raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Mat2ch> Uhm, they are building another part for the OLIT. I thought five would be enough. No, a sixth one is being built
<Mat2ch> that thing will be huge. HUGE.
<Mat2ch> And I wonder why they are using cranes and not the Japanese way of building by using hydraulic rams to push ech section higher ;)
<Althego> what part?
<Mat2ch> Orbital launch integration tower is made out of segments
<Mat2ch> and now they are building another one
<Althego> ah that
<Althego> we also never expected the vertical extension on the launchpad
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<FLHerne> Althego: It's going to be 469ft high plus a lightning rod, and each segment is 60ft, so 7 segments
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: metric plz
<FLHerne> I was expecting 8 for a while, but someone pointed out that I'd mis-estimated the height of each segment
<Mat2ch> It's planned and built in metric :P
<FLHerne> The planning documents are in feet
<FLHerne> And the segments are suspiciously close to being exactly 60ft for being metric :p
<Mat2ch> The official ones. Not the internal ones :D
<FLHerne> You have the internal ones?
<Mat2ch> The 60 feet is because of the trailer length.
<Althego> i guess they are feet for permits and such
<Mat2ch> also 60 feet is just a bit above 18 m
<Mat2ch> and 469 feet looks more like 143 m.
<FLHerne> Do you have a good reason to believe they're metric? I thought pretty much all US construction was still in feet and inches by default
<Althego> spacex, and nasa uses si internally
<FLHerne> and the parts are from an outside contractor, not SpaceX
<Mat2ch> Starship is built in metric.
<Mat2ch> So the launch table and the tower should fit that
<Althego> but buildings might be designed by other ocmpanies
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: Yeah, but the interfaces are a relatively small set of bolt-on widgets, you don't need to do the entire structure in metric
<FLHerne> https://www.southlandsteel.com/projects <- I was going to say we know exactly who's building it, but their website is broken today :p
<Althego> hehe guru meditation
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Misses the red blinking frame.
<Mat2ch> they are probably using fastly or something which is dead: https://status.fastly.com/
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> "Let's all build on a single point of failure! It's going to be great!"
<Mat2ch> I hate webdevelopers :P
<Althego> most people do. if they dont, they just dont know what they do :)
<Mat2ch> hehe
<Althego> but to be hones computing is worse than it ever was
<Mat2ch> It is.
<Mat2ch> I've seen an LGR video yesterday about Unreal Tournament and how it shaped the industry 20 years ago. That game was so much performance optimized to even run on the computers back then.
<Mat2ch> Then I think of games like Cyberpunk 2077 and how bad those games are.
<Mat2ch> Really really bad.
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<Mat2ch> So many people who don't have a clue how computers work now "work with computers"
<Mat2ch> it's a shame and a waste of ressources.
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<packbart> oh well, the new Elite Dangerous DLC can reach single-digit frame rates on high-end systems
<packbart> (granted, KSP can be a slideshow, too)
<umaxtu> you usually have to work at it though
<Althego> lol
<Althego> guh
<umaxtu> speaking of highend systems... my new build is finally complete. I picked up a 5900x this weekend
<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> and what does the dragon say? i dont know
<Althego> 5900x nice
<Althego> umaxtu: did you manage to conjure a video card from sand too?
<umaxtu> yes, a 3070 Founders edition at MSRP
<Althego> impossible
<umaxtu> pretty much
<Althego> fallen off from truck :)
<umaxtu> maybe, the finish does have a slight blemish
<Althego> here it means it is stolen :)
<umaxtu> or that
<umaxtu> I did have to drive almost 300 miles to get the 5900x
<Althego> lol
<Althego> and in a shady alley there was a black car with dark windows. a guy with sunglasses got out, took out a metal case from the trunk. you gave him the money, and he opened the case, in which there were cpus, took one and gave it to you
<umaxtu> nah, thats just where the closest microcenter is
<umaxtu> clearly you are watching too much crime dramas
<Althego> there was a story from one of the siplace support engineers. he needed the axis test box and the scope for something, but didnt have it. asked an other one to lend him one. so he drove to austria, and stopped in the first place after the border
<Althego> met the other guy there, who also came in car. took out a box, gave it to him, and they went off their way
<Althego> on his way back the police stopped him, because it was kind of a strange transaction :)
<umaxtu> lol
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<Mat2ch> Althego: CPUs aren't the problem... He opens his coat and ask you in a dark voice: Need a new gpu?
<Althego> you cant get that in a simple way
<Althego> that is why you have to conjure it
<Althego> or transmute sand
<Althego> or something
<Mat2ch> do I need a goat for the ritual?
<umaxtu> I don't have to start with sand. theres a silicon wafer manufacturer in Michigan
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<packbart> mmmh, silicon waffles
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> (more than an hour ago)
<Althego> yes i saw that
<Althego> but i guess there will be more
<Althego> and the camera on it is only for public outreach, not science
<Althego> it did get lot of science data during the years
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<Guest42942> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest42942
<Guest42942> ok
<Guest42942> is anyone here?
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<Althego> heh
<Mat2ch> how do they know that Mod9000 is a bot?!
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<FLHerne> It's obviously a bot
<FLHerne> It replies "Hello, <name>", inhumanly quickly, whether or not it makes any sense in context
<FLHerne> And it's called Mod9000
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<darsie> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, darsie
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<sandbox> howdy
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<darsie> .
<UmbralRaptop> \o
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