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<Solar_Oracle> A wild M-type star appeared!
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* Solar_Oracle used p-chain fusion.
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<raptop> It's not very effective...
<raptop> (I mean, the luminosity of a typical M-dwarf isn't any larger than a medium-sized nuke)
* raptop ignores that you can't have a nuclear weapon detonate continuously for gigayears (if not terayears)
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<Solar_Oracle> You laugh at me, but like the mighty Magikarp, I shall be left standing when the rest of the universe grows dim.
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<Solar_Oracle> The last civilizations will cling to the light which you once called feeble!
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<Solar_Oracle> In the end, your greatest leaders will beg to serve us!
<raptop> heh
<Solar_Oracle> Also, I'm currently going full tilt into my current project: A Let's Suff- I mean Let's Read of "A Hymn Before Battle" by the Ringo that wasn't a drummer for the Beatles
<Solar_Oracle> One chapter in, and I'm already reading on how good chicken tastes like sand.
<raptop> uh
<raptop> I've heard that turkey can have a grainy texture vs chicken, but still o_O
<Solar_Oracle> This is further proof that John Ringo is not of this Earth.
<Solar_Oracle> I am, however, going to need a place to upload this Let's Read.
<Solar_Oracle> By the Kraken, this book is awful.
<Solar_Oracle> A Hymn Before Battle? More like a hymn before I had to read this awful text.
<Solar_Oracle> And GRRRRRR too much military terminology! It's a science-fiction action book, not a manual!
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<Solar_Oracle> Pro tip, science-fiction writers: Most of you understand so little of space flight that you will be the LAST people on the planet to be contacted if a space navy is needed to fight aliens.
<Solar_Oracle> For every one person that writes something that reads like Children of a Dead Earth in text format, we'd get a thousand people who think it should play out like Battlefleet Gothic
<umaxtu> what book?
<raptop> A Hymn Before Battle
<raptop> Or more generally,too many writers thinking that they're writing with a different level of realism than they actually are
<Solar_Oracle> It's the first in what is known as the Posleen Series.
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<Solar_Oracle> It's a series about an invasion of Earth led by a bunch of aliens that would have trouble screwing in a light bulb without accidentally blowing themselves up. Think Orks, but even more stupid.
<umaxtu> theres this one fairly cheesy sci-fi series that I like where the author tries to consider the impacts of traveling at .1 - .2 c
<Solar_Oracle> I only wish we got that level of analysis. In one of the series' later books, we get tanks with supersized conventional penetrators loaded with multiple grams of antimatter.
<Solar_Oracle> And bounding antigravity mines that are weaker than existing bounding mines.
* raptop still wants to know what you'd fire a weapon with multiple grams of antimatter at. Enemy tank divisions and/or carrier battlegroups?
<Solar_Oracle> Dropships. The penetrator part is silly, the antimatter alone should've vaporized a gigantic chunk of the vehicles and brought them down just as spectacularly.
<Solar_Oracle> It gets even sillier when they reveal they're vulnerable to neutron bombs.
<Solar_Oracle> The Posleen literally seem to use steel for their ships instead of some neutron unfriendly space shielding.
<umaxtu> that relativistic distortion is really the only concession to realism. the ships have inertial compensators and impossibly powerful and efficient propulsion systems
<raptop> hm
<Solar_Oracle> Alright, more writing tomorrow. I must find a place to deposit this filth.
<umaxtu> sounds perfect for tumblr
<Solar_Oracle> Wait, *tumblr?*
<umaxtu> well, pre-verizon tumblr
<raptop> it's fine, they're not posting porn
<Solar_Oracle> Surprisingly, Something Awful still exists.
<Solar_Oracle> And that's where the original Let's Read format originated. I've already formatted my text for Reddit, but I also have to inconveniently split up the chapters because Reddit has pretty severe character limits in posts.
<Solar_Oracle> And I'm unsure what SubReddit would tolerate this torture.
<Izaya> umaxtu: is it the Zones of Thought series by chance?
<Izaya> though I suppose that's more the Cycle of Empires In Space!
<Solar_Oracle> I only now realized that the reptilian centaur-esque Posleen are a lot like Tyranid Termagaunts, except with hands.
<Solar_Oracle> Games Workshop must've been on serious acid when they did the classic Tyranid color schemes.
<raptop> 90s (80s?) 40k armies seem like they were more colorful if anything
<Solar_Oracle> Heh, the Eldar haven't actually changed that much compared to the rest. The Guard used to have a huuuuge variety of miniatures.
<umaxtu> Izaya, nah. its the Lost Fleet series
* raptop gets the impression that literally every uniform that was used by an army between 1900 and 1950 is part of some division of the Imperial Guard
<Solar_Oracle> They even had some from earlier, ala the Vostroyan First Born.
<raptop> ooh, imperial russia?
<Solar_Oracle> Yeah.
<Solar_Oracle> GW's always allowed a bit of leeway into the sheer customization of Guard regiments, even if they mostly sell Cadian models now.
<Solar_Oracle> With millions of inhabited worlds, it's pretty easy to come up with an excuse for a Guard regiment to look like whatever you wish.
<Solar_Oracle> Though, lore-wise, they're supposed to be single purpose IE: A regiment can consist of tanks or infantry (not always mechanized), but never both.
<Solar_Oracle> But the actual size of a regiment varies tremendously.
<Solar_Oracle> The Ciaphas Cain novels, for example, largely deal with a regiment that's overstrength because of a clerical error that's never resolved.
<Solar_Oracle> The regiment in question is the combination of two former regiments, but the Empire's military administration just goes on assuming both still exist independently and hands out reinforcements and supplies thusly.
<Solar_Oracle> Which is pretty believable in Warhammer's context, as it could literally take them thousands of years to sort out the paperwork.
<Solar_Oracle> I imagine the form for a disbandment of the two regiments is sitting at the bottom of a kilometer high stack of other forms in some basement in a hive on Terra, the responsibility of a clerk that died two hundred years ago and hadn't been replaced because they failed to clock out during their 20 hour shift.
<Solar_Oracle> And the kicker? They'll be fired once their supervisor realizes they died on the job.
<raptop> hah
<Solar_Oracle> Amusingly, until April or so, it was even possible to make worlds in Stellaris that existed for nothing than the sake of bureaucracy.
<Solar_Oracle> Like you could fill every building slot with administrative offices, and I'd often have multiple planets like this in late games.
<Solar_Oracle> Good times.
<raptop> "What does this planet produce?" "Paperwork."
<Solar_Oracle> Even more fun when it's an ecumenopolis, but their power lies beyond building slots.
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<Eddi|zuHause> hi. been a while since i played... i'm having trouble getting the game to start some/most of the time. and get this backtrace:
<Eddi|zuHause> makes checking for incompatible/obsolete mods kind of a pain...
* raptop would probably be forced to suggest asking on the forums
<Eddi|zuHause> i vaguely remember being unable to even register on the forums last time
<raptop> blarg
<Eddi|zuHause> closest i can find
<Eddi|zuHause> kinda old though
<Eddi|zuHause> i do seem to have a bugtracker account, but not a forum account
<raptop> it me or does the bugtracker use wiki accounts?
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<kubi> try with a vanilla install
<kubi> delete everything
<kubi> and build up the mods slowly
<Althego> "wipe them out. all of them" :)
<kubi> kill 'em all
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<Althego> eh, the differential equation stream is cancelled again
<Althego> i have been waiting for that for two weeks already
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<Althego> guh
<minas_tirith> Althego, what stream
<Althego> ollie's differential equation stream. if you dont know what i am talking about, it is guaranteed to be vtuber silliness
<XXCoder> i heard new ksp 1.0 update will be last update?
<minas_tirith> Do vtubers teach math too
<XXCoder> yes
<flayer> XXCoder, last major udpate, yeah, i think so
<Althego> 1.12 is the last update
<Althego> although at least one patch release is still expected
<flayer> maybe a bugfix patch
<Althego> 1.12.1
<XXCoder> id not be surpised on minor fixes
<XXCoder> its needed if you want to show good software support
<minas_tirith> Althego, do they draw and animate it themselves?
<Althego> it was stated there may be bugfixes
<XXCoder> i forgot what software it was, but i remember one time they had last major update to game, which added a major crash big
<XXCoder> bug
<Althego> most of them are using models drawn and rigged by other people. i know of at least one, juniper actias, who draws and rigs her models
<XXCoder> then they never updated it again
<flayer> sadness
<XXCoder> if i remember right, newer version was a massive flop
<XXCoder> people simply didnt buy it
<Althego> you dont need to buy this and it doesnt crash either
<XXCoder> probably due to being unable to really play first one
<flayer> deploying elevons in an aerobraking formation is a great way to slow down for landing
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<Althego> heh i clicked the free game trilogy on gog
<Althego> now i have 101 games, and never had 100. the only problem is, it is 101h
<darsie> 101th? 101 hex?
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<darsie> free game trilogy?
<darsie> Why is it a problem?
<Althego> because i skipped the 100h games
<Eddi|zuHause> <kubi> and build up the mods slowly <-- uhm, yes. that's what i was trying to do. but the crash happens also in vanilla, and if you then try adding mods one by one, it's hard to determine whether the mod made it worse
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<Eddi|zuHause> looks like complete random chance (something like 1 in 6) that the game starts up at all
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<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: if it's any consolidation to you, 101h is prime.
<Althego> eh
<darsie> consolation
<Althego> actually i dont like primes
<darsie> Do you like cryptography?
<Althego> no, not really
<darsie> Ok. I guess you don't use HTTPSeverywhere, then.
<Althego> i dont need to like it to use it
<darsie> It's optional.
<flayer> liking it is optional
<Althego> i am more of a control engineering guy than a crypto guy
<Mat2ch> Crypto is nice stuff, but we sometimes make it awfully hard.
<Althego> a dad, a shark and a chicken go to summer festival in minecraft
<flayer> it was easy enough to get encryption working on my website
<Eddi|zuHause> i've seen an automatic chicken cooking machine in minecraft
<Althego> add a tako too
<Althego> and a time traveler
<Althego> so they are all coming
<Althego> i can watch 5 streams in parallel. 3 is tops
* flayer slaps Althego
<Althego> *cant watch
<Althego> hehe they are going to crash the serverwith this many people :)
<Althego> kikkerikii
<flayer> what are you watching
<Eddi|zuHause> you can reduce streaming quality
<Althego> doesnt help that i lack sufficient brain capacity to process all of it
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<Eddi|zuHause> having more than one stream unmuted at a time is just asking for trouble
<Althego> not if they have separate audio. but now they are connected in some voice chat
<darsie> I was testing the range at which Bob can operate instruments on EVA and the magentometer boom wasn't cooperative at all. So I set orbit and oops, bob was in orbit, but not the ship :).
<darsie> works in orbit.
<darsie> Will the magnetometer work on the surface of Minmus?
<darsie> It's not in the wiki.
<darsie> I tried to cheat my ship to 0 m altitude to minmus and I got in a deep blue environment. The ship was gone, Bob was still on camera, but coudn't go on EVA. ESC didn't pop up the menu. I quit with alt-f4.
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<darsie> Will the magnetometer work on the surface of Minmus? Nope.
<darsie> That's appearently not "In the vacuum of space."
<flayer> you can only use the extend-o-boom while in orbit afaik
<darsie> Or while hopping :).
<flayer> when not surfaced!
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* darsie competed the tech tree.
<darsie> completed*
<Althego> great
<darsie> I forgot to add picoports.
<Althego> what is that
<darsie> mod. smaller than the Junior Port.
<darsie> For small probes.
<Althego> what does it do?
<darsie> docking ports
<Althego> for probes?
<darsie> That's the most common use case.
<Althego> "i take orvellian quotes for 800", lol gamesrs nexus steve
<raptop> Is that a quote about early flight?
<Althego> after the quote, tehre is the joke
<Althego> good that they are also criticizing the online acount required for win11
<Althego> that is one of the worst moves they could make
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<umaxtu> I use pro so *shrug*
<darsie> .tell
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<kubi> hmmm
<kubi> the mouse wheel is really backwards
<kubi> quality control is not the strength of this team
<kubi> also
<kubi> empty VAB - put down the root (normal capsule) - right click on it to pop up the tweakables - move the mouse onto the popup - capsule jumps somewhere and then moves with the mouse
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<kubi> just like left mousebutton drag
<kubi> so, wait for 1.12.1
<kubi> at least
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<raptop> !outcome add You are now known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You are now known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.