raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<TwistenX> p
<TwistenX> darsie why is one of your probes named wake up
<darsie> Because that's the evil one that flies past Kerbals stranded in orbit and tells them to do a jetpack deorbit ;).
<TwistenX> what
<TwistenX> Who is Cristiano
<TwistenX> and why does he have a Wreckage
<darsie> When I encounter a stranded Kerbal in orbit (within 2.2 km), I can switch to the other craft. Then I have control of that craft, and do a jetpack deorbit with the Kerbal.
<darsie> Because Cristiano left his craft and did a jetpack deorbit.
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<darsie> I could delete the wreck, but it's useful for Kerbals who jetpack to Kerbin from the Mun or Minmus :). They then aerobrake to LKO, enter the wreck to refill their jetpack and then jetpack deorbit :).
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<darsie> Cristiano is a 2* engineer now and just flew the surfac Ionograph mission to Minmus.
<darsie> I accidently crashed him into Minmus on the way back to Kerbin.
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<raptop> !mission add You decide to solve your problems with violence.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You decide to solve your problems with violence.
<raptop> !mission add You suggest that IKEA replace their Blåhaj line with plush krakens.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You suggest that IKEA replace their Blåhaj line with plush krakens.
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<raptop> !outcome add And that's how kerbals became multiplanetary.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: And that's how kerbals became multiplanetary.
<raptop> reason: I said it wasn't a real ban
<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You launch a spaceplane powered by antimatter scramjets. ond of StarHorder's Orbital Howitzer Station Hindering Idiotic Tragedy locates and destroys your million dollar ship,
<raptop> o_O
<raptop> !outcome del ond of StarHorder's Orbital Howitzer Station Hindering Idiotic Tragedy locates and destroys your million dollar ship,
<LunchBot> raptop: Deleted outcome: "ond of StarHorder's Orbital Howitzer Station Hindering Idiotic Tragedy locates and destroys your million dollar ship,"
<raptop> I mean, I appreciate the acronym, but the spelling and punctuation...
<raptop> !mission add You mistake Werner von Kerman's Curta for a hand grenade.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You mistake Werner von Kerman's Curta for a hand grenade.
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<raptop> \o
<raptop> Althego: does takoeats deliver to hungary?
<Althego> havent checked it yet
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<raptop> ah
* raptop gets the impression that you can split vtubers into "pretty chill in horror games" and "lots of terrified screaming in horror games"
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<Althego> guh
<Althego> shadowverse
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<Althego> i wonder how many seconds passed between 0th second of 1900 and 0th second of 1970
<Althego> hehe, somehow google autocompleted it, probably many other people wanted to know this too :)
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<Althego> 2208988800
<raptop> Some of those are evil years with fractional leap seconds
<Althego> fractional leap seconds
<Althego> what kind of evil comes up with these ideas
<Althego> all this because for some rtcp you need ntp timestamp which start from 1900
<minas_tirith> Althego, time and date management is the most complex problem known to man
<Althego> another thing we failed at
<Althego> what else could i expect, it is part of computing, which is already beyond repair
* raptop blames the earth being irregularly wobbly
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<UmbralRaptop> Apropos nothing, Excel will throw an error for dates before about 1900
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<prefixcactus> !stupid
<LunchBot> prefixcactus: "All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?"
<prefixcactus> !mission
<LunchBot> prefixcactus: You fly past Santa on your way to orbit. Your NTR goes prompt-critical.
<prefixcactus> !stupidmission
<Althego> isnt it 1904?
<melted_bees> prefixcactus: You begin testing the effects of high velocity cactus in zero gravity. You break the fourth wall and your house collapses.
<Althego> hehe
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<prefixcactus> lol
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<Althego> yay event horizon
<Mat2ch> no no no no
<Mat2ch> I still have nightmares about this!
<Mat2ch> and I'm not going back in!
<Althego> what, not the movie
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> the yt channel
<Althego> with john michael godier and random scientists as guests
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<raptop> Althego: well, it might be giving the wrong answer by a day or so, but it doesn't throw a "#VALUE!" error
<Althego> excel?
<Althego> ah it is from 1900
<Althego> but then what was from 1904
<Althego> it seems it can be from 1904 in excel
* raptop wants to say that one is on PC and one on Mac
<raptop> (at least OS 9 and earlier)
<prefixcactus> oh, hello, raptop-san
<prefixcactus> how's your everything?
<raptop> prefixcactus: well, I'm surviving (probably)
<prefixcactus> is something trying to prevent you from surviving?
<darsie> time
<darsie> Telomers
<raptop> also some virus, though the risk for me personally should be minimal now
<prefixcactus> have you had your shot already?
<raptop> yeah
<raptop> well, shots since it was a 2 dose vaccine
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<Guest46851> jeb
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<sandbox> ok
<prefixcactus> nice
<darsie> jab
<prefixcactus> I've got mine too, though not without getting infected (lightly) before that
<Althego> heh, thanks google. please send malformed rtcp packets, so that even wireshark cant parse them
<FLHerne> Boeing 804 totally looks like someone put the cockpit part on upside-down https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/data/attachments/181/181486-d3bdcd711fba74c0bc1d429d977bb0d8.jpg
<prefixcactus> er, looks symmetric to me
<darsie> Staging, comm, electric, crew, engineer's report
<prefixcactus> two clipped cockpit parts?
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<raptop> wings remind me of early XF-108 and XB-70 designs
<Rokker> raptop: speaking of
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<raptop> plane
<Rokker> I got pinged right as I was passing my baby
<raptop> hah
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<Althego> ah hardware unboxed and gamers nexus amd fidelity fx
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<darsie> Facepalm: I brought Jeb and Val to the Mun. Missing a scientist.
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<darsie> Rocket science is hard. :)
<darsie> So much can go wrong and you may not be able to fix it.
<Althego> at least you brought a parachute :)
<raptop> Just dunk Jeb in the mystery goo
<Althego> wouléd that turn him into a scientist?
<Althego> as some kind of superpower?
<Althego> mystery goo. sugar. spice. and everything that flies
<raptop> Obviously dunking Jeb in the science makes him a scientist
<Althego> science is a process. cant put somebody in it. unless they are doing it
<raptop> Are grad students more or less expendable than kerbals?
<Althego> hehe probably
<Althego> i mean probably about the same. so they are kerbals
<Izaya> something something hypergolic with test engineers
<raptop> It's fine, we just ended up with a lot of engineer-fluoride and engineer-chloride
<Althego> lol
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<darsie> Henke Kerman studies the Goo on the surface of the Mun: https://i.postimg.cc/wqk51jtZ/screenshot548.png
<Althego> year 1, colorized?
<darsie> Yeah 55 or so.
<darsie> 55
<darsie> With Kerbin, class I comet and refuelling truck.
<Althego> ah didnt notice the comet, nice
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<darsie> Dunno why it has a blue line.
<Althego> that is normal
<darsie> In KSP :)
<Althego> comets have to kinds of materials coming out
<darsie> two
<darsie> hmm
<Althego> dust and smaller molecules, mostly hydriogen ions
<darsie> ok
<Althego> the dust reflects the sun's light, that is the yellow tail
<Althego> and since it has mass, it appears to be bending, as the comet moves on
<Althego> the ions are much lighter so they point directly in opposition of the sun
<Althego> and has bluish colors
<Althego> that is the thinner tail
<darsie> ic
<Althego> so although the dust particles are blown out by the sun too, it has less effect, and keep some of the original velocity, so it is curved
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<raptop> huh, the random GoG giveaways continue with ARMA
<sandbox> it's free on steam too, I think because they are pushing a new DLC for ARMA3
<raptop> ah
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<umaxtu> its free on steam too
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