raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Althego> and there it is. the vshojo collab. kiara with nyanners
* raptop is impressed that it's happening
<umaxtu> who, who and what?
<Althego> to the bottom left, and beyond!
* umaxtu is totally confused
<raptop> vtuber silliness
<raptop> hrm, will this be streamed on both youtube and twitch?
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<Althego> not sure. no link for future twitch stream, only for yt
<Althego> i will have to watch that tomorrow
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<raptop> umaxtu: anyway, the bottom left thing is a meme, from graphing people's personalities: x-axis is intelligence and y-axis is purity
<umaxtu> lol
<raptop> hah
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<Soubby> soup
<raptop> !mission add You find N-body gravity too complicated, and downgrade to M-body.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You find N-body gravity too complicated, and downgrade to M-body.
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<Soubby> im on S-body
<Soubby> s for soup
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<Althego> at least improved communication from soub to soup
<Althego> but still doesnt make more sense
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<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> lol, a game where you have voice control. probable based on signal strength. so loud zombie became even loider
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<Mat2ch> XXCoder: https://isfreenodedeadyet.com/ ;)
<XXCoder> yep
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<Althego> yes i like the diagrams in this
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<Althego> looks like it really died
<Mat2ch> And that's the reason why the Aliens don't want to have to deal with us. :D
<Althego> this is just a small part
<Althego> homans are way morehorrible than this
<Mat2ch> yeah. Not developed enough for the nice things.
<Althego> lol homan
<Althego> what is a homan
<Mat2ch> hoooooooooman
<Mat2ch> I thought that o was intentional
<Mat2ch> Misspelling human to show our full potential.
<XXCoder> " cumidillo
<XXCoder> duoi: freenode is healthier than ever. ignore the trolls"
<XXCoder> LOL
<Mat2ch> As healthy as a zombie can be.
<Mat2ch> :D
<XXCoder> indeed
<XXCoder> left
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<packbart> why do you think aliens would be better than us?
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<FLHerne> Because they have better technology and they're not all dead yet :p
<Mat2ch> and WE are not dead yet.
<Mat2ch> If they know we are here and they haven't killed us and taken our ressources means that they are better than us.
<sandbox_> I'd be very surprised if the aliens cared about freenode
<XXCoder> or know about earth
<XXCoder> space is big.
<Alanonzander> They probably know about earth, but don't care. space is big.
<XXCoder> earth's radar noise have reached maybe 5 stars so far
<XXCoder> vega if i remember name right, is around 4 years away
<darsie> With a spark in the interstage the first stage gets to 40 km. With an ant only 18 km.
<darsie> This is a simplified version of what I actually tried to use.
<darsie> This bug didn't occur in other configurations.
<packbart> does the ant have a bottom node? or where does the fairing attach to?
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<darsie> yes. To a decoupler.
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<darsie> That's a 15 degree yaw
<packbart> drag moves in mysterious ways
<darsie> I wanted to use the ant in the last stage because it's sufficent for landing on Minmus. But it didn't work out with the drag.
<packbart> hm. maybe try interstage nodes? I'm sure I launched ant-powered crafts under a fairing, too
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<darsie> hmm, interstage node seems to help.
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<darsie> It was chute, capsule, ant, decoupler, fairing, hammer.
<darsie> Chute, capsule, tank, ant, decoupler, fairing, hammer.
<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Deddly> <darsie> Chute, capsule, tank, ant, decoupler, fairing, hammer <-- looks like lyrics for a song by Daft Punk or something
<darsie> :)
<darsie> nope, interstage node didn't help in my rocket.
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<darsie> Oh, no, I forgot an antenna. It fit so nicely on the ant, but I replaced that wiht a spark.
<darsie> Hmm, does the bug give me full SAS or just whatever computer I have? Without conneciton.
<darsie> An engineer shouldn't have any piloting skills, right?
<darsie> yeah
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<Althego> hmm, something is happening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCKsedpraVg
<Althego> i am just 3 hours late. not much, they need like 2 hours to get out
<Althego> this is going to be al ong series
<Althego> unsigned long int series :)
<Althego> amazing that these solar panels can be compacted to this small size
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<Althego> poor camera sensor, all those dead pixels
<Mat2ch> Althego: I'm currently porting an old piece of software. Don't make any programming jokes plz :P
<Althego> is it older than you? :)
<Mat2ch> Silicone tubes, then two welds, then axles and gears (which are partially preassembled)
<Mat2ch> Not that bad. :D
<Mat2ch> around 10 years old. At least
<packbart> "I'm capturing this to prove digital transition points in their shabby filming" - oh, Flat Earthers in ISS chat
<Althego> haha that is young
<Althego> in 2008, it was still in active use
<Althego> wohoo, villainess lvies twice chapter 72
<umaxtu> Althego, why bother porting? just write an emulator that you can then sell to other people?
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<Althego> we implicitly wrote an mualtor that aided portign
<Althego> i cant write
<Althego> but it basically compiled to unreadable generated code by awk
<packbart> they're going to turn the space suit off and on again
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> When computers get so fast that you can run ASM for an old plattform like a script language...
<Althego> we could have, but awk generated c code
<Mat2ch> Oh, nice
<Althego> but i can run second reality on my phone. the phone emulates a whole architecture, an os, and every strange quirk, and makes the demo run
<Althego> now i dont know what happened with the suit reboot
<packbart> the display is working again
<Althego> the old trick still works then
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<umaxtu> they need some new EVA suits
<Althego> so if spacex goes to mars
<Althego> will they have their own suits?
<Mat2ch> Althego: He just did the first tests and it seems to work
<Althego> nice view at the moment
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<Althego> oh no, win 11 wants to look like a mac
<umaxtu> source?
<Althego> idiots, if i wanted to use a mac, i would use a mac. even ubuntu triedtha look some years ago
<packbart> there are more people watching a crane assembling a launch tower than live video from the ISS
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<Althego> umaxtu: there area bunch of videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni2Bl6O07nA
<umaxtu> seems like a logical progression from what they've done already
<Mat2ch> and OLIT section #5 is stacked. Woah
<Mat2ch> that was fast.
<Althego> i thought it would take hours
<Althego> oh wait, the olit
<Althego> in boca chica
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<packbart> "this trip means that I have to update my lego ISS?" - right, they're going to buy some new Lego modules
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Long March 2F - Shenzhou-12 - Thu Jun 17, 2021 01:13:00 UTC (L-08:31:08) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/shenzhou-12 for info/stream
<Althego> no stream
<Althego> it is a manned launch
<Althego> some jupiter stuff
<Althego> i wonder what
<Althego> i put in "below the asteroids" as bgm for the spacewalk
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<Althego> wait, sn15 is moving out?
<Althego> then maybe it will fly agai
<Mat2ch> or it's off to the scrap yard.
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<Althego> usuakllly only in pieces
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<Althego> oh wait that was sn16
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<sandbox_> Althego: "win 11 wants to look like a mac" that's what I thought too
<Althego> remember xp had rounded corners and dumb luuking windows by default, luckily could turn it off
<sandbox_> reminds me of the macs they had at my school in the 90s
<Althego> luuking lol
<Althego> i must be really tired
<Althego> i strictly wan rectangular windows. the less silly gui items the better
<Mat2ch> Maybe SN16 will fly on BN3? That would explain why we don't see SN20 being assembled.
<Mat2ch> SN20 could be the first one to reach orbit.
<Althego> why would you put sn16 on the booster
<Althego> it would be destroyed on reentry
<Althego> unless maybe a suborbital hop with the booster, not all engines, mostly empty, just to test booster landing
<Mat2ch> It could handle the heat of a suborbital entry
<Mat2ch> the heat shield will protect from an entry from a Mars trajectory
<Mat2ch> Just a guess.
<Mat2ch> Maybe they just wont to get it out of the way to build SN20.
<packbart> connecting this in space always seems to cause problems
<Althego> untangling space tape
<Mat2ch> *they just want
<Mat2ch> grrrrrr
<Althego> do you know what is annoying? i usually skip the apostrophe completely. but there is an actual english word that is "wont", therefore donflicting with my apostropheless wont
<Althego> although the real wont is not used often
<Althego> there is one in the intercal manual :)
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<Althego> wah
* raptop assumes that that's ina's drawing stream
<Althego> obviously
<Althego> i havent even watched the rpg stream, i have to move that to some other day, maybe friday
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<Althego> lol i didnt want ot quit yet
<Althego> soon, but not now
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<Solar_Oracle> But do these users really go away in spirit?
<raptop> Well, they do if you forget to perform the relevant rites
<Solar_Oracle> "Blessed be the Omnissiah, may He take this offering of thermal paste and be satisfied with our diesel-scented incense and verily activate the router upon pressing the rune of reactivation."
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<Mat2ch> Hubble is b0rked :|
<raptop> Looks like a fixable problem
<flayer> lol
<flayer> well, we need a large array of sensors on the dark side of the moon
<flayer> to explore the galaxy with
<Mat2ch> first I need an ac.
<Mat2ch> This is unbearable
<Mat2ch> and I have to endure this heatwave for at least four days
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<flayer> seriously tho, space exploration and stuff
<flayer> its cool
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