raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<transit> Game hung on asset loading bit. 😕
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<Althego> oh no, the differential equation stream is now private
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<Mat2ch> The Plaid Model S will sound like a bike...
<Mat2ch> 20k rpm for the motor
<Mat2ch> crazy stuff
<Mat2ch> If someone starts building superluminal ships now, we will all travel in one in 10 years. Crazy fast development is possible
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<darsie> If we travel FTL we'll get younger.
<Mat2ch> why is that?
<darsie> Can we build superluminal cars, too?
<darsie> jk. Time slows down with speed an halts at c. I was extrapolating.
<darsie> Doesn't apply within warp bubbles.
<darsie> Consult your phycicist.
<darsie> physicist
<Mat2ch> I'm talking about FTL most of the time. Relativistic speeds are almost impossible to reach, so why bother.
<darsie> It's easy for electrons.
<Althego> hehe ea source code leaked out
<Althego> 780 GB of data
<Mat2ch> oh, a data breach, if there was only a thing you could do against them!
<Mat2ch> But we have to accept those natural desasters.
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<Althego> and the guy was afraid that as the code is not available, people find the security problems with it
<Mat2ch> (I hope my cynicism isn't too harsh here)
<Althego> if it was open source some people would even fix it
<Mat2ch> *disaster
<Althego> when you buy the game, you dont buy the engine. you buy the content
<Althego> so everybody could open source the engine
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<Mat2ch> But then the big company wouldn't have the control over its intellectual property! And being in control is everything!
<Althego> and would earn the same amount of money, with less effort
<Mat2ch> There's already godot and it has made some huge improvements lately.
<Mat2ch> Also Epic is doing this. But I don't like Epic, because they don't like Linux :P
<Althego> heh fix: not "not available" but "now available" in the sentence starting with and the guy
<Mat2ch> important difference!
* Mat2ch is now going to make pancakes
<Althego> usually i dont try to correct my typos, just when they make a difference
<Mat2ch> \o/
<Althego> nice
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<Mat2ch> Althego: also I'm now officially allowed to correct all my types and persist on doing so. ;)
<Althego> rtp payload types?
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> *typos
<Mat2ch> I want to curse now very loudly.
<Mat2ch> But that is not what I'm not allowed to :(
<Mat2ch> And a "not" too much.
<Althego> typo corrections usually also have typos
<Mat2ch> Time to get some sugar into my stomach
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> the pancakes are taking their time.
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<Althego> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/202965-ksp-loading-getting-ready-to-celebrate/
<Althego> well well, it is the end
<Althego> tldr: the last ever content update
<bees> rejoice, because mods would be updated
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> stability is good for the mod
<Althego> s
<Althego> ferengi rules of acquisition, rule N: war is good for the business. rule N+1: peace is good for the business
<Azander> More like N+1: peace is good for business, but war is better.
<Althego> i am not a ferengi, cant remember all of these perfectly
<Althego> rules 34 and 45
<Althego> there is no the in it
<Althego> but that was my only mistake
<Althego> 45 is 35 of course
<Althego> so 10 billion isd for landers
<Althego> usd
<Althego> to have some competition
<umaxtu> "competition"
<umaxtu> would be hilarious if Dynetics somehow won the 2nd spot
<Althego> the fixed boeing starliner still hasnt flown yet. the blazing speed
<Althego> dynetics is the only other reasonable candidate
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<umaxtu> apart from their design requires the invention of negative mass
<Althego> such things are always overweight in the beginning
<Althego> still looks more believable than the starship lander
<a_flayer> give us a picture
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<Mat2ch> although the starship lander will fly much much earlier.
<Althego> who knows
<Althego> at this point i would be happy if it makes into orbit
<Mat2ch> First it'll make it into the pacific.
<Althego> yes almost orbit
<Althego> finally a critical test of the thermal protection
<Mat2ch> jup
<Mat2ch> but the protection itself doesn't seem to be a big issue
<Althego> i am afraid that it will faail easily
<Mat2ch> everyone says that the design itself - made out of steel - is pretty resilient
<Althego> yes it can take heat well
<Althego> but still need the heat shield
<Mat2ch> but even if one tile fails it probably wont burn through
<Mat2ch> which is interesting
<Althego> interesting
<Althego> probably the surrounding mass can soak in the heat
<Mat2ch> that's what they say
<Mat2ch> Without a heat shield it would get too hot, but with it it can take a few hits
<Althego> build a starship, they sai.d it will be fun, they said :)
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> hah, photonicinduction is back. starting with destroying a 5000A fuse
<darsie> Build a galactic ship.
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<Mat2ch> chickeriki!
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> bird is lost, not a cat at the moment
<raptop> KFP-JP franchise expansion?
<darsie> .
<Althego> something about some festival and wool
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<kubi> "last major release"
<kubi> well 1 is the major
<Althego> actually last minor release
<kubi> since then it is ...
<Althego> so maybe we can hope 1 or 2 patch fixes
<Althego> which would mean most open bugs will be forever open
<Althego> maybe when it gets 20 years old, they could release the sources too, so some people would maintain it further
<Althego> scott
<Althego> (scott talkeb about something else)
<raptop> It feels uncomfortably likely that the source code will be lost or destroyed in 10 years
<Althego> yes
<raptop> (Also, there's always the chance of some hard break in Unity compatability)
<Althego> id software for example used to release its old engines. does it still happen?
<kubi> releasing the source may have issues
<kubi> it is not unusual that parts of the code is not their IP
<kubi> they just bought the right to integrate, not to release or sell for reuse
<kubi> or similar
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<raptop> ...why did the epic game store just send me an ad to get discord nitro?
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<TwistenX> How can you give an asteroid/comet a custom name? Do you first have to start tracking it, or do you have to dock/grapple it?
<raptop> I think you can after tracking it?
<TwistenX> Good, cause I want to start analoging things, like real Space Centers, and I don't want all my asteroids to have names, like, "AST-987-125."
<raptop> Hey, blame it on the plates assigned by the department of celestial vehicles
<TwistenX> Is that the name of the Tracking Station?
<darsie> .
<TwistenX> darsie: so true
<raptop> ..
<TwistenX> yes
<TwistenX> Also, don't comets break into smaller pieces when they enter a bodies' atmosphere?
<a_flayer> there's a 'your mom' joke in there
<raptop> Generally they do, yes
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<TwistenX> What would happen if you pushed two asteroids/comets into each other?
<raptop> *bonk*
<raptop> Well, maybe one would explode
<TwistenX> If you just yeet a Class-A at a Class-E, you could break the game, maybe
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* a_flayer sighs
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<raptop> !outcome add The survivors curse your name.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: The survivors curse your name.
<raptop> !outcome add Your reputation underflows, and suddenly the really nice contracts are available again.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Your reputation underflows, and suddenly the really nice contracts are available again.
<raptop> !outcome add A congressional investigation is launched into your severe cost and schedule overruns.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: A congressional investigation is launched into your severe cost and schedule overruns.
<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: After trying a meta-meat pie at the KSC, you build a protein/anti-protein generator. Failure is not an option.
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<FLHerne> !outcome add Failure is not an option, but happens anyway.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: Failure is not an option, but happens anyway.
<FLHerne> !mission
<LunchBot> FLHerne: You swap the canteen coffee with mystery goo. The Klinux operating system on your ship gets BSoD constantly.
<raptop> . o O (Wouldn't a kerbal OS get a Green Screen of Death?)
<darsie> I don't seem to get any DLC related contracts.
<darsie> Is this because I made all my vessles/stations before I got DLCs?
<raptop> Not sure, but I suspect so
<darsie> ok