resulted in Garrus' face getting permanently low resolution textures.
<Solar_Oracle> Er, for the first game.
<Solar_Oracle> All the DLC, including promotional items, are also included in the next two games. I'm not sure if the first game's bugged decision saves were fixed, though.
<umaxtu> you don't need to sell me on it. I already bought it
<Solar_Oracle> FINALLY! Chapter 14 is done!
<Solar_Oracle> It takes some real talent to make a book about an alien invasion BORING.
<Solar_Oracle> And the fact that it keeps going back and forth timewise is just as irritating as it is pointless.
<umaxtu> what is the name of this amazingly boring book?
<Solar_Oracle> "A Hymn Before Battle"
<Solar_Oracle> It's the first the Posleen series of books.
<Solar_Oracle> The aliens in the book, even the friendly ones, are all incredibly stupid and the only competent fighters are said to be humans.
<packbart> 'Library journal praised the "fast-paced action and acid humor".'
<Solar_Oracle> I wonder if they actually read this dreadful thing, because I'm over a third of the way through the book and nothing is happening except infodumps, expositions and dialogue that repeats itself.
<packbart> "Limited preview" - hmm. sad ;)
<Solar_Oracle> Save yourself, from Hell!
<packbart> you're reading it for me. that's good enuff
<Solar_Oracle> I feel more dead inside with every chapter, and there's a whole series-worth of this literary filth.
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<Solar_Oracle> Even better: https://i.redd.it/nw9bpdlmu9471.jpg
<Solar_Oracle> Rip and tear!
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<Althego> in 79 david attenborough was still so young
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<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> i still have a tako stream too. but i progressed one disk from the first series in attenborough's life collection
<Althego> this is going to take a while
<darsie> They go back to normal when I drop out of time warp.
<flayer> sometimes they show encounters several orbits ahead
<flayer> rather than the next one
<flayer> sometimes they're just wonky
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<darsie> 97 km Ap Whiplash
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<a_flayer> .
<sandbox> . indeed
<darsie> .
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<Althego> hehe, interview with the famous mr fancy pants
<Althego> (curiousmarc)
<Althego> yes, it is a week old, i just noticed it now
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<betelgeuse> here, dv1 raises apoapsis and dv2 raises periapsis right?
<darsie> sounds good, without looking at it.
<darsie> If it's for going to a higher orbit.
<raptop> Assuming it's an outwards transfer (looks like it), yeah
<betelgeuse> yeah if your lowering orbit its the other way round, dv1 lowers periapsis and dv2 lowers apoapsis
<betelgeuse> thanks guys
<raptop> yay
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<namedomran> i have a modding question
<sandbox> ask away
<namedomran> im trying to create a procedural tanks config for methalox fuel but i can't figure out what numbers im supposed to use since procedural tanks seems to use an outdated system of "UnitsPerT" while basically every other mod uses b9 part switch
<namedomran> and i cant figure out how to calculate what the "unitsPerT" for methane+oxidizer is
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