raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<JustDark> Test
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<JustDark> Great start lol
<JustDark> Yeah I have no idea what this is, just came across it in an ancient post on the forums
<FLHerne> JustDark: Welcome :-)
<FLHerne> This is the #KSPOfficial IRC channel on irc.esper.net
<FLHerne> (the web client kind of sucks, better clients exist)
<FLHerne> Tends to be quiet now and more active during EU daytime, I'm about to sleep because it's 1:30am :p
<FLHerne> We chat about KSP, and space stuff, and gaming stuff, and sometimes other things
<JustDark> Nice
<FLHerne> !mission
<LunchBot> FLHerne: You launch a small, unobservable teapot into a high orbit in order to definitively prove the existence of one. You go home.
<FLHerne> Oh, and there's a stupid bot you can poke
<JustDark> Anyways Im probs gonna go as I need to shower, idk if Ill come across this place again but Im semi-active on the forums under this same name. See yall later
<JustDark> !poke
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<UmbralRaptop> blink
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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You create a self-sustaining airport at Insular Airfield. You are cited in the next XKCD what-if.
<raptop> oops
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> On an unrelated note, the Epic Store's free game ths week is Frostpunk
<Althego> guh
<raptop> huh, music stream
<raptop> sorta
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<m4v> My epic store account only exists to hold free games that I'll never play.
<Althego> hehe
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<raptop> m4v: I mean, sure. buying and playing games are different hobbies
<Althego> the collector
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<Mat2ch> m4v: I feel that. :D
<Mat2ch> Althego: there was a Wintergatan video 9 hours ago and nobody noticed!
<Althego> hah
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<Althego> lol gamers nexus. while steve was cleaning the thermal paste from the 3080ti gpu die, he found the additional 200 dollars (that was the extra price nvidia put on it)
<Mat2ch> Don't tease us. Where is it?
<Mat2ch> also why watch videos about things you can't buy, because they are just not available? :D
<Mat2ch> Althego: ok, got to the point in the video.
<Mat2ch> What a bad joke. :D
<Althego> somewhere in the second half
<Mat2ch> Althego: already ahead of you :D
<sandbox> how do the magnets work
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<Althego> ...ing magnets, how do they work?
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<Althego> hehe ollie couldnt start her stream because watching roboco's
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<Mat2ch> sandbox: By moving the quantum space.
<Althego> magnets are hard stuff. by some reading years ago my understanding is that ultimately the source is the spin of electrons, if somehow the the electron shells are such that the effect leaks out of the atom, and there are lot of atoms pointing to the same direction it adds
<SnoopJ> can confirm, magnets are hard
<Mat2ch> You shouldn't eat them!
<Mat2ch> Althego: but why does the spin of the electrons do something here?
<Mat2ch> There's some kind of radiation necessary.
<Mat2ch> That's why I have the theory that magnets move the "empty" space around them
<Mat2ch> creating a suction effect
<Mat2ch> In a similar way that gravity waves move the whole thing around
<Mat2ch> and this means my theory is testable.
<Mat2ch> Because gravity waves move with lightspeed the quantum space should be also moved with lightspeed around the magnets.
<Mat2ch> Now you just have to build a very very long and strong magnet and test it. It should "move" on its own.
<Mat2ch> Because the suction on the one side has to be compensated by an outflow on the other side. Like a turbine.
<Mat2ch> And since there is a speed difference between the intake and output that can't be filled up -> movement.
<Mat2ch> and no, it doesn't violate anything, because it's not really moving by our means.
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, do you know any math?
<minas_tirith> Math is very hard it seems
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: I do, but I've forgotton most of it
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, what kinds?
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<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: what do you mean? I had to learn a wide variety of stuff when studying
<Mat2ch> so I've seen many many things and had to use them
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, broadly what kinds of math did you do beyond hs
<Mat2ch> don't know. I don't understand the question and the relevance of it.
<Mat2ch> or: Why do you ask?
<minas_tirith> Curious
<minas_tirith> Bored
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, boredom bro
<Mat2ch> well, it's too hot here to do anything, even talking is hard
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, 40+?
<minas_tirith> (C)
<Mat2ch> 30, but that's enough already
<Althego> i wish it was that warm here
<Althego> even next week is below 30
<Mat2ch> Althego: do you want the > 50 % humidity as well?
<Althego> hehe
<minas_tirith> 15 is best
<minas_tirith> 10-15 is pleasant
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i would die in 10
<minas_tirith> I am from a hot country so I prefer cool weather
<minas_tirith> 10-15C is most pleasing
<Mat2ch> we had that for month now. 10° C is not enough.
<Mat2ch> 20 to 25 for weeks would be fine.
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, do you do shirtless in snow?
<minas_tirith> Althego, are you from a cold country?
<minas_tirith> I have heard Norway is very mild/warm
<Althego> not especially
<Althego> i just dont like cold
<minas_tirith> Yeah same
<Mat2ch> Norway is not mild :D
<Mat2ch> it's the cold north
<Mat2ch> and no I would NEVER go shirtless in snow!
<Althego> it is mild because of the warm ocean current
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<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, I have heard norway described as warm to mild
<minas_tirith> Althego, yeah
<minas_tirith> Europe is warmer than America
<Mat2ch> I can't believe that.
<Mat2ch> We don't have any country that is like Texas
<Althego> hehe
<minas_tirith> Texas is a very cold place
<minas_tirith> The us in general is
<Althego> lol
<Althego> have you watched the hops?
<minas_tirith> What is that?
<Althego> they had over 20 most of the winter
<minas_tirith> Hops as in fruit mixed with whiskey?
<Mat2ch> ohhh, it's getting dark! Thunderstorm incoming \o/
<Althego> boca chica is in texas
<minas_tirith> Althego, Mexico is a cold place
<Althego> therefore the weather is particularly interesting to us because of launches
<Althego> cold place compared to the sun's corona :)
<minas_tirith> Althego, america is a very cold country
<minas_tirith> Texas gets -10 to -20 C
<Althego> yes, the only modern country without healthcare, paid vacation days enforced by law. very cold to its citizens
<minas_tirith> Althego, Texas regularly gets snow
<Althego> not related directly to its temperature
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<flayer> alright, time for a test of my 'fully reusable duna personnel transport rocket' https://i.imgur.com/6bPCCcy.png
<Althego> why are control surfaces on the upper stage?
<Althego> for the escape?
<flayer> looks nice
<raptop> I assume that the large control surfaces on the core below them help with stability
<flayer> potentially to add a little bit control
<flayer> raptop, stability for both flight and landing
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<flayer> the whole lower stage is one big piece, no detachments, the jumbo fuel tank in the core is blocked from usage for lift-off
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> what is with these 1 minute videos
<flayer> alright, payload delivered into a 100km/50km orbit
<flayer> gonna circle around and try to the land the booster
<flayer> i used some of the spare fuel to get it up that high tho... only 700 dv left to safely deorbit, which might prove impossible lol
<Althego> should be fine
<raptop> Probably like 20 m/s from ap to turn it into 100x30 km
<raptop> And unless it has a high terminal velocity, that's plenty for a soft landing
<Althego> you could even land on duna with that
<flayer> last time i tried, it went too fast for the parachutes to deploy
<flayer> i'm probably just not very good at landing tho
<flayer> whizzing past the KSC... lol
<flayer> overheating is starting
<flayer> its breaking apart
<SnoopJ> Mat2ch, the thing about electron spin is about the origin of macroscopic magnetism, usually in ferromagnetism. The jargon is "spin magnetic dipole moment": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_magnetic_moment#Spin_magnetic_dipole_moment
<kubi> tell me why a 3-fin rocket spins while a 4-fin is stable
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<raptop> oh, hey, a SnoopJ
<SnoopJ> raptop, I saw a magnetism >_>
<Althego> hehe
<SnoopJ> but indeed I have been in deep hibernation in here
<raptop> ah
<raptop> spin is angular momentum, except it isn't <_<
<Althego> yes i meant that thing
<raptop> kubi: I'm confused, since generally 3-fin rockets seem stable unless they've got a lot of lift/drag up front?
<flayer> whereabouts do i put the 30 km periapsis if i want to land on the KSC?
<Althego> depends on your altitude and drag
<Althego> so in general you cant now it without testing
<Althego> but i put it well after the peninsula to the est
<flayer> well, i put it over the desert peninsula this time
<flayer> i'll listen to you next time, gonna land in the water before even reaching the KSC landmass
<flayer> definitely need to the fire the thrusters to get the chutes to open in time tho
<Althego> usually i go below 70 around the west coast of of the continent with the crater
<flayer> one of the top fuel tanks got destroyed when it tipped over in the water, but otherwise: success! 3 intact main sail engines!
<flayer> 2000 dv in the orbiter to get to duna
<flayer> i think if i put the 30 km periapsis near the coast of the KSC peninsula i'll be alright
<Althego> 2000 is too much
<Althego> but you have a big safety margin
<flayer> i need some dv for an accurate landing on duna
<Althego> with 2000 you can go to jool
<flayer> because i'm not bringing a refueling station
<flayer> instead i will have to land at (yet to be built) base
<Althego> almost zero fuel needed with aerobraking
<flayer> yeah, but its hard to land accurately coming in from kerbin
<flayer> i need to refuel on snacks, oxidizer, and liquid fuel
<flayer> and land with too few parachutes XD
<Althego> you just need a high altitude deploying high speed parachute
<Althego> and a little bit of fuel
<flayer> maybe you need that for a pinpoint accurate landing
<flayer> i need much more lol
<Althego> normal chutes dont help you much anyway
<flayer> i mostly put them on for emergency landing on kerbin
<flayer> i also added a heatshield for that reason
<Althego> reasonable
<flayer> but i think this will work well
<flayer> can't wait to unlock this ship in my career mode
<flayer> 'starship borealis' lol
<Mat2ch> SnoopJ: yeah, but that still fits into my theory :D
* SnoopJ hasn't understood that theory
<SnoopJ> upshot: magnetism is basically free if you assume Coulomb's law and the Lorentz transformation :) (Veritasium showed this construction in one of his videos)
<Althego> but those are all classical
<Althego> wasnt there some experiment about the muon anomalous magnetic moment?
<raptop> Yeah, though that gets into stuff with the weak (and maybe strong?) nuclear force
<Mat2ch> SnoopJ: think about the quantum vacuum as a fluid and magnets as turbines.
<Mat2ch> just as a bad comparison. There are differences.
<SnoopJ> Althego, the Lorentz transformation is not classical
<SnoopJ> at least not in the context of SR
<SnoopJ> (the classical analogue is the Galilean transform)
<raptop> E&M is confusing because sometimes SR just sort of happens, but Maxwell's egguations are understood to be classical
<Althego> nnot quantum
<Althego> i meant that by classical
<raptop> ah
<SnoopJ> Althego, re: muon moment: yes, FNAL's g-2 just did their first release in the last ~2 months (tl;dr - yep, still lookin' weird!)
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<TwistenX> amo g us
<TwistenX> ok
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* raptop was a soundblaster peasant in that era
<Althego> i had an sb16 compatible as temporary for a few weeks. it was horror
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<Althego> i kept the old gus pnp from the p1
<Althego> probably doesnt work by now
<Althego> and no way to drive it, isa bus
<raptop> Also, suddenly reminded that I think I only had PC speaker back when I was playing Keen 4/5/6
* raptop didn't know that they had music for years >_>;;
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<Althego> the first pc game i could play with sound was raptor, call of shadows. still one of the best
<raptop> Speaking of games with good music
<kubi> oooh, that gravis max
<kubi> very good card with wave table instead of FM synthesizers
<kubi> we needed to hack the interrupt pin on a card as there was a collision
<kubi> good times when you could actually modify a PC
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> at least in the jumper era what you set was the law
<Althego> i got the gus pnp after a normal (not max), and that didnt have jumpers just some software to set the values. and windows from time to time owerwore them
<Althego> overwrote
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<packbart> I bought an expensive AWE32 but never used its wavetable stuff
<sandbox> I had one of those too
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<raptop> This seems like it would be useful to someone https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.10389
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