raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Althego> eh, coco is leaving. at least she said so
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<raptop> whelp
<Althego> no more reddit meme review
<Althego> after july 1
<umaxtu> uhhhh. Minecraft has an official Arch Linux installer.
<Althego> why is that strange?
<raptop> Huh, I would have not expected for that distro
<umaxtu> granted, it just links to the AUR, but still...
<umaxtu> the options for Linux downloads are Debian (and derivatives), Arch (and derivatives), and other
<raptop> hm
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<Althego> tech ingredients rockets continue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOg-CdfRImU
<Althego> some days old
<Althego> but they usually upload rarely, but a long and high quality video
<Althego> although in a previous one they said noctura instead of noctua :)
<Althego> several times with an r
<Althego> next rocket video will be about large engines and hybrid engines
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<Althego> nice
<Althego> put a smile on my face
<NGC3982> Mat2ch: wintergatan?
<Mat2ch> NGC3982: jup jup
<NGC3982> oh, it's you?
<Mat2ch> I'm lurking on their discord channel :D
<Mat2ch> Wait, me, no
<NGC3982> ah, lol
* NGC3982 got a bit star strucked for a moment
<Mat2ch> If I'd be Martin you wouldn't see me here right now. I'd have to work on the machine :D
<NGC3982> he's a swede, right?
<Mat2ch> yes, living in France now
<Mat2ch> hopefully with an AC
<Althego> why did they get a new radar in boca chica?
<Mat2ch> Better weather forecast for the upper winds
<Althego> "and because they have butt amplifier, cicadas are incredibly loud" - kyle hill
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Kalpa> It's finally out?
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<Althego> well, if is real, those objects pulled several thousand Gs
<Kalpa> Well, I just meant, the report is out
<Althego> i think it is possible to build electronics that can withstand that, but nothing likes to be accelerated that fast, especially living things
<Kalpa> Clearly unmanned, then
<Althego> maybe some kind of warp thing
<Althego> and somehow everything accelerates together
<NGC3982> peer-review?
<darsie> I think ICs can handle n*1000 g, e.g. when dropped. Circuit boards less so.
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<darsie> aquatic life can handle high g, too, if it doesn't have air bladders.
<darsie> for bouyancy
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<darsie> Dropping a hammer on an anvil stops it very quickly as indicated by a small dent. Electronics glued to the hammer may take that without issue.
<darsie> Or electronics epoxied into a hole in the hammer.
<darsie> The ultracentrifuge is a centrifuge optimized for spinning a rotor at very high speeds, capable of generating acceleration as high as 1 000 000 g (approx. 9 800 km/s²).
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<NGC3982> doesnt multidirectionality make surviving extreme g-forces much more complex?
<darsie> Then again, these accelerations may separate components in microbes, killing them.
<darsie> Preparative rotors are used in biology for pelleting of fine particulate fractions, such as cellular organelles (mitochondria, microsomes, ribosomes) and viruses.
<darsie> 1337
<Althego> exactly
<darsie> Carbon fiber rotors can carry tubes at 1 Mg.
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<NGC3982> i dont really know why but that article scared me a bit
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<Mat2ch> if you can go superluminal than you have to be in a bubble anyway and wont experience any acceleration at all.
<Mat2ch> peer reviewed UFO analysis. That' new (yeah, 2019 called, I know ;)
<NGC3982> well, it seems like we actually have data for the first time
<NGC3982> and as the article calls it, the number of independent sources and the status of the sources seem to indicate a higher standard of proof than usual
<NGC3982> s/for the first time/this time/g
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<Althego> zombie...
<Althego> zombanwa
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<Mat2ch> Oh, I was in the super market today buying groceries when I saw a microwave dish called: Chickeriki. I had to think of you...
<Althego> hehehe
<Deddly> I'm feeling I am missing a lot of context here
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<Althego> hehe tests show that the new nvidia ti variants are pointless, too expensive for their performance
<umaxtu> thats fine. nobody can buy one anyway
<Althego> hehe
<bees> gpus are about to get cheap anyway
* umaxtu does the "I got a 3070 at MSRP dance"
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes the impossible feat
<Althego> achievement unlocked
<bees> i am waiting until $1000 3090s from mining appear:>
<bees> some models with better vram cooling might be a good buy
<Althego> ah there will be a 1070 test on hardware unboxed, for comparison. and i have that. it is just barely keeping up with times
<Mat2ch> bees: they are? Is bitcoin dead yet? :D
<bees> Mat2ch: estimated profit until eth PoS now lies firmly below estimated amount of money that GPUs would lose in a market value during the same time
<Althego> bit isnt bitcoin designed so that the maximal amount is fixed? so sooner or later they must run out of all of them
<bees> so GPUs are falling in price faster than you can mine on them
<bees> many miners are already selling
<bees> local shop prices dropped by ~10-15% in half a month
<darsie> 1 Bitcoin is 35 kUSD.
<Althego> it was close to 60k not so long ago
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> Bitcoin is mined with ASICs.
<Althego> ah, true, i forgot about that
<Althego> but dont worry, chia is going to eat all of the ssds instead
<Mat2ch> is it? Nobody is talking about chia lately. So it could die without anyone noticing.
<Althego> i hope so
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<FLHerne> but I can't help imagining Starship being outfitted with a Klaw
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<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> make it kerbal
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