raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Guest05333> Who can I contact for information on a school-based licence? I need to sign up 40 students but could use some Australian prices first. It seems you have shut down the Kerbaledu software and I can't find contact details for you anywhere.
<betelgeuse> what a nice man
<raptop> kerbaledu was always a seperate project, so if they've shut things down I'm not sure what to suggest beyond emailing info@kerbalspaceprogram.com or the like
<betelgeuse> teaching his students ksp
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<Solar_Oracle> That feeling when you capture a settlement but the quest required you to sack it instead.
<raptop> You're doing better than the quest allows?
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<Solar_Oracle> Well, no, the terms are strict. So I had to reload a save from five turns earlier and do the same siege again. Though this time I had 0 losses, as opposed to five.
<Solar_Oracle> Lord Kroak getting in ~750 kills.
<raptop> that works, I guess
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<Solar_Oracle> Rip and tear, until it is done.
<Solar_Oracle> And Lord Kroak? Kroak has guts. Huge guts.
<raptop> ... do the lizards get velociraptor cavalry?
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<raptop> nice
* raptop looks at the name
* raptop imagines skaven ranged forces talking about breaking up a cold one with the boys
<raptop> s/up/open/
<Solar_Oracle> That sounds more like something Orks would say. Skaven don't have friends.
<raptop> ah
<Solar_Oracle> Dark Elves also have velociraptor cavalry and chariots.
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* raptop is getting from this that warhammer fantasy has a lot of fun with bonkers unit designs
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<Solar_Oracle> It's a world where steam tanks can fight dinosaurs riding other dinosaurs, where giant rat-propelled hamster wheels can duke it out with golems made from sunken ships and lion pulled chariots can harass elephants with tentacles and teeth on their snouts. The next game will also have angry people riding equally angry bears.
<raptop> nice
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<Althego> oh no, anton thinks glass is a viscous liquid. that would be pitch. glass in an amorphous solid
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<raptop> aaaa
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<minas_tirith> Althego, hi
<Althego> hah, lucky, the reaper stream moved more than 5 hours, so it will not overlap with holotalk
<Althego> and what is best she intentionally moved it so that they dont conflict
* flayer tickles Althego
<Althego> phoenix and dragon soon
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<Althego> almost time for the reaper but she is with ironmouse (this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship)
<raptop> reaper+demon?
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<Althego> heh couldnt write guh because i was not here
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<Althego> a shark is approaching
<raptop> But is gura smaller than a blahaj?
<Althego> what is that
<raptop> 1 meter long plush shark
<Althego> a
<raptop> あ
<Althego> probably somewhat bigger
* raptop recalls searching amazon a while back, and the longest plush sharks were 140 cm
<Althego> that is about gura's size
<Althego> i have to go to bed
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<Solar_Oracle> Everyone alive?
<Solar_Oracle> It appears I'm too late.
<Solar_Oracle> #KSPOfficial is on fire. Everything is burning.
* Solar_Oracle chants in Adagio for Strings.
* raptop sprays heavy halocarbons everywhere
* raptop wonders if getting halon 1211 all over the channel will annoy people
* bees adds halogen-halogen compounds to the mix
<Solar_Oracle> Only if it displaces enough oxygen to make them suffocate.
<Solar_Oracle> Beats using normal sprinklers in your computer rooms, anyway.
<Solar_Oracle> In which case, letting the fire take its natural course is almost preferable.
<Mat2ch> Solar_Oracle: barely.
<Mat2ch> It's the 1 o'clock here and I have 27° inside.
* raptop ponders turning up the A/C
<Solar_Oracle> I do not recommend at-home cryogenic suspension.
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<Solar_Oracle> You should only attempt cryogenic suspension with the assistance of trained medical professionals.
<Mat2ch> raptop: what A/C? It's uncommon to have an A/C here!
<raptop> Anyway, it was at least 85 F outside earlier
<Mat2ch> We are sweltering, slowly cooking in our own soup
<Solar_Oracle> If you experience nausea, headaches, heartburn, indigestion, uncontrollable bowel movements and death, you may be experiencing symptoms of Cryogenic Suspension sickness.
<raptop> (~29.5 C)
<Mat2ch> we had something like 35° outside
<Mat2ch> so, uh, almost 100 F?
<Solar_Oracle> Oh, wait, I thought you were talking degrees KELVIN.
<raptop> uh, like 95ish
* Mat2ch throws some Cs at Solar_Oracle
<Solar_Oracle> 95 degrees? That's still pretty co- oh, right.
* raptop mutters something about how the unit has been "kelvins" for decades
<Mat2ch> plus > 50 % humidity
<raptop> I guess you could do degrees rankine
<Solar_Oracle> I just use a cooling jacket, like in BattleTech.
<Mat2ch> I'd like to have a space suit.
<Solar_Oracle> Degrees Kelvin*s* sounds like you're measuring temperature by using multiple dudes named Kelvin.
<Mat2ch> It should be much more energy efficient to just cool me down and not the whole room.
<Solar_Oracle> "One degree Kelvin is equivalent to the body temperature of one Kelvin."
<Solar_Oracle> Mat2ch I jest, but they do use cooling vests in some contexts like AFVs.
<Mat2ch> anyways, I'm going to take a shower and try to sleep
<Mat2ch> I hope it will be the first and last heat wave this year. But I fear for worse.
<Solar_Oracle> BattleTech had full suits, but the factories all got obliterated and vests got used instead. MechWarriors of the Succession Wars period often ended up wearing absolutely nothing more than their cooling vests and NeuroHelms, going commando as it were.
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* raptop considers that there's a light mech named the commando
<Solar_Oracle> And the one with 10 SRM tubes is a literal pain in the backside.
<Solar_Oracle> It's like having a sprinting midget with a shotgun run circles around you.
<raptop> shotgun... like an LB-X autocannon?
<Solar_Oracle> Oh, no, short-range missiles. There aren't many light 'Mechs with autocannons
<Solar_Oracle> SRMs spread like a shotgun, though, and they're twice as powerful as an LRM per missile.
<raptop> ah
<Solar_Oracle> The only light 'Mech that has a stock version with an LB-X that I can think of off the top of my head is one of the Puma variants.
<Solar_Oracle> Which, gulp, comes with a LB-X 5 and an ER Large Pulse Laser.
<Solar_Oracle> Aside from Urbies, of course.
<raptop> hrm
<Solar_Oracle> But their whole shtick is mounting a giant honking gun on a trashcan with legs.
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<raptop> The urbanmech sounds like it's impersonating a tank-destroyer
<Solar_Oracle> Ah, but UrbanMechs also have 360 degree torso twist and jumpjets!
<Solar_Oracle> Tank Destroyers also tend to be fast. UrbanMechs are whatever the opposite of fast is.
<raptop> hm
<Solar_Oracle> There's actually a level in BattleTech 2018 where you fight with a lance of nothing but UrbanMechs against two other lances of UrbanMechs.
<raptop> All about positioning, I guess
<Solar_Oracle> If your MechWarriors are pretty high leveled, it becomes a hilariously brief slaughter as you can quickly core or leg the others.
<Solar_Oracle> Be careful, though, not to jump on to a building that's about to collapse. Or, in other worse: Be careful to shoot buildings out from underneath 'Mechs so that they'll collapse.
* raptop would be worried that urbanmechs would suddenly start acting like a toyota hilux and survive the fall
<Solar_Oracle> They can survive one fall, but you won't survive another fall.
<Solar_Oracle> I've had that happen plenty of times, where AI controlled 'Mechs have gotten fall damage and decide to jump on another building that gets 40 LRMs for its trouble.
<raptop> hah!
<Solar_Oracle> Extra hilarity ensues when they also receive a fatal number of injuries as a result of falling so many times.
<raptop> wait, 40 LRMs... did you have a pair of timberwolves or something?
<Solar_Oracle> Oh no, some versions of the Catapult and Archer comes stock with 2x LRM-20 launchers.
<raptop> ah
<Solar_Oracle> You can also cheese out other 'Mechs into missile boats, especially the Stalker and the made-for-the-game Bullshark, which really is a proto Mad Cat.
<Solar_Oracle> There's even a level with a one-off Stalker with 3 LRM-20 launchers, making it an LRM Carrier with legs and better armor.
* Solar_Oracle spits out beverage
<Solar_Oracle> THREE maxed out LRM-20s!
<Solar_Oracle> I don't care if they're 1.2 million C-Bills apiece!
* raptop doesn't recall how much mechs cost, presumably that's still less than a new urbanmech?
<Solar_Oracle> Yeah.
<Solar_Oracle> Though an UrbanMech can be as little as 1/10th the cost of an Inner Sphere Assault 'Mech.
<Solar_Oracle> And 1/20th the cost of a Clan Assault 'Mech.
* raptop gets the impression that the clans have larger industrial bases, though
<Solar_Oracle> Not necessarily, especially as it concerns civilians.
<Solar_Oracle> Their military industry had to start from scratch in the Clan Homeworlds, but they had technical documents and personnel that would've been incinerated in the 1st and 2nd Succession Wars.
<Solar_Oracle> But consumer goods and the like were of secondary importance at best, and civilians were almost never provided with representation in government as was often the case with individual Inner Sphere worlds.
<Solar_Oracle> I have no doubt some Periphery nations (particularly the Magistracy of Canopus) have it better off in terms of standard of living than any of the Clan Worlds outside the Ghost Bear Dominion.
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<Solar_Oracle> Clans delenda est.
<raptop> hrm
<Solar_Oracle> Smoke Jaguar belongs on the cross.